Avoid the use of chemicals in your garden and vegetable garden

Garden care Every gardener in his area wants to have healthy fruits, berries, vegetables and less wants to use pesticides. Plants, animals, insects themselves will be your helpers in this. When planting in the garden and garden, it is necessary to adhere to satellite crops, that is, those that protect each other from pests.

Engage satellite cultures

  • Cabbage. The sweet vegetable is attacked by many pests. By combining planting cabbage with dill and onions, you can protect it from pests.
  • Planting onions in cucumber beds will help protect the cucumbers from spider mites.
  • Onion sevok (batun) protects strawberries from nematodes and slugs.
  • Garlic and onions will help tomatoes from late blight.
  • Carrots will help the onions from the onion fly. Onions in turn will help carrots from wireworm.

So watching the plants, you can find green defenders in the garden and in the flower garden. Many plants in the garden are affected by aphids. Cabbage, beans, cherries, sweet cherries and other crops are severely affected. Spider mites harm cucumbers. Treat these crops with garlic infusion and the pests will die in three to four hours. Plant dill next to them. He will attract hover flies. And the onion repels many pests and butterflies. They will not be able to lay eggs on the plant.

The onion will help protect strawberries from gray mold. Onion phytoncides kill the causative agents of this disease. It will protect potatoes and tomatoes from diseases and pests.

Plant marigolds in your garden. They protect the soil from nematodes and are the best precursors for strawberries.

Mustard, dill, parsley blooming in the garden attract beneficial insects.

Use herbal infusions

In addition to using the crops of satellites, in the garden, in the garden, it is necessary to process crops and plantings with vegetable infusions.

  • At the first signs of a tomato disease with late blight, and for the prevention of disease, treat the plants with garlic infusion.
  • For anger (a pest of gooseberries and currants), a meadow moth (a pest of potatoes and vegetables), a sawfly, a cabbage scoop - a moth, use an infusion of tomato tops.
  • From such pests as thrips, small caterpillars, an infusion of potato tops and tomatoes will help.
  • Fight against such a pest as a wireworm that gnaws carrots and potato tubers by digging in five to ten centimeters of potato wedges (marking them with sprigs), checking daily and destroying the pests.
  • Infusion of dandelion leaves will help in the fight against aphids, mites.
  • Some gardeners grow large burdock. It is important not only in traditional medicine, but also in the fight against major pests. Freshly cut burdock leaves - one and a half kilograms are put into a tank, poured with five liters of water, insisted in a dark place for three to four days and filtered. In case of severe damage to plants, add twenty grams of laundry soap and mix. Use the infusion for spraying against cabbage moths, voracious caterpillars of cabbage whites, scoops and many other harmful insects. A mixture of burdock and mustard leaves (one to two) gives a good effect. Use it against meadow bugs and aphids.
  • The infusion of burdock is also effective against spider mites. Pour half a bucket of crushed mass to the top with warm water, leave for ten days and strain. You can spray trees with this infusion at intervals of ten days.After spreading the burdock leaves overnight, collect the slugs hiding under them.
  • An infusion of pharmacy chamomile will rid plants of ticks, aphids, and mice.
  • For powdery mildew - diseases of cucumbers, pumpkins, melons, squash, gooseberry bushes and currants - use an infusion of rotted hay. Processing is best done in the evening.

Video about a vegetable garden without chemicals

  1. Svetlana

    A very relevant article, especially in our time, when everything and everywhere is saturated with chemistry. Thanks for the helpful tips. I have been growing my own vegetables and fruits for a long time. But I was constantly worried about the question of what has to be done for a good harvest, to fight pests and plant diseases with the help of chemicals. Now, thanks to the tips in the article, you can use less chemistry. I especially liked the material that aphids and late blight can be fought with the help of garlic infusion, and burdock infusion will help against the main pests. I will definitely try.

  2. Albina Andreevna Knyazeva

    I read with pleasure about the maintenance of an ecological garden, I liked the recipes for home remedies to fight diseases and insects. But it seems to me that there was not enough space in this article about the thunderstorm of all insects, celandine. I have it from spring to autumn is in the infusion, waiting in the wings. And if we talk about infusions, then you must agree that with a large accumulation of insects and diseases, they act rather weakly. I propose to test a mixture with environmentally friendly effective microorganisms, EM-1 Baikal. The composition, made from herbs with a small addition of microorganisms, is a universal cure for any insects. And in order to irrevocably destroy the spider mite in the greenhouse for the season, still living microorganisms of bitoxibacillin will be required. The effect of the latter drug is such that the result is an inability of females to reproduce. The drug is harmless for warm-blooded animals and bees. Three days after spraying, the products from the garden can be eaten. When mixed with herbs, all these ecological preparations enhance their mutual action. The garden will be clean and no chemicals are needed.


