Healing properties of Momordica: simple and effective recipes

the healing properties of momordica The healing properties of Momordica have been successfully used in folk medicine for many years. Momordica grows in China, America, Indonesia, India. It can also be found in the Philippines. You can find out what culture looks like and what diseases it treats in this article.

Plant features

momordica fruit

As soon as they do not call momordika: Indian pomegranate, Chinese melon, mad cucumber. It differs in an unusual look, especially for fruits. The culture grows in the form of a vine.

There are almost 20 species of this culture in the world.

For our area, momordica is an exotic plant, but it has taken root well, it is successfully grown in personal plots. All parts of mad cucumber are edible. They eat unusual fruits with seeds, foliage and thin, but strong shoots. In an adult plant, they reach a length of 2 to 4 m. The leaves of the plant are deep green, carved.momordica blooms

Flowers are bisexual:

  1. The male flower is larger, of a bright yellow color, blooms on a long peduncle.
  2. Female flowers are smaller and have a short pedicel.

Unusual fruits with pimples grow up to 25 cm in length, their diameter is about 6 cm.In green, they are rich in color, like a cucumber, and then turn orange, resembling a small melon... The inside of the fruit has a red flesh with a pleasant taste. In the middle of each there are about 30 seeds of a maroon shade. They are very similar to pomegranate seeds, only with a dense skin.

Chemical composition and calorie content of momordica

unique composition of momordica fruitsThe plant's foliage, seeds, and even the rind are edible. They are rich in various minerals and vitamins, so they are constantly used in traditional medicine.

For food, most often, the pulp of berries is used.

The fruits of the plant are rich in:

  • proteins;
  • oils and fats;
  • carotene and vitamins of group B, E, F;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • resins and phenolic substances;
  • nicotinic, folic acids;
  • compounds of calcium, phosphorus, other minerals;
  • quarantine, which reduces blood sugar levels.

Momordica seeds contain oils and a special alkaloid called Momordicin. The rhizome of the Indian cucumber is rich in saponins. Both underground and all aboveground parts of a vine are an important raw material for medicinal preparations.

The healing properties of Momordica

digestive problemsIn China, this plant has been used for a long time to strengthen the body's immune system. Modern medicine has also recognized the beneficial properties of mad cucumber, and now the pharmaceutical industry produces many homeopathic preparations based on this plant.

Useful properties of momordic:

  1. Thanks to the quarantine contained in the fruit, berries are used to lower blood glucose levels and treat diabetes. This substance has a beneficial effect on the pancreas, which produces insulin.
  2. The pulp and seeds of Momordica remove excess cholesterol from the body and help clear plaque from the blood vessels. They also prevent stroke and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  3. It is an excellent remedy for fighting helminths, viruses, infections that affect the digestive and respiratory systems.
  4. Liana is used in the treatment of bites of various insects, snakes, as well as in the fight against scabies and psoriasis.
  5. Chinese melon is effective in fighting hepatitis, kidney and liver disease.

In the world, traditional healers use the fruits of Momordica to treat cancer.

restoration of vision with the fruits of momordicaThe amazing healing substances of Momordica make it possible to use it to treat a wide variety of diseases. The plant is successfully used to enhance potency, restore vision, to combat blood pathologies, as well as arthritis.

Recipes for using momordica in traditional medicine

A liana with strange fruits, unusual for our region, has become a real find. And this is not surprising, because with proper preparation and intake of decoctions and tinctures on alcohol, you can achieve the desired result in a short time.

Momordica tincture on vodka

momordica tinctureDue to the presence of ascorbic acid and other vitamins in the fruits, the tincture on momordica will help to overcome the flu, colds. To prepare it, it is enough to cut the pulp of ripe berries into small pieces, put them in a jar and pour vodka to the very top. After the mixture has stood in a dark place for 10-14 days, the tincture can be taken. You need to use it before meals, 1 teaspoon for 3-4 days.

Momordica is often used for weight loss.

Preparation of a healing broth

Momordica seed decoctionThe medicinal broth is prepared from the seeds of the plant. They need to take about 20-25 pieces (this is usually one fruit). Only ripe large grains should be used. Small seeds do not have the required set of substances.


  1. Grind the seeds with blender, rolling pin, in any convenient way.
  2. In a small saucepan or saucepan, boil 300 ml of water, as soon as it boils, add the crushed grains.
  3. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Turn off the fire, cover the pan, leave to infuse for about 1 hour.
  5. Use the ready-made broth 3-4 times a day, no more than 1 tbsp. l.

It is a good diuretic that relieves swelling. Also, a broth of momordica helps to reduce the temperature.

If you take the infusions inside, then they work no worse than special multivitamin and mineral complexes that improve the condition of nails, hair, teeth.

Momordica also found application in cosmetology. For facial skin care, tinctures and decoctions made from the leaves of the plant are used. Such a remedy cleanses the skin, relieves it of acne, strengthens its tone, and has a rejuvenating effect. From products with momordica pores are narrowed, fatigue disappears, and the skin becomes soft to the touch.

How to eat momordica

using momordica in cookingRipe berries resemble green fruits pumpkin and melons not only in color, but also in taste. Because of this, Indian pomegranate is used in cooking for a wide variety of dishes. The only negative is the bitter taste, but it is easy to get rid of. Before eating momordica, you need to remove the top of the fruit or soak it in salted water (like an eggplant).

Orange fruits are suitable for making hot and cold salads. They are delicious stewed or fried. Jam is also prepared from berries, canned like ordinary vegetables.

In Asian countries, local dishes are prepared with momordika, since it is a more familiar fruit there. It is pickled, served as a side dish with stews, added to vegetables, and used as an addition to broth. As with many other fruits, alcoholic drinks and tinctures can be prepared from the fruits of the Indian cucumber.


breastfeeding mothers should not use momordicaEven the most beneficial plant can be harmful if consumed in excessive quantities. Eating too much mad cucumber can lead to nausea, dizziness, and other symptoms of food poisoning. In addition, some people may be allergic to an exotic plant.

The fruit should not be consumed without consulting a doctor:

  • pregnant women and women during lactation;
  • children, especially under 3 years old;
  • with acute and chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • allergy-prone people.

If you adhere to the rules for preparing medicines from Momordica and do not abuse them, you can get rid of various diseases.Unusual and tasty fruits and other parts of the plant will bring many benefits.

This is an unusual plant - video


