Are you still fighting dead leaves using traditional methods? Many of them are already mowing.

leaf mulch

Waiting until September, we do not stop admiring the trees, which are covered with wonderful crimson leaves. Country estates turn into wonderful rainbow corners. But as soon as this time passes, and the leaves begin to fall off, the only question arises: how to deal with the fallen leaves? Every day we rake them into heaps, fill big bags or burn them. And the leaves are falling again.

American gardeners know how to overcome this problem. For several years now, in the villages on the Hudson River (New York State), fallen leaves have not been heaped, taken out, or even burned - they are mowed and turned into mulch. Fallen leaves, covering the ground with a thick layer, are mowed with a mower. For this, special attachments are used that grind the leaves into small pieces. Thanks to the new technique, you can get a wonderful mulch from the leaves, which is successfully used as fertilizer in gardening. Leaf mulch is useful in that it retains water very well in the soil, nourishing it with useful substances. It slows down the growth of weeds, makes the soil fine lumpy. Leaf mulch obtained in this way has an aesthetic appearance, is compactly packaged without taking up much space.

It is known that many commercial firms, collecting fallen leaves in cities for a fee, then make mulch from them and sell them to nurseries. Using the advice of American gardeners, you can not only successfully get rid of fallen leaves in the autumn, but also get cheap and ecological fertilizer for plants.

Leaf mulching video

  1. Albina Andreevna Knyazeva

    On the one hand, this is really a good mulch. But on the other hand, we collect leaves in the fall in order to destroy diseases and pests of wintering ones. Probably not everything is taken into account in the technology. There must be a disinfection stage and then everything will be correct and environmentally friendly. Urban and suburban foliage has collected a lot of pathogens, and it is unlikely that there will be more benefit from it than harm


