Features of planting annual dahlias and caring for them

annual dahlias at their summer cottage Annual dahlias, planting and caring for which are easier than perennial varieties, are the optimal solution for novice gardeners. These varieties are also suitable for colder climates where greenhouse growing is not possible. By the beauty and abundance of flowering, they are not inferior to perennial dahlias and have a large number of varieties and varieties.

Features of planting annual varieties of dahlias

Planting and caring for annual dahlias is easy. These plants are propagated by seeds, which can be purchased at the store or harvested by yourself after flowering. There are no special requirements for the composition of the soil - the plants take root well and bloom in almost any conditions.

Seed selection

annual dahlia seeds

The stores sell different varieties of dahlias and their combinations. Before buying, you should decide for what purpose the flowers will be grown. There are a huge number of plant varieties that differ in height and shape. On sale you can find collared annual dahlias, as well as cactus and other varieties. The best option for decorating a garden is the collection marked "Mix". They contain seeds of different varieties, approximately the same in height. If you plant them in open ground, the flower beds are lush and bright.

Taller dahlia bushes have one feature - they begin to form buds later than undersized varieties. If high representatives begin to bloom in July, then you can wait for the flowering of low shrubs in early summer.

Landing in open ground

seedlings of annual dahlia seedsSeeds of annual dahlias can be planted in open ground without prior preparation. The procedure is carried out in May, when the soil warms up enough. If the seeds are planted before the air temperature rises and is stable at 20-25 degrees, they may not sprout.

Planting and caring for annual dahlias is carried out in several stages:

  • the soil is pre-loosened, you can add a small amount organic fertilizers;
  • the seeds are placed at a distance of several centimeters from each other;
  • after 7-10 days the first shoots appear, and when they begin to grow intensively, they get rid of the weakest representatives so as not to interfere with the growth of healthier plants;
  • dahlias are periodically watered in drought conditions.

The main challenge is when to plant annual dahlias when grown from seed. May is the optimal time in a temperate climate, but you should be guided by the air and soil temperature. In addition, with this method of planting, the time for the appearance of buds is shifted. The first flowers begin to bloom in August, when the rest of the summer plants are already starting to fade, and remain until the frost begins.

Growing seedlings

growing seedlings of annual dahliaA more laborious way to grow dahlias is with seedlings. It is chosen so that the first bright inflorescences appear in late May or early June. To do this, it is necessary to prepare separate pots or boxes for seedlings, soil and seeds at the beginning of spring.

When growing annual dahlias with seedlings, it is worth acting according to a certain algorithm:

  • in April, the seeds are scattered over the surface of the soil in one large box, they are covered with earth from above and tamped a little;
  • the first shoots will begin to appear in a week, and the plants may become cramped in one container;
  • when the first pair of leaves grows, each flower is placed in a separate small pot;
  • already grown dahlias are planted in the ground at the end of spring, and very soon the first inflorescences begin to appear on them.

In May, when the air temperature becomes steadily high and does not decrease at night, the seedlings can be planted in open ground. Average varieties of dahlias are located at a distance of 30-60 cm from each other, but this indicator depends on the type of plant. Before planting in the soil, seedlings of annual dahlias must be hardened. To do this, it is worth leaving a container with young flowers on open balconies or pre-taking them outside in the daytime.

Caring for annual dahlias

mini-flower bed of annual dahliasAnnual dahlias are easy to care for. Unlike perennial varieties, they do not need regular fertilizing, since they do not have time to use up soil reserves. If other plants have previously grown on this land, during the planting of dahlias, organic fertilizing (humus, compost), as well as mineral potassium or sodium mixtures can be added. During the flowering period it will be useful wood ash.

There are several rules on how to care for annual dahlias:

  • it is worth watering flowers only when they suffer from severe drought;
  • if you periodically pluck the tops of the shoots, the bush will grow more lush;
  • the soil in the flowerbed should be regularly loosened, while trying not to damage the rhizome;
  • after flowering, you can collect seed boxes and plant them next year.

To decorate the garden, it is worth choosing exactly the annual varieties of dahlias. In addition to ease of care, they are distinguished by longer flowering. The first buds appear in early June, and the last ones wither only with the onset of frost.

Which variety should you choose?

flower bed of annual dahliasBefore planting, you should familiarize yourself with the varieties of annual dahlias with photos and names. Some of them will not grow more than 20-20 cm (undersized), so they are not suitable for decorating bouquets. Tall varieties can be up to 70-90 cm tall and can form a veritable hedge. Among the most popular varieties of annual dahlias are:

  • Figaro is a low bush (up to 45 cm), on which lush multi-colored inflorescences are formed;Figaro dahlias
  • Piccolo is another undersized bush (up to 40-45 cm), on the flowers of which the core and petals are clearly distinguished;Piccolo variety
  • Unvins Dwarf is a taller plant, can reach 60 cm.Unvins Dwarf variety


Growing annual dahlias is an easy way to get vibrant flowers with little investment or preparation. Tall plants make beautiful bouquets or hedges, and low-growing annual dahlias form small borders. They are easy to care for, do not require winter preparation and fertilization. In addition, the seeds of the plant can be collected by yourself and left for planting next season.

Annual dahlias in the country - video


