We create an original decor of an old mirror with our own hands

DIY old mirror decor To create home comfort, someone buys new furniture, someone loves antiques. However, creative individuals successfully make the decor of the old mirror with their own hands to give the room individuality. Thanks to this, ordinary glass turns into an original element of the interior. There are several principles that help beginners learn how to create great masterpieces. Find out what the experts are saying.

DIY old mirror decor, advice from an experienced master

new life of an old mirror

To give glass things a second life, experts use various materials. Some of them are bought at the store. Others are found in the attic, in the closet, or in an old wardrobe.

The following materials are especially popular:

  • newspapers;
  • magazines;
  • colored glass;
  • shells;
  • broken porcelain dishes;
  • pebbles;
  • buttons;
  • dry branches;
  • rhinestones;
  • plastic bottles;
  • wooden sticks;
  • pieces of the mirror.

As a rule, they are glued onto transparent silicone, which is freely available in stores. There are two types of sealant: neutral and acidic. Each has its own pros and cons. When purchasing silicone, pay special attention to the setting period. The longer it is, the more likely it is to change something. If the glue hardens, it will be impossible to change the craft.decorating the frame with pasta

Masters offer two ways to decorate an old self-made mirror:

  • outside the glass;
  • on the extreme part of the mirror surface.

In the first case, a curly base is cut out of cardboard or fiberboard. It can be free-form, square, round or rectangular. It is on it that the selected elements are glued. The second way is a little easier. Fragments of the prepared decor are applied directly to the edge of the mirror.

The dimensions of the frame must be larger than the diameter of the mirror.


Do-it-yourself original decor

original decor of an old mirror with your own handsQuite often, things appear on the farm that are a pity to part with. They are often sent to the attic. There they are waiting for their "finest" hour. And when, finally, it comes, the question arises: what can be done from an old round mirror? There are a myriad of ways that give an item new life. Let's consider some of them.

A piece of the sun in the interior

mirror sunA round mirror is decorated with Chinese sticks or paper tubes. Usually they are rolled from newspapers or glossy magazines. Then they paint with acrylic paint from a spray can. For this, all the elements are laid out on an old newspaper. And then they are painted with a spray at a distance of 25 cm. When the items are dry, they are turned upside down and a layer of paint is applied.

Ready-made elements for decoration are glued to the mirror. First, glue is applied to the dark surface of the glass, and then the painted sticks (tubes) are laid out in the form of sunlight. After 24 hours, the handmade decor of the old mirror will dry. Then the glass is hung on the wall. As a result, the updated interior element will serve its owners for several more years.

You can replace Chinese sticks with thin strips of glass or plastic.

Disposable spoons for a "good" cause

decor from plastic spoonsAfter massive picnics, there are usually many plastic spoons left. Experienced craftsmen make pretty decor out of them. After all, they know how to use old mirrors in a new "role".First of all, the base is cut out of thin fiberboard or thick cardboard. Then the mirror is placed in the center of the workpiece. They circle it with a marker and proceed to the decor.

A handle is cut off each plastic spoon. The scoops are carefully glued around the mirror. It turns out pretty white petals. The more layers, the better the decor looks. If necessary, the elements are painted with spray paint.

Spoon scoops are laid out in dense rows to completely cover the wooden or cardboard base.

When the framing is done, glue the glass using silicone. After complete drying, attach to the wall. In a similar way, they create decor using buttons, shells and even children's cars. The base is cut out of any shape, the main thing is that the mirror harmoniously fits into it.

"I am weaving a rope"

rope decorationIt turns out that it is quite simple to make the decor of a large mirror from a rope with your own hands. For this, a base is cut out of the cardboard, which exceeds the dimensions of the glass. A layer of glue is applied to it, after which the rope is laid out in a circular motion.

In this case, it is advisable to first glue the mirror to the base, and then make the decor.

Bright decoration on glass

original designTo give an old mirror a new lease of life, you don't have to create a stylish frame. It is enough to place the elements of the original decor directly on the glass. For example, transparent stones of various shades, which are glued around the entire perimeter.

art painting on an old mirrorTo create a large mirror decor with your own hands, use art painting. The shops sell different types of paints. Some are suitable for contouring glass. Others paint various flowers, patterns and ornaments. Craftsmen especially like shiny glitters made in the form of circles, hexagons or stripes. The elements are glued to the glass surface with a sealant.use of different materials

In addition, the masters suggest doing new ideas for mirror decor with your own hands, using:

  • beads;
  • fragments of ceramics;
  • wooden frames with rhinestones;
  • plastic rings.

use of plastic ringsAlmost all work is performed according to the rules established by specialists. The material is found at home or bought in the store. You also need to have alcohol on hand for degreasing objects, brushes of different sizes, cotton wool, masking tape, toothpicks.

For example, to make a decor from beads, a place for a decorative border is separated on the mirror. Then the silicone is applied in wavy movements and well distributed over the surface. Beads are poured onto paper and carefully scattered, forming a border. After 72 hours, the jewelry is ready. beadingThe mirror is attached to the wall and used for several decades. As you can see, in order to achieve the goal, it is important to be patient, turn on a violent imagination and start work with courage.

Decor of an old mirror with chalk paints - video


