Landless sowing of lemon balm seeds: a unique way for extraordinary gardeners

sowing lemon balm seeds By tradition, sowing of lemon balm seeds is carried out at the end of April. Planting material is sown into a container with a nutrient substrate, which is only slightly pressed into the soil. Then cover it with a lid and leave it in a warm place. After 7 days, shoots appear, and after 2-3 weeks the seedlings are transferred to open ground. However, there is another interesting method for growing lemon mint at home.

When caring for seedlings, it is important to regularly moisturize them with a spray bottle. The temperature of the culture should not fall below 20-25 ° C during the day and 15 ° C at night.

Extraordinary sowing of lemon balm seeds - a godsend for gardeners-jewelers

For this procedure, you need to prepare two plastic bags and fold them in half. Next, cut off 2 strips of luxury toilet paper or paper towels so that the roll will ultimately be tight. Then spray the material abundantly with warm water diluted with "Epin".

But the subsequent actions of flower growers resemble the work of an experienced jeweler:

  • the edge of a toothpick or match is moistened with water;
  • one seed rises;
  • it is placed on the very edge of the paper (3 mm);
  • all other seeds are distributed at intervals of 10 mm;
  • a sheet of cellophane and paper is rolled into a roll;
  • water is collected in a plastic cup (1/3 part);
  • the resulting bundle is placed in a container with liquid, but only with the seeds up;
  • a bag is put on it and tied at the top to create a greenhouse effect.

This amazing method of sowing lemon balm seeds has been practiced by gardeners for the past several years. Thanks to this method of germinating crops, farmers save their time and space, and also make their work easier.

The drug "Epin" is an artificially derived growth stimulant. The components acting in it strengthen the immunity of the future plant, which helps it withstand abnormal natural phenomena.

Subtleties of the process

Since a unique technique appeared in the everyday life of gardeners quite recently, it is worth knowing some of the features of its implementation. A strip of cellophane should be cut to fit the width of the toilet paper. The narrower the tape, the less the risk that the root system will stretch too far. The number of layers of cellulosic material depends on its thickness. In some cases, two rows are enough, and in others - 3 or 4. The main thing is that the paper retains moisture well. After sowing lemon balm seeds, the strip is rolled into a roll, but not too tight. Adhering to such simple recommendations, after a few weeks, stronger sprouts grow from small grains. They are safely transferred to the garden or flower bed.


