Growing peach efficiently

yield of peaches It is very problematic to grow a peach in central Russia. Gardeners believe that the tree is not adapted to cold climates, but the main reason for the small harvest is peach disease. Without chemical treatments, the yield will be low. In order for the tree to form as many flower buds as possible, it is necessary to prune the crown in the summer. You also need to monitor the condition of the soil and observe the technology of processing peaches with chemicals.

Peach care in autumn

Before the tree sheds its leaves, treat the crown with a 5% solution urea... Begin processing while the tree still has 70% -80% hardwood. 2 days after processing the tree, you need to carry out moisture-charging autumn watering. Pour 20 liters of water under each tree.

Then, before the onset of frost, when the average daily air temperature is from 5ABOUTFrom to 10ABOUTC, peach is treated with fungicides. In autumn processing, copper-containing preparations are used, for example, a 1% solution of copper sulfate or a 3% solution of Bordeaux liquid. To prevent the buds from dying during icing, the trees are treated with 30B.

In winter, when the soil is well frozen, fresh cow dung is introduced under the peach, without digging the soil. This fertilizer is applied every three years.

Spring care

In March, repeat the treatment with copper-containing preparations. At the pink bud stage, the peach is treated with fungicides and insecticides. Contact drugs are used, for example, Antracol. A bee-friendly insecticide is added to the fungicide solution. When 10% of flower buds have blossomed, tree formation begins. Late formation makes it possible to estimate how many kidneys died in winter. After pruning, treat the peach with a curative fungicide, since spores of fungal diseases can get on the cuts. You can use the drug "TopsinM".

After the appearance of green shoots, the tree is treated with copper-containing preparations. A solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux liquid can no longer be used. In summer, peaches are treated with Champion.

After rain, the fungicide treatment must be repeated. Also, the fungicide treatment is repeated at the first signs of damage to curly leaves.


