Weed control in vegetable beds

weeds in the beds In order to get rid of weeds in vegetable beds, you can use chemicals. Weeds are very tenacious plants, the root system of which can develop into soil depths up to 2 m. Weed seeds remain viable for six years and can even germinate on a compost heap. Weed shoots appear two weeks earlier than crop shoots. It will not be possible to completely get rid of weeds in the summer cottage, but you can reduce their number.

Young weed control

It is better to fight young weeds, as their root system is not developed enough to withstand weeding. You can also cut the green mass of the weed Fokin's flat cutter... An undeveloped root system of a young weed will not be able to give new growth. The roots of a harmful plant will rot and become an excellent fertilizer for young squash or other vegetable crops. In this way, you can deal with sour, young dandelions or other small weeds.

You cannot weed, for example, wheatgrass or celandine. Even a small part of the root will grow a new weed with a developed root system.

A high density of weeds in the garden bed will deplete the soil and prevent the development of cultivated plants. Such resistant weeds need to be controlled only with chemicals.

Controlling resistant weeds

If cultivated plants are planted in your garden, and weed sprouts begin to hatch near them, you need to fight them with the help of herbicides. Cut the bottom of the plastic bottle and cover the young growth of cultivated plants with it. This will protect vegetables and herbs from chemicals.

Use dark plastic bottles to prevent sun-fading crops.

When the cultivated plants are covered, the chemical treatment can be started. Fast-acting chemicals such as Roundup are used to kill weeds. Roundup is a herbicide that lasts for two days. It destroys both the green mass and the weed root system.

Follow the instructions for use and a clear dosage of this herbicide, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the root system of cultivated plants. The dosage for each type of weed is indicated on the packaging of the preparation.

After treating the garden with a chemical, wait three days and remove dried weeds. During this time, the action of the herbicide will end. Crop plants can be watered.


