Capricious croton is pacified in caring hands

capricious croton Leaves of unusual shape and color with a dense structure look harmoniously on a refined stem. Thanks to this appearance, the capricious Croton won his fans. Of course, without knowledge of the main features, as well as the preferences of room culture, it is impossible to achieve an amazing result.

The homeland of codiaum is the islands in the Pacific Ocean. Those places are known for humid (mostly in the air, not in the soil) and warm climates. Diffuse lighting prevails there. It is these "three whales" that underlie the care of the plant that emerged from the tropics.

Capricious Croton with his demands

The leaves of the flower have a bright pattern. But if you put the flowerpot deep into the room, then they will acquire a rich green hue. The most profitable option for him is the east and west windows in the house. Then he gets diffused light. The flower does not like overheating and burns. Croton also makes requirements for the choice:

  1. Soils. It should be loose and nutritious. The substrate is prepared from leaf / turf soil (2 portions), sand, charcoal (adsorbent and antiseptic) and sphagnum moss. The last components are needed in 1 part.
  2. Pot. The codiaum does not do well in large containers. Even if the tree is large, then the next pot for transplanting should be 1 cm larger in diameter.
  3. Drainage layer. Expanded clay is used, as well as oak bark. When the natural ingredients rot, they will become fertilizer for the capricious Croton.
  4. Transplants. It is carried out after 4-5 years, after the roots "crawl" out of the drainage holes. In this case, it is important to free the root system from the ground without damaging it, because the plant is rehabilitated for a long time. In this case, it does not matter how to deepen the basal neck.

The transplant after purchase is carried out in March or April, because peat accumulates moisture. It also makes the soil acidic, and codiaeum prefers neutral or alkaline substrates.

Cutting technique

As soon as the croton begins to build up lateral branches, you can pinch off the cuttings from them. They are dipped in a root solution that stimulates growth. Diameter pot about 7 cm is selected for it. The composition of the planting soil remains unchanged, except for sand, the proportion of which is doubled. During the entire growing period:

  • the lower part of the container is constantly heated, maintaining the temperature at 23-25 ​​° C;
  • watered regularly;
  • create greenhouse conditions (build a canopy from a plastic bag and sticks).

From time to time the foliage is sprayed and, of course, the condition of the cuttings is closely monitored. The whole process of root formation will take up to 1 month.

Care system

A tropical plant does not tolerate direct sunlight, but needs bright lighting. Since spring, codiaeum is sprayed every day. Dry leaf tips indicate a lack of moisture in the air. The darkened edges indicate the hypothermia of the soil, which is observed in winter. Such symptoms, along with falling foliage, are also accompanied by drafts. Therefore, the flowerpot does not need to be placed on the windowsill, but, on the contrary, should be kept in places with a uniform temperature.

The culture is fed with complex fertilizers for evergreens. In winter, they are brought in once a month, and from spring to autumn - 2 times.

At the same time, the capricious croton dies in swampy, moist soils.Thus, it is important for the gardener to monitor watering, not allowing the soil to dry out. Water is used warm and settled. The result of this care will be the wonderful well-being of the flower.

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