How is lemon useful for the human body?

Lemon has a ton of health benefits The sour taste of the juicy pulp of a citrus fruit, traditionally considered an effective remedy for colds, is associated with the autumn and winter periods of massive ARVI. But what is lemon really good for? What is in the fruit worthy of medical attention? And are there any contraindications to the use of lemons?

The taste and medicinal properties of lemon were appreciated by our ancestors several millennia ago. Fruit was respected in India and China. A little later, they appeared in Egypt and the Mediterranean countries, becoming practically native to these regions.

The Greeks considered zest and sour pulp to be an effective antidote. Healers in China have recommended lemon remedies as wound-healing anti-inflammatories. A hundred years ago, doctors prescribed lemon lotions as a sedative.

And there is no need to talk about the benefits of lemon for colds! The sweet hour with a round of fresh fruit is the best drink when:

  • increased temperature;
  • sore throat;
  • on the face of all other signs of respiratory illness or flu.

Drinking lemon will make you feel better

What substances in lemon help people for thousands of years not to lose faith in the usefulness of sour fruit?

Lemon composition

Lemon drink is drunk on an empty stomachThe properties of lemon are determined by its composition, which is dominated by moisture, mineral salts, dietary fiber and sugars, vitamins and citric acid. It is her, and not the ascorbic fruit, which owes its unique taste. But the smell of fruits is a composition of volatile aromatic compounds that also contribute to human health and well-being.

What vitamins in lemon are most beneficial? First of all, it is worth traditionally mentioning vitamin C or ascorbic acid. Although, as it has already become clear, it is not for him that lemon lovers should be grateful for their fresh taste.

But due to the high concentration of this vitamin, the inclusion of fruits in the menu helps:

  • normalize metabolism;
  • strengthen the body's immune defenses;
  • replenish energy reserves and just keep yourself in a great mood.

Lemon is a low-calorie fruitThe beneficial properties of lemon are influenced by the presence of vitamins A and D, E and P in the pulp. The presence of the latter of the vitamins is typical for almost all citrus fruits, for which the compound was named "citrine". A large group of B vitamins is widely represented in lemon pulp.

In addition, sour yellow citrus contains:

  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium and magnesium;
  • sulfur and phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • zinc and many other compounds.

All of them have an active effect on the human body and its health.

With the help of lemon, you can increase the immunity of the childWhat else is lemon useful for? It is a natural source of pectins, dietary fiber and moisture. The low sugar content allows you to succinctly answer the question: "How many calories are in a lemon?" In comparison with other favorite and well-known fruits - very little. There are only 15.8 kcal per one hundred grams of pulp.

Citric acid remains the most important and valuable component of the fruit pulp. It is to her that people owe most of the beneficial properties of lemon, which are in demand in various areas of traditional and traditional medicine, in cosmetology and dietetics.

Medicinal properties of lemon

The pharmaceutical industry offers people more and more new medicines.However, the beneficial properties of lemon are not only not forgotten, but are increasingly being used:

  • in the treatment and prevention of various, painful conditions;
  • for healing and strengthening the human body.

How is lemon useful and how is it used for health purposes?

The acids and vitamins that make up the fruit determine its anti-inflammatory, anti-sclerotic, immunostimulating and rejuvenating effects.

Such a complex effect allows us to talk about the benefits of lemon for those who have suffered serious illnesses, surgeries and injuries. The inclusion of fresh fruits in the menu will allow you to quickly rehabilitate, strengthen your strength and immunity in order to withstand possible complications and infections.

The benefits of lemon for colds

Lemon and honey tea will speed up recovery from coldsThat is why, already from childhood, lemon is recommended not only in the presence of cold symptoms, but also during the period of mass diseases.

After all, the medicinal properties of lemon help and easier to transfer an existing disease, and successfully resist infection. In addition to the beneficial effect on immunity:

  • stimulating perspiration, lemon helps to cope with fever;
  • the sour aromatic pulp of the fruit has a disinfecting, drying effect on the mucous membrane, soothing inflammation and facilitating the course of the disease;
  • Ascorbic acid in lemon provides the body with the energy necessary in a difficult period.

