How to plant and grow a leukotoe rainbow shrub

shrub leukotoe rainbow Leukotoe rainbow belongs to the evergreen deciduous shrubs of the Heather family. In natural conditions, they are distributed in the south and north of America, in Madagascar and in East Asia. Plants are cultivated in gardens on acidic soils.

decorative foliage

They are valued for the decorativeness of lanceolate leaves up to 10 cm long. At a young age they are green, later crimson with various blotches.

Planting and caring for Rainbow leukotoe

planting a seedlingA compact shrub up to 90 cm in height and 40 cm in diameter. It feels equally good both in a sunny area and in diffused light, and even in the shade.

The soil should be:

  • loose;
  • well drained;
  • fertile;
  • with an acidic reaction.

place of growing leukotoe rainbowLeukotoe rainbow does not tolerate stagnant moisture, drought and too hard soil. During the growing season, the shrub requires double feeding organic fertilizers in May and July. And also the spring application of potassium and phosphorus. The plant does not need to form.

Leukotoe rainbow is planted as follows:

  1. Pits 0.5 m deep are prepared.
  2. Drainage is made from broken bricks, stones, construction waste.
  3. Seedlings with an earthen clod are transferred.
  4. They are covered with fertile soil, consisting of humus, peat, garden soil and sand.
  5. The leukotoe shrub is watered abundantly.
  6. Young plantings are mulched with rotted sawdust, humus or last year's leaves to retain moisture.

The distance between plants should be 1 m.

Since the leucotoe is a groundcover, you should dig in non-rotting panels around the perimeter of the site to keep it from spreading.

Like most of the Heathers, these bushes do not require careful care. It consists in moderate watering - once a week, in dry weather - more often, weeding and shallow loosening of the soil. In the spring, dry and broken branches are cut. To stimulate branching, you can shorten the tops in the spring.

ornamental shrubIf moisture stagnation is observed, then fungal diseases of the root system and the death of superficial roots are possible. Therefore, good drainage must be ensured. Of the pests, scabbards and aphids are dangerous. To combat them, use the appropriate insecticidal preparations.

Reproduction of leukotoe rainbow

breeding leukotoe rainbowThe plant propagates by seeds, cuttings and root shoots.

To grow from seed, follow these steps:

  1. In January-February, plant seeds in a wide container with wet sandy-peat soil, lightly sprinkle with sand and cover with foil or glass.
  2. Put in partial shade, keeping a temperature of 23-24 degrees and raise the shelter daily for ventilation.
  3. Seedlings appear unevenly, after 4-5 weeks, water moderately, temperature and lighting are the same.
  4. Divide into separate containers when the plants get strong.
  5. A year later, after spring frosts, plant it in a permanent place.

For propagation by cuttings, they should be cut from a 3-year-old bush after flowering. The length should be 10-15 cm with several buds. Plant the cuttings in a container filled with a mixture of garden soil, humus and peat at an angle of 30 degrees. For better rooting, it can be treated with any growth stimulant. Cover each sprout with a glass jar or cut plastic bottle to create a greenhouse effect.After the appearance of the roots and the blooming of the leaves, the seedlings are planted in the planned place. Plants tolerate transplant well and quickly take root in the open field. leukotoe rainbow in winterThe winter hardiness of leukotoe rainbow is average - without shelter it can withstand temperatures up to minus 23.5 degrees. Therefore, both young seedlings and adult plants for the winter should be bent down and covered with foliage, spruce branches or non-woven covering material.

The easiest way is to propagate the shrub by root shoots - it should be dug up from an adult plant and, together with the ground, planted in the right place, well filled with fertilizers.

Use in landscape design

lush flowering leukotoeThe elegantly curved branches of the ground with colorful leaves tending to the ground make the shrub very showy. leucotoe in landscapeIt can be planted in combination with other plants, to decorate the background of low plantings or in the middle tier with conifers. bright foliage leukotoe rainbowPlants also look great as tapeworms against the background of a green lawn, especially during flowering - numerous white flowers hang in bunches in different directions.ground cover shrub

Leucothea, or a white goddess growing in a tub, can decorate both the terrace and the balcony. The young, leathery leaves are light green in spring and maroon in autumn.leukotoe blooms

The more illumination, the brighter the color of the foliage.

undersized ground coverUndersized groundcover bush looks gracefully along fences or tree trunks of large trees. Rainbow brightens and accentuates dark green foliage in shady plantings, creating an illusion of light play with its leaves.


