Posts tagged "amaryllis"

So beautiful and so different amaryllis
So beautiful and so different amaryllis
Among the bulbous indoor plants, amaryllis occupies a special place in the hearts of flower growers. This beautiful plant with proud, tall and powerful peduncles, during the blooming of inflorescences on them, becomes ...
Wintering amaryllis: prepare and store the bulb correctly
Wintering amaryllis: prepare and store the bulb correctly
The main attraction of amaryllis is its huge inflorescences. But often novice flower growers who first planted this plant and water it all year round, after a few years wonder why the flowers ...
We grow amaryllis at home
We grow amaryllis at home
Amaryllis is one of those indoor plants that even the most inexperienced growers can grow. Sometimes it is also called "a flower for the lazy", because it is completely unpretentious in care. ...
We plant amaryllis bulbs: three options for how this can be done
We plant amaryllis bulbs: three options for how this can be done
The charming amaryllis is prized for its unique flowering, because this plant has one of the largest inflorescences. And their gentle or rich tones make the flower a real decoration ...
Amaryllis care features: leaf pruning
Amaryllis care features: leaf pruning
I bought amaryllis in the store in the form of an onion and an earth tablet, I did everything according to the instructions. The flower grew long leaves, and it bloomed in the third year. One ...
Why doesn't homemade amaryllis bloom?
Why doesn't homemade amaryllis bloom?
From distant countries, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese sailors carried outlandish plants, jewelry and spices. So, in 1714, amaryllis bulbs first came to Europe. First, over the planted ...
Naked lady from South Africa - gentle amaryllis
Naked lady from South Africa - gentle amaryllis
The history of the genus Amaryllis, which is part of the eponymous family of bulbous plants, began in 1753 thanks to Karl Linnaeus. The amaryllis owes its name to the heroine Virgil. Translated from Greek amarysso means ...
Planting and caring for amaryllis at home
Planting and caring for amaryllis at home
South African amaryllis, which gave the name to an extensive family of ornamental bulbous plants and their own genus, are not as well known to Russian flower growers as their relatives: hippeastrum, daffodil, galanthus, clivia and onion. ...
How to distinguish between hippeastrum and amaryllis?
How to distinguish between hippeastrum and amaryllis?
The two plants from the amaryllis family are at first glance indistinguishable. Both plants release an arrow, decorated with several gramophones of amazing beauty. At first, rare flowers were grown only in greenhouses, where for ...


