Growing marigolds: becoming a mom for your flowers

growing marigolds Millions of novice florist choose this particular culture. Unpretentiousness, as well as a variety of colors and varieties, makes the cultivation of marigolds the most enjoyable experience. In caring for them, you only need regular watering and weeding. Top dressing is optional. Still, some 1-2 times a season use mineral or organic fertilizers... Each bush is either watered, or loose preparations are laid out under it.

There are two planting options: they are immediately sown in damp soil or propagated using seedlings. The second allows you to get healthy and strong seedlings. Thanks to this, plants bloom much earlier and also have lush blooms.

Growing marigolds or opening the season

It all starts with sowing. It is held both in the middle and at the end of April. The plastic container is filled with loose earth, almost to the brim. Spray the substrate abundantly with water. Before emergence, this will be their first and last watering.

The peculiarity of the variety is that it safely tolerates a pick. Therefore, the soil surface is closely covered with seeds. Sprinkle with a thin layer. Moisten again to seal everything well. Also, water provides excellent adhesion of the elements. The container is covered by placing it in a room where there is a lot of light and heat (20-22 ° C).

Work in the flowerbed

After 5-7 days, refined seedlings appear. At this stage of growing marigolds, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime: at night - 12-15 ° С, and during the day - 18 ° С. At the same time, the earth is constantly kept moist. After 3 weeks, the seedlings are transplanted into open ground:

  • digging up the site;
  • form small holes with a step of 20-30 cm (for hedges - 15 cm);
  • the seedlings are removed from the tray and divided into separate copies;
  • each is placed in the landing hole;
  • pressed so as to fix it;
  • mulch with sawdust (this will help protect the root system from drying out and pests);
  • irrigate in good faith.

It is necessary to fertilize in cases where the culture starts to hurt, the foliage turns yellow or falls off.

Further on, the Astrovs do not make special requirements to their guardian. Everything is quite commonplace: watering, loosening and removing weeds. Spraying is carried out daily, but only in the morning or evening hours. But in order for the flowering to be rich, the bushes are constantly monitored and, if necessary, pluck the dried flower stalks. Such cosmetic procedures will help keep the flower bed presentable. Then growing marigolds will bring the expected results.


