Varietal features and care for perennial aster

perennial aster Perennial aster - a representative of the Asteraceae family, strikes with the beauty of the star-flowers that the bush is strewn with. It is no coincidence that it is called the Octybrinka, because the flowering time falls on the end of summer. Aster has been known as a garden culture since the 16th century. She enjoys well-deserved popularity as an unpretentious autumn plant. Therefore, there are 600 species. We will share information about which species are the most popular, how to plant a crop and care for it correctly. Read: hosta flower - photo and description!

This multifaceted aster: varieties

Perennial aster plays with bright colors, which gives the autumn flower garden a special charm and attractiveness. It's like a goodbye from summer to a long, cold winter. Bush forms are varied: there are low-growing and tall varieties from 35 to 150 cm.

Regardless of the height, the bush is powerful, spherical, capable of growing rapidly. The plant with lanceolate leaves at the top is strewn with flowers with an inflorescence-basket from 2 to 8 cm in diameter. They form simple and terry shapes. Colors are distinguished by an enviable variety: from white to bright red and blue, and in different shades.

Garden varieties of asters are divided according to a number of characteristics. Consider species popular with gardeners with different flowering periods:

  1. Alpine aster is light-requiring and frost-hardy. Forms large single baskets 6-8 cm in diameter. Flowering begins in the second year. Early flowering dates: late May - mid June.alpine aster
  2. New Belgian aster (Virginia) is a native of North America. Interesting flowers in blue and burgundy shades. Large flowers remain open in the evening and in cloudy weather. If the place is sunny, then flowering continues until frost. Despite its large size, it looks great in flower beds. It can be placed in the center, and low-growing crops can be planted around the edge as a frame. Shield inflorescences form beautiful bouquets that can be combined with dahlias, herbs and autumn leaves.aster Novobelgiskaya
  3. Star-shaped aster refers to a plant during the summer flowering period.aster star
  4. A popular variety, the Italian aster, is a medium-sized shrub with an average size of flowers of a wide variety of colors. Flowering begins in July and lasts until the end of August.aster italian
  5. Shrub aster is a creeping variety in various sizes, from dwarf to tall. Feels good in cool, sunny areas, but does not like drought and heat. Grows in one place up to 6 years.shrub aster
  6. New England aster is large in size (up to 150cm). The flowers are double and numerous. The whole plant is covered with them and stands out against the green background as a bright sunspot. The color range is varied: red, pink, purple and dark blue. Thanks to this, it is not difficult to create a unique floral arrangement.aster new english
  7. Golden aster in the last month of summer will delight you with its yellow flowers. The inflorescences are pineal in shape and are located on strong shoots.perennial golden aster
  8. Aster bokosvetnaya differs in the form of shoots, reminiscent of a vine. Small inflorescences are white or slightly pink at first, and turn purple by the end of flowering.aster bokosvetnaya
  9. Aster heather is a meter-long compact bushes. Small inflorescences open at the end of September.aster heather

Low-growing asters are used for rockeries or curbs.

If you plant them on the lawn, you get an interesting composition of "flower balls". They go well with cereals or low conifers.

Tall varieties are perfect for creating the background of the composition, forming a garden screen of bright "stars".

Low-growing perennials can serve as the lower tier: autumn helenium, Korean chrysanthemum, thick-leaved berry or hosta Siebold.

Perennial aster, the varieties of which are so diverse, provides an opportunity to dream up and create a beautiful floral design that will decorate your site and arouse the admiration of the surrounding summer residents. Read about:perennial Gaillardia - planting and care

How to plant a crop correctly?

flower bed of perennial astersYou should start by choosing a place for landing. For a culture to thrive, grow and bloom profusely, the place must be warm and sunny, and the soil light, fertile, and permeable.

Perennial aster reproduces by seeds, cuttings, dividing the bush. It is the last method that is the most convenient and simple. The plant takes root well in a new place and begins to bloom the next year.

reproduction of asters by dividing the bushWhen dividing the bush, the rhizome is disassembled into parts, each of which must contain a bud and several roots. Planting is carried out in the spring, when the soil and air have warmed up enough, since the culture is thermophilic.

In low light, the stem is pulled out, it needs to be tied up. The plant will be weakened, and the flowering will not be plentiful. In addition, acidic or alkaline soils and stagnant water are not suitable for asters. If the soil is watertight, drainage or coarse sand should be added.

The soil is prepared in advance: it is dug up and fertilized. From organic fertilizers, humus, compost and peat are introduced, and from mineral fertilizers - superphosphates and potash fertilizers. If the site is well fertilized, then asters will delight you with lush flowering.

Step-by-step planting process:

  1. The planting scheme depends on the size of the bush and its features: low-growing varieties are planted according to the 20 × 30 cm scheme, medium-sized ones - 30 × 50, tall ones - 50 × 80. It is better to plant less often, a dense planting will not allow the plant to grow well.
  2. Aster is planted in a permanent place and watered twice: in the hole and on top of the compacted earth.
  3. The plant must be lowered into the hole carefully, without damaging the root system.

Aster grows in one place for 4-6 years, after which the bush should be divided and planted in a new area. How to plant and care for a perennial aster, see the video:

Flower culture care

perennial real asterPerennial aster does not require special care. All activities to create favorable conditions for culture are simple and traditional. They include:

  • watering as the soil dries up and more abundant when the bushes enter a period of active growth;
  • soil mulching and careful loosening, as you can touch the root system;
  • feeding with rotted organic matter and phosphorus fertilizers,
  • liming the soil, if it is acidic;
  • treatment from gray mold and powdery mildew as needed.

Thickened and tall varieties growing in the shade require a garter. They need support - pegs or a hedge along which they are planted. In order for the bush to bloom for a long time and look decorative, you need to periodically remove the inflorescences that have already faded. And pinching the tops increases the number of flowers.

Perennial asters end the growing season with abundant flowering. They look bright spots with general wilting and paint the autumn landscape with all the colors of the rainbow. This plant will decorate your flower garden and will always look great.

Video about the varieties of perennial asters

  1. Galina



