Posts tagged "garage"

Original homemade garage items are the best way to equip your work area
Original homemade garage items are the best way to equip your work area
From time immemorial, a storage room for a car was considered not only a place to relax after a hard day, but also a unique workshop. Men set it up, creating various homemade products for the garage ...
A good inspection pit in the garage with your own hands
A good inspection pit in the garage with your own hands
Every car enthusiast can provide himself with comfort when diagnosing and repairing his car. An inspection pit in the garage with your own hands will solve this problem. It's easier to arrange a viewing hole in ...
We build a garage with our own hands according to drawings
We build a garage with our own hands according to drawings
The garage is not only a place for storing a vehicle - here you can spend time with your friends, and if necessary, even spend the night. To ...
We do the floor in the garage with our own hands
We do the floor in the garage with our own hands
The floor in the garage is daily exposed to serious loads: pressure due to the large mass of the "iron horse", shock loads, friction, the influence of aggressive fuels and lubricants, exposure to moisture and temperature changes. Wrong choice of design ...
We build a garage from sandwich panels with our own hands
We build a garage from sandwich panels with our own hands
A reliable shelter for your car can be done quickly and, most importantly, inexpensively, besides, the structure will look very attractive and aesthetically pleasing. We invite you to consider the option ...
How difficult is it to build a garage from corrugated board with your own hands
How difficult is it to build a garage from corrugated board with your own hands
A shelter for your car can be built relatively quickly, and most importantly, inexpensively. A garage made of corrugated board is assembled on average in one week, even if it is installed on a capital foundation. ...
Choosing a floor covering in the garage
Choosing a floor covering in the garage
With high concrete strength, such a floor covering in the garage wears out quickly. And concrete dust is harmful not only for mechanisms, but also for humans. Especially prone to ...
How to properly pour the concrete floor in the garage yourself
How to properly pour the concrete floor in the garage yourself
The concrete floor in the garage is a great area for car and indoor vehicle repairs. If you enjoy spending time in the garage, it should be for you ...
How to insulate garage doors with your own hands
How to insulate garage doors with your own hands
Motorists traditionally spend a lot of time in the garage, caring for their "iron horses". However, in winter it is extremely uncomfortable to do the usual work, and sooner or later the owners face the question ...
How to make and install do-it-yourself swing garage doors
How to make and install do-it-yourself swing garage doors
Garage swing gates will be the best choice for the garage owner who values ​​high reliability at a low price. It is this design that will allow the car enthusiast to be calm about the one left in the garage ...
Is it worth buying and installing sectional garage doors?
Is it worth buying and installing sectional garage doors?
Sectional garage doors today are one of the best options for arranging such buildings. They have their own differences, which, in the end, will be reflected in the price. Therefore ...
Lifting gates for a garage: design features, pluses, DIY manufacturing steps
Lifting gates for a garage: design features, pluses, DIY manufacturing steps
If automation of opening and closing doors is required, it is worth considering an overhead garage door. Such systems have an original design and are made of high quality materials. The structure can be created ...
Which heater to choose for the garage
Which heater to choose for the garage
In order for the car to serve as long as possible, you need to keep it not on the street, but in a dry, warm garage. At sub-zero temperatures, starting the engine the first time is almost impossible. ...


