Weigela shrub is an excellent decoration of the country garden

weigela at their summer cottage When creating a unique design for your site, pay attention to the weigela ornamental shrubs belonging to the Honeysuckle family. For growing in the garden, only 10 varieties of deciduous highly decorative weigel are used. The attention of gardeners is attracted by simple plant care, easy reproduction, beauty of foliage and flowers.

Description of the weigela bush

The plant grows equally well in shaded areas and in open areas. The plant will thank the owner with a large number of flowers, if it is provided with sufficient moisture. Weigela varieties differ in color of leaves and flowers. By choosing several varieties for your garden, you can create original compositions that, during the flowering period, will sparkle with white, yellow, red, cream, pink and other shades.

When properly planted and cared for, shrubs can bloom in spring and later in late summer. Upon completion of flowering, boxes with seeds are formed in place of flowers.

We plant weigela

To protect a young plant from freezing and give it a little strength, it is better to plant it in the spring before the buds swell. The ideal place for planting a bush will be the southern side of the site, closed from the northern winds by a house, a fence or growing conifers. If the site has heavy, dense soil, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. The result of this preparation will be a loose, humus-saturated soil with a slightly alkaline reaction.

It is recommended to plant three-year-old weigels in open ground.

Let's start landing:

  1. Dig a hole 40-50 cm deep.
  2. Lay out gravel or broken brick drainage.
  3. Spread a layer of fertile soil with the addition of compost and nitrophosphate.
  4. Treat the roots of the seedling with any stimulant for the formation of roots for better survival.
  5. Put a bush in the prepared hole and gently spread the roots. Start filling with soil, compacting well. Pay attention to the location of the root collar. It cannot be buried more than 2 cm in the ground.
  6. Water the plant, and cover the root area with mulch.

Ornamental shrub care

In the spring, carefully examine the weigela and carry out sanitary pruning. Frozen, broken and old branches are subject to removal. To obtain lush flowering, the bushes must be freed from thickening branches. Once every four years, you will need to do a strong anti-aging pruning to prolong the life of the plants.

If the summer is too hot, you will need to water more often. Weed removal should be done carefully so as not to disturb the weigela root system. Fertilization after correct planting will only be needed for 3 years. For intensive growth of shoots, it is necessary to introduce a universal mineral fertilizer containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

When the first buds appear, feed with phosphorus and potassium compounds. After the end of spring flowering in mid-June, it is necessary to prune the bushes. Over time, new shoots will begin to grow, which will re-bloom at the end of summer.

Choosing weigela varieties for the garden

Pleasant weigela and her variegated sister weigela variegated will become a decoration of the garden.

Be sure to pay attention to the weigela Florida and its forms:

  • dwarf Alba;
  • frost-resistant Variegatu;
  • purple weigela;
  • Weigelu pink;
  • decorative with red foliage weigela Victoria.

Find a place on your site for a hybrid weigela and its varieties:

  • compact weigel Red Prince;
  • fast growing weigel Bristol Ruby.

Complement your collection with Middendorf Weigela with large flowers in a beautiful yellow shade.


