Soldier's herb or yarrow: one of the best folk remedies for bleeding

soldier's grass This plant has many names, and you can see it everywhere, from your own garden to the roadside. Soldier's grass - so long and often called the familiar and well-known to all yarrow. Scattering of small white flowers, collected in a dense inflorescence on the tops of tall stems, can be seen from afar. Its fluffy carved leaves tickle fingers pleasantly and are very popular with the feathered inhabitants of the farm. However, it was not this that made Yarrow famous, but its almost magical abilities and healing powers. How can we recognize the soldier's grass on the lawn, when and how will it help us?

Description of the plant

Yarrow has a lot of popular names, most of which he received precisely for its medicinal properties or for its appearance. So, for white inflorescences, the plant is called white porridge, white-headed. And for one of the main properties (to stop bleeding), it is called bloodstone, cut or carpentry grass. For a long time, yarrow was used instead of snuff, which gave it the name of sneezing herb or nosepick. From romantic names, the plant is known as "maiden navels" and "Venus eyelashes."

The culture is called the soldier's grass because the dry powder or yarrow shoots were always carried with the soldiers. In case of injury, they applied grass or powdered the wound to stop the bleeding.

Yarrow belongs to the aster family and has up to 100 species. It is a herbaceous rhizome perennial with upright shoots and feathery feathery soft leaves. Its height, depending on the species, is 20-80 cm. On the tops of the lateral stems in summer, dense inflorescences-shields of small flowers bloom. There are varieties of yarrow with a red or pink color, but mainly white flowers are used for medicinal purposes.

Soldier's grass: useful properties

The maximum amount of nutrients is contained in the leaves and flowers of the plant. They are harvested during flowering, and then infusions and liquid extracts are made.

These funds help in many cases due to their medicinal properties, namely:

  • stop all types of bleeding (except arterial), while preventing blood clots from forming;
  • strengthen the walls of the capillaries;
  • disinfect;
  • accelerate the healing of wounds and other injuries;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • improve appetite;
  • promote the outflow of bile.

What does the soldier's herb yarrow look like and what healing power - video


