Growing the finest feather grass from seeds and using the plant in landscape design

cultivation of the finest feather grass from seeds The finest feather grass is a wild perennial plant from the Zlakovy or Myatlikov family, which is often used in landscape design when decorating backyards and parks. Growing the finest feather grass from seeds does not present any particular difficulties for gardeners, but there are some nuances that must be taken into account when caring for a plant.

Botanical description

the finest feather grass in combination with other plants

What is feather grass - the photo clearly demonstrates that it is a perennial, monocotyledonous herb, numbering more than 300 varieties. On the territory of Russia, you can find about 80 species of feather grass.

Outwardly, feather grass looks like a lush, dense bush up to 60-100 cm in height. It is one of the most common plants in Eurasia - it grows in steppe, mountainous and semi-desert regions.

Botanical features of the plant:

  1. The root system is shortened, not creeping.
  2. The stems of the plant are thin, tall and erect.
  3. Feather grass leaves are very thin, tough and hard, resembling rough wire to the touch.
  4. Soft and dense panicles are up to 20-30 cm long.
  5. Flowers in the form of dense paniculate spikelets covered with bristles oriented in the opposite direction from the awn, and the awn itself is twisted in a spiral shape. The spikelet length is 2-3 cm, inside it there is a flower, "hidden" behind two scales.
  6. Feather grass blooms at the end of May, the period of active flowering begins 2-3 years after planting in open ground.

lush plants in the gardenSteppe feather grass is distinguished by an unusual structure of spikelets. Miniature seed grains are located in the flower scales from the upper and lower halves. The scale has a callus - a pointed apex, as well as an awn.

The plant reproduces by seeds, which are carried with the wind, increasing the growing region. Due to the ease and simplicity of growing feather grass, the finest of seeds, this plant is often used in the design of private garden plots, as well as park areas.

Growing the finest feather grass from seeds

fine feather grass seedsPlanting and caring for the thinnest feather grass, the photo of which is presented below, is not particularly difficult even for novice gardeners. This plant is sown directly into open ground - this can be done both in spring, in April-May, and in autumn. In the second case, the first shoots of feather grass appear much faster, they are stronger and more resistant than spring ones.

For planting feather grass, an area on the sunny side is best suited. The steppe plant is very sensitive to excess moisture and is characterized by increased resistance to drought, therefore it "prefers" dry soils, without the threat of flooding by groundwater. Add lime to acidic soil.spikelet of feather grass and seeds

Planting the feather grass step by step:

  • dig up the area and make holes about 2-3 cm deep;
  • the distance between the holes should be at least 20-30 cm;
  • pour the prepared well;
  • place 4-5 seeds in the hole, sprinkle lightly, but do not tamp too much.

Among all the varieties of steppe feather grass, the thinnest is considered the most "capricious". It reacts sensitively to weather changes with poor germination and rapid death of sprouts, so open planting can be replaced by preliminary cultivation of seedlings.

Growing feather grass seedlings

sowing feather grass seedsFeather grass is distinguished by its unpretentiousness to the soil.When growing this plant through seedlings, you can use both a store substrate and ordinary soil from a garden plot.

Seedling growing rules:

  • water the soil in flower pots;
  • put 3 feather grass seeds in each container;
  • lightly sprinkle the seeds in a thin layer of about 1 cm, without pressing - thanks to this, the seed is not damaged;
  • spray the crop with a spray bottle.

The best time for growing seedlings is March. The first shoots appear very quickly - after 5-7 days. Within a month, the seedlings can be dived.

feather grass seedlingsWhen the seedlings are old enough, they are transplanted into open soil in the garden. This is best done in May.

Basic rules of care

growing from seeds of the finest feather grass in a potWhen growing feather grass, the thinnest of seeds, gardeners do not have any difficulties with caring for this steppe plant. The main emphasis is on active control and prevention of weeds, which are very "fond" of the neighborhood with feather grass.

When caring for a plant, you need to take into account how feather grass tolerates drought. This herb belongs to the steppe plants that grow in semi-desert regions, so it can easily endure hot, dry weather. Excess moisture for the finest feather grass causes much more harm than its lack.

In the first year after planting in the open field, the plant needs to be regularly to water - this contributes to its early rooting. After that, the plant does not need abundant watering. The only exception is long-term hot, dry weather, as a result of which feather grass can dry out, turn yellow and lose its decorative appeal.

The finest feather grass does not require the introduction of organic or mineral fertilizers. They have too "strong" composition, which can aggressively affect the thin stems and inflorescences of the plant.

For mulching the soil, thin sawdust is used, which is poured in a thin layer after preliminary loosening of the soil. Before the onset of the first frost, all faded spikelets must be removed, leaving the leaves.

Reproduction and transplantation of feather grass

reproduction of feather grass by dividing the bushThe thinnest feather grass propagates by dividing the bush. This is the easiest, fastest and most effective way to decorate your garden with new, green stems.

To do this, carefully divide the rhizome of the plant into 3-4 fragments, and then transplant them into separate holes. The optimal time for feather grass breeding is mid or late August.

One of the features of feather grass is that there is no need for regular replanting. The plant has a short and thin rhizome very poorly tolerates transplants, which can injure it. Plants grown from seeds are considered the most fragile and sensitive. That is why the steppe grass is transplanted every 10-15 years.

Diseases and pests

The finest feather grass is distinguished by extremely strong immunity and resistance to various diseases and pests. Even if all the plants in the flowerbed are affected by fungal diseases, feather grass remains completely healthy. Infection of a steppe plant is possible only in case of extensive damage to all garden crops with infectious diseases and pests.

In rare cases, the thinnest feather grass can be affected by ticks or aphids. In such cases, the insect pests can be treated with a concentrated soap solution or washed off with a high pressure of water.

Feather grass in landscape design

the thinnest feather grass along the garden pathThe finest feather grass is widely used in landscape design when arranging neat alpine hills or "natural gardens". the thinnest feather grass next to the roseMost often, feather grass is combined with other plants, which allows you to create stylish and effective combinations.

Feather grass is best combined with such plants.:

  • climbing roses;
  • bright and colorful scabiosa;
  • hyssops;
  • poppies;
  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  • echinacea;
  • foxtail;
  • fescue;
  • miscanthus.

Most often, the stems of the finest feather grass become a kind of background in the composition, harmoniously complementing and shading other plants-elements. steppe grass at the foot of the treeIn some landscape compositions, steppe grass plays a major role, being the center of the composition surrounded by roses or other ornamental crops.

the finest feather grass and marigoldsThe finest feather grass was most widespread when making a pond or other artificial reservoir on the site. wildlife cornerCombined with geyher, irises, sedge or reeds, it creates a spectacular composition reminiscent of the wild.

the thinnest feather grass in the recreation areaThe thinnest feather grass is used in the arrangement of alpine slides, decoration of backyard and park areas, as an element in the landscape design of the ultra-fashionable "prairie" style.steppe grass along the fence No less often, the steppe plant is used to create bouquet compositions, especially from foliage and dried flowers. cultivation of the finest feather grass from seedsCultivation of the finest feather grass from seeds does not present any particular difficulties, therefore, if desired, even a novice gardener can grow a beautiful and spectacular plant.

Troubled cultivation from the finest feather grass seeds - video


