What vitamins are in apples and how are they useful?

What vitamins are in apples? Back in childhood, my mother always said that these fruits are the most useful. Apples were always on our table, and they were real, homemade, since they were picked in our garden. I read that there are a lot of useful substances in fruits. It would be interesting to know which vitamin they contain the most.

what vitamins are in apples Much has been said and written about the benefits of apples, and their popularity is well deserved. What other fruits can you eat all year round without doubting their quality? Of course, there are a lot of imported apples on the shelves of supermarkets, but why are ours worse? Fragrant, juicy, crunchy and at the same time low in calories - this is a real vitamin bomb! When stored properly, they can lie until the next harvest without losing their taste and nutritional qualities. Why are these fruits so useful, and what vitamins are in apples?

Read the article in the topic: the benefits of cherries for the body!

The effect of apples on the human body

benefits of apples

Undoubtedly, apples are most beneficial in winter, when, due to natural reasons, the vitamin diet is limited. They are a universal remedy for vitamin deficiency, and also strengthen the body as a whole. Regular consumption of these fiber-rich fruits will normalize digestion and lower cholesterol. In addition, the sweet pulp "starts" the brain processes. And the fruits help get rid of harmful substances - accumulated toxins and toxins. They will also help with diseases of the kidneys, thyroid gland, heart and nerves.

You should not get too carried away with fruits - it is enough to eat three pieces a day, preferably of different varieties. Moreover, this should be done a couple of hours after the main meal or half an hour before it.

What vitamins are in apples?

vitamin composition of appleThe apple vitamin composition is diverse, but most of all they contain vitamins of groups C and PP. In addition to them, there is a whole group of vitamins B, as well as K, A and C.

Of the minerals, potassium is predominant in quantity. In second and third place are calcium and phosphorus, respectively. Also included in the composition are magnesium, sulfur, boron.

The main share of the chemical composition (80%) belongs to water.

How to choose the healthiest apples?

the healthiest applesAll apples are tasty and healthy, but their composition is not uniform. It depends on varieties, maturity and even the place of cultivation. In this regard, different useful substances predominate in different species, for example:

  • sour apples have the maximum content of "sour" vitamin C;
  • green apples are rich in iron;
  • there is a lot of glucose in apples of red varieties;
  • yellow fruits are good for vision;
  • varieties with a pronounced aroma have antimicrobial properties;
  • wild fruits are distinguished by their enhanced anti-inflammatory effect.

Read also the article in the topic: gooseberry - health benefits and harm!

Apple Health Videos


