22 original ways to solve garden and garden problems - using baking soda

using baking soda in the garden and vegetable garden In our time, you have to fight hard for the harvest, because annoying bugs, worms and invisible insects strive to spoil the long-awaited fruits of hard work. An easy way to solve this problem is to use baking soda for your garden and vegetable garden. Someone might object, pointing to the many modern drugs that are sold in specialized stores. Of course, everyone has the right to decide for himself what to use to protect the crop. But first, it would be wise to know the capabilities of this unique substance. Today, there are at least 22 ways to use baking soda on site and in the home to protect horticultural crops.

Perhaps many people know the story of the first people who lived in the Garden of Eden. They received an assignment from the Creator to "cultivate and preserve it." The trees bore abundant fruit, and many vegetables grew on the ground. Although that garden has not existed for a long time, people still diligently engage in agriculture. It is the use of baking soda on the site, which is considered a natural substance, that helps to grow surprisingly rich crops.

Powdery mildew is the invisible enemy of garden plants

powdery mildew control

Many gardeners, looking after their estates, often notice a white bloom on the leaves of fruit trees or vegetables. If you do not pay attention to it, it will turn into drops of a transparent liquid. The plant begins to ache and eventually dies.

Powdery mildew appears as a result of the reproduction of microscopic parasites. It is the maturation of the fungal spores that causes the fluid to appear.

The fungus most often affects:

  • sheet plates;
  • young shoots;
  • kidneys;
  • inflorescences.

The disease in plants begins from the first days of summer, when unstable weather sets in. Hot, dry heat can dramatically change the rainy season, and for microorganisms this is a real paradise. The wise use of baking soda can help save garden crops. To do this, it is enough to prepare a solution: add 4 tablespoons of soda to 10 liters of pure water. Mix well and then process each affected leaf or shoot.

For best results, the procedure should be performed in the evening when the sun goes down. At this time, calm weather is often established.

Such a simple remedy helps to get rid of powdery mildew such garden plants:

  • cucumbers;
  • zucchini;
  • squash;
  • pumpkin;
  • cabbage;powdery mildew on cabbage
  • tomatoes;
  • currants;
  • gooseberry;
  • blackberries;
  • raspberries.

powdery mildew on tomatoesIt was noticed that the defeat of pumpkin crops with powdery mildew leads to a loss of 50% of the yield. And greenhouse cucumbers are especially susceptible to this disease. The reason is lack of light and drafts.

To control the situation, at the first manifestations of the disease, it is advisable to immediately use baking soda on the site. Any delay leads to sad consequences.

Protection of grapes from gray rot

gray rot on grapesProbably, there is no person on earth who would not like to feast on ripe grapes. Therefore, gardeners try to take care of the sun fruit with love. But the appearance of gray rot on berries, which you already want to try, brings a lot of grief. There are times when the disease affects the bunch during the flowering period, which leads to the loss of the entire crop.A simple way to save a vineyard is to prepare a baking soda solution for your garden. Put 40 grams of soda on 10 liters of settled water. Stir the mixture well and process the bushes thoroughly. The procedure is performed every week. How to determine the onset of the disease? There are several basic signs.

Most often gray rot affects the leaves of grapes. Brown spots with a specific bloom appear on them, which is an accumulation of microscopic parasites. If the foliage is not treated in time with a baking soda solution, it will dry out over time.

Often, gray rot affects the delicate shoots of the vine. It appears in the form of yellowish spots, which eventually turn into a brownish tint. Outside, the spot is covered with a gray bloom. It was at this time that summer residents disinfect the shoots with a cocktail of baking soda so that the wood tissue does not die, and the vine dries up.

ripening damageThe disease can also occur during the growing season. Dark brown spots are formed on delicate inflorescences, which cause them to dry out or prematurely fall off.

When gray mold affects the stem of the bunch, the berries begin to wither. As a result, the crop dies before ripening. In a similar way, plaque forms directly on the berries and completely destroys them.

A gray bloom of a fluffy character is a breeding ground for parasites invisible to the eye. They are the cause of plant disease.

treatment of grapes with soda solutionApplication of baking soda for processing grapes makes it possible to protect the culture from gray rot. It is desirable to process it every 14 days. The solution is prepared according to the standard proportion: 4 tablespoons of baking soda per 10 liters of settled warm water. The plant is treated with a sprayer.

Late blight is the main killer of horticultural crops

defeat by late blightOne of the most common diseases of garden crops is late blight... Its main threat is the ability to move to neighboring plants. Especially often the disease affects:

  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • pepper;
  • strawberries;
  • apple leaf plates;
  • buckwheat;
  • castor oil plant;
  • some types of indoor plants.

Vegetable crops growing in open field are especially susceptible to the disease during prolonged rains. During this period, the air temperature does not exceed 20 ° C, which contributes to the reproduction of harmful fungi.

