Posts tagged "cyclamen"

We take note of the useful properties and contraindications of cyclamen for our health
We take note of the useful properties and contraindications of cyclamen for our health
For centuries, people have dreamed of a magic pill for all ailments and do not even realize that it is very close. The unique beneficial properties and contraindications of cyclamen have been discovered more ...
How to propagate cyclamen - all ways to get new plants at home
How to propagate cyclamen - all ways to get new plants at home
Advise how to propagate cyclamen? A beautiful bush was presented to me by a friend, and now everyone who comes to visit admires my crimson flowers and asks for them. For a couple of years he ...
How to water cyclamen: important nuances for flower growers
How to water cyclamen: important nuances for flower growers
Tell me how to water the cyclamen? I bought a beautiful flowering bush yesterday and I really don't want to ruin it like the last flower. A couple of years ago, I already had a sad experience. ...
Cyclamen dormant period: unknown versions and care features
Cyclamen dormant period: unknown versions and care features
Each plant has an amazing ability to cope with adverse growing / housing conditions. But the dormant period of cyclamen is accompanied by the complete shedding of leaves from the bush. In this case, the tuber remains naked with sleeping ...
Cyclamen after the gulf requires rescue operations
Cyclamen after the gulf requires rescue operations
It turns out that the Ministry of Emergency Situations is in need of not only people, but also plants. Especially in those cases when you have to save your cyclamen after the bay. This happens during unusually dry periods ...
Reproduction of cyclamen by seeds - a chance to leave a worthy change
Reproduction of cyclamen by seeds - a chance to leave a worthy change
Experts say that, unlike large varieties, small ones do not fall into a dormant period. To get such an instance, the florist should spend time propagating cyclamen by seeds. First ...
How to care for cyclamen effortlessly
How to care for cyclamen effortlessly
Exotic flowering plants are often very picky about growing conditions. Therefore, it is important to know the intricacies of how to care for cyclamen. The basic rule in this matter is reduced to a simple formula: ...
We care for cyclamen correctly: what does a flower love
We care for cyclamen correctly: what does a flower love
Tell me how to care for cyclamen? I bought a flower with large raspberry inflorescences on sale, I want to transplant it into a new pot after flowering. Where is the best place to put the flowerpot and how ...
Possible problems when growing cyclamen: causes and ways to eliminate them
Possible problems when growing cyclamen: causes and ways to eliminate them
Florists who have cyclamen in their collection of houseplants know that this plant is quite demanding, which means that the slightest error in care immediately affects its external ...
Meet the most famous types of cyclamen
Meet the most famous types of cyclamen
Among indoor ornamental flowering plants, cyclamen occupies a special place - an incredibly beautiful plant with a spectacular flowering and a difficult character. Today there are more than 50 types of cyclamen, there are ...
Cyclamen - home care in detail for beginner florists
Cyclamen - home care in detail for beginner florists
The butterfly flower is considered one of the most beautiful indoor plants for a reason. For the original inflorescences, the so-called cyclamen, home care for which has its own nuances. And connected ...
Take your time to throw away the cyclamen after flowering is complete
Take your time to throw away the cyclamen after flowering is complete
On March 8, my son gave a wonderful flower in a pot - cyclamen. But soon it faded, shed its leaves and withered. I threw it in the trash. And then I found out ...


