What are the best fishing feeders to use

models of feeders for fishing When fishing, hand-made feeders are often used. They are installed for catching fish feeding from the bottom. Such a feeder for fishing provides complementary food for fish and at the same time hides hooks that the fish will surely swallow.

Related article: do-it-yourself bird feeders.

Characteristic data

carp feeder

The do-it-yourself fishing feeder has a lot of varieties. A gradation was created based on the characteristic data.

By the size of the feeders are:

  • small, used when fishing for small-sized fish, for example, crucian carp, roach, brood;
  • medium;
  • big.

The last two variations are thrown when fishing for carp.

As for the weight of the fishing trough, it depends on the place chosen for fishing. So, if fishing is carried out during the current, the feeder is made heavier. The attachment is carried out on a feeder or carp tackle.

It is highly discouraged when fishing in a river with a current, to use round feeders, as they will be demolished by him.

By the type of bait holding, feeders are:

  • closed, in which live food is placed;
  • open, filled with porridge or vegetable food;
  • winter, from which food falls to the bottom of the reservoir.

Depending on the place of fishing, there are:

  • lake models;
  • river.

There is also a division in form and material.

Varieties of feeders

different types of fishing troughsThe main advantage of fishing troughs is the possibility of making them with your own hands, and from improvised means.

Mesh feeders

mesh feederNow the net is the most common material for making feeders. Firstly, it can be obtained at any hardware store, both plastic and metal. Secondly, it is easy to work with it, even while fishing.


  1. A fragment of approximately 4.5 * 10 cm is cut out of the netting.The sizes may vary depending on what kind of fishing will be used feeder.
  2. A strip of 2 * 10 cm is cut out from a piece of lead plate.
  3. Now the mesh is rolled up to form a cone or cylinder. The joint line is crimped with a lead plate.
  4. The final touch in the manufacture of a feeder with a net for catching fish - using a wire, they make an attachment through which the fishing line will be connected to the feeder.

If there is a problem with the mesh, you can make it yourself from a plastic bottle, from which a rectangular piece of a suitable size is cut out, rolled into a cylinder and holes are made with a hot nail.

Wire feeders

wire feeders for fishingThey are used for fishing in water with a slight current. Their sizes may be different, since it depends on what section of the wire was taken for work. The larger the diameter of the wire, the more capacious the trough for fishing. The spring model is considered the simplest and looks like a spiral.


  1. Take small brass and copper wire. You will also need a nut 1.5-2 cm in diameter (as an option - a steel bar).
  2. Using tools, wire is wound around the rod, the number of turns should vary from 6 to 10 pieces, and the distance between them depends on what kind of feed will then be placed in the feeder.
  3. The resulting spring is removed and, with the help of fingers, it is given a barrel shape.
  4. Next, a plastic or iron rod (tube) is installed inside the spring and the extreme turns of the spiral are securely fixed on it.

For fishing on the river or at distances far from the shore, it is more rational to use a spring feeder made of rigid steel wire.

Plastic stopper in case

plastic lid fishing feederFrom improvised means (an ordinary plastic bottle cap), you can prepare the simplest and fastest homemade fishing feeder, called a smoktuha or nipple. It is great for fishing for carp, carp, crucian carp, bream.


  1. A round fragment with a diameter identical to the bottom of the cork is cut out of a piece of sheet lead.
  2. With the help of an awl (in the absence of one, you can take a nail), two holes are made in the lead circle and the bottom of the lid.
  3. A soft wire is passed through the holes made so that the lead weight is outside, and the ends are twisted inside the plug.
  4. The next step is to punch holes with a nail (3-4 pieces are enough) on the side walls.
  5. A wire ring is attached to one of the holes, and leashes equipped with hooks are attached to the rest.
  6. The final step is preparing a dough of a viscous consistency, which is filled in the prepared nipple feeder. Hooks are hidden in the dough. The bottom line is that the fish, starting to suck in the dough, will definitely swallow the hook with it and voila, the catch is yours.

Now you know how to make a fishing feeder simply, quickly and using common materials. But remember, during fishing, they can be lost, so it is better to prepare feeders for future use, so as not to waste precious time.

What to make a feeder for fishing - video