Headache and other signs of malaise will be easier to rub the temples with fresh lemon zest.

A good preventive measure in the autumn-winter period will be warm tea with lemon and ginger, honey and medicinal herbs.

How is lemon useful for the body?

Lemon is effective for cardiovascular diseases. When it is introduced into the daily menu, the amount of harmful cholesterol in the blood decreases, respectively, the risk of developing atherosclerosis and other dangerous ailments decreases.

Lemon will help gently lower blood pressurePeople often ask: "Does lemon raise or lower blood pressure?" Since the fruit contains a lot of acids, under their influence, blood pressure decreases, and unlike many drugs, lemon does this very gently, and the effect lasts a long time.

The benefits of lemons for patients suffering from liver dysfunctions, stomach disorders, joint and muscle pain persists even after gentle culinary processing of fruits, for example, after making jellies, jams, fruit purees or syrups.

Sour citruses stimulate appetite, quench thirst well, invigorate. To achieve this effect, just put a wedge with a hot drink or make homemade lemonade.

Lemon drink has a good effect on low stomach acidityHow is lemon useful for the body if a person suffers from digestive disorders? If dysfunction is associated with low acidity, introducing small portions of this fruit or its juice into the diet will help:

  • alleviate the patient's condition;
  • relieve bouts of belching;
  • activate the digestion of food;
  • get rid of unpleasant symptoms associated with increased gas production and severity.

Cosmetologists and most women are aware of the benefits of lemon for facial skin. Fruit acids actively cleanse, rejuvenate and tighten the skin. Thanks to the bactericidal, anti-inflammatory properties of lemon, it is possible in a short time, without resorting to expensive procedures, to cope with purulent rashes, irritation and other manifestations of acne.

Lemon during pregnancy

Question: "Can lemons be used during pregnancy?" asked by many women around the world. On the one hand, it is an excellent source of vitamins. On the other hand, any product on the menu of a pregnant woman should be not only useful, but also safe.

The beneficial properties of lemon can be in demand during the period of expectation of the child. Especially if a woman suffers from bouts of nausea and other manifestations of toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy.

The fruit will protect against colds and strengthen strength, but with all the benefits of lemon, harm in this case also cannot be ruled out. An allergic reaction to fresh citrus pulp, as well as its increased acidity, may become a risk factor for the expectant mother.

Lemon consumption during pregnancy should be limitedThe closer the birth, the more the baby squeezes the stomach and other digestive organs. Therefore, if a woman suffers from high acidity, the ingestion of an additional amount of acid into the body will certainly provoke heartburn, pain and other symptoms that worsen the well-being of the expectant mother.

In addition, during pregnancy, addiction to acidic foods can negatively affect the condition of the tooth enamel.

Therefore, no matter how useful lemons are, during pregnancy, their use should be taken as carefully as possible. And it is better to include it in the menu after consultation with the attending specialist and an appropriate examination.

Contraindications to the use of lemon

In the composition of the pulp of fresh lemon, a mass of biologically active substances is found. There are vitamins and mineral salts, organic acids and other compounds that have an effect on the human body. But as often happens, every medal has a flip side. If fruits are included in the diet thoughtlessly, without taking into account the characteristics of the body and existing medical contraindications, a person risks feeling not only the benefits, but also the harm from lemons.

For what diseases should you not abuse fresh lemons? Contraindications include:

  • gastritis with high acidity, when lemon pulp entering the digestive tract will only aggravate the picture;
  • peptic ulcer of all parts of the intestine and stomach.

You can not use lemon with increased acidity of the stomachLike other citrus fruits, lemon can cause allergic reactions, accompanied by itching and irritation of the skin, respiratory symptoms, headache, and sore eyes. If a person has a predisposition to food allergies, excessive consumption of fresh fruit and juice often causes severe discomfort.

Do not give lemon to small children. And also apply cosmetic products based on it when there are erosion or fresh abrasions on the skin.

Lemon is the healthiest fruit, but the maximum benefits can only be felt with moderate, informed use.

Video about the amazing properties of lemon