Late blight affects not only leaves, fruits and shoots, but also underground parts of the plant. A sign of its appearance is gray or brown spots surrounded by white bloom. Outwardly, they resemble a spider web. The affected elements of culture begin to die away. Ripe fruits deteriorate, lose their aroma and taste. As a result, the entire crop is lost.

affected tomato fruitsOn the infected late blight tomatoes gray-brown spots of various shapes are formed with a light green frame. And on the back of the leaf plate, you can notice a whitish bloom. If nothing is done during this period, the plant will eventually die. Again, gardeners can benefit from the use of baking soda. The healing elixir is prepared by diluting 3 tablespoons of the substance in 10 liters of water. Plants are treated every week.

Preventing disease is much easier than treating it. Therefore, it is advisable to start sprinkling tomatoes with a soda solution 2 weeks after planting.

Premature yellowing of cucumber leaves

yellowing of cucumber leavesOften, summer residents are upset when they see the juicy green leaves of cucumbers begin to turn yellow. Interestingly, the process takes place in different ways. In some plants, only part of the leaf turns yellow, or brown specks simply appear on its back. In other specimens, the entire area of ​​the leaf plate turns yellow, which leads to the complete drying of the culture.

treatment with soda solution is necessaryExtend life and fruiting cucumbers one of 22 ways to use baking soda in your garden will help.To do this, take a bucket of water with a capacity of 10 liters, throw 1 tablespoon of soda there, stir and water the culture. It is enough to pour 0.5 liters of liquid under each cucumber bush.

This top dressing is best done after collecting the first fruits. Watering is carried out every other day for 7 days.

Caterpillars in the garden "No entry"

baking soda against caterpillarWhen people see a well-groomed and fruitful garden, they understand that there is tireless daily work behind it. But if the owner loses his vigilance, insatiable caterpillars will come to the garden. They will unceremoniously first eat the foliage, and then begin to destroy the fruits.

need a soda solutionYou can fight pests in the following ways:

  1. Chip insects from tree branches onto plastic wrap or pick by hand.
  2. Attract birds to the territory that are actively eating caterpillars. In early spring, hang nesting devices on trees.
  3. Applying baking soda to garden plots to ward off caterpillar infestations.

caterpillars on a treeYou can prepare a suitable solution by taking 10 liters of pure water and dissolving 5 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate in it. As soon as unexpected guests appear on the fruit tree, you must immediately get down to business. Liberally wet all branches and leaves of the crown with a soda solution using a sprayer. For reliability, the procedure is repeated after 3 or 4 days. The effect will not keep you waiting long.

Annoying companions of cabbage

cabbage pestsNowadays, you can hardly find a gardener who has never seen a white butterfly. This gentle creature makes clutches on cabbage leaves, consisting of many yellowish eggs. Over time, caterpillars are formed from them. At first they eat on one sheet cabbage, and then spread to neighboring plants.

help WantedIt has been observed that these little creatures are not very fond of the aroma and taste of baking soda. To do this, gardeners scatter the substance dry, in the early morning, when there is a lot of dew on the cabbage.

In case of prolonged drought, the culture can be abundantly moistened with a watering can, and then sprinkled with soda powder.

Practice shows that the use of baking soda for garden crops brings them invaluable benefits. Caterpillars disappear in a short time, and the plant begins to gain weight quickly.

Slippery pests of gardens and vegetable gardens - slugs

slugs in the garden and in the bedsIn hot and dry seasons, they hide in secret parts of the garden, where there is little light, cool and a lot of moisture. When morning comes and dew falls on the plants slugs crawl out of their secluded places, going in search of food. Their favorite food is fruit and vegetable plants. Their diet includes:

  • green leaves;
  • inflorescences;
  • shoots;
  • fruit.

anti-slug treatmentHow to protect the site from these "slippery" pests? The original method is to use baking soda powder. To do this, gardeners first determine the places where the mollusks are hiding. Then they "powder" their backs, as a result of which the slugs die. In order to prevent the emergence of a new colony of pests, a soda scatter is made around the entire perimeter of the garden. When insects come into contact with a substance, it leads to their death.

Protect potatoes from wireworm

wireworm potato pestWhen huge potatoes grow in the garden, it brings inexpressible joy to summer residents. But the coarse larva of a small click beetle often infects even the largest specimens of a vegetable.

Wireworm feels great in the ground for 4 years. He eats any vegetables. But his favorite dish is potatoes.

Wise gardeners have found a way out. When planting potatoes, they put 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda in each hole or hole. As a result, the potatoes are clean, without any internal damage.

Baking soda for ant control

ants in the garden and in the bedsSometimes gardeners are faced with a problem - a lot appears at their summer cottage ants... In moments like this, the benefits they bring pales before the harm done.

Baking soda is an excellent remedy against hardworking colonies.To do this, one has only to sprinkle the substance on the area of ​​the accumulation of insects, as the ants will find a safer place to live.

Popular pest of cultivated plants - aphids

baking soda against aphidsOne of the most popular and malicious pests among farmers is considered to be aphid. In garden plots, it is found in different types. Fruit crops and shrubs are affected by green aphid, legumes are black, and cucumbers, zucchini and watermelons are cotton. Summer residents, of course, do not want to share their harvest with the aphids, so they "treat" her with a snow-white drink.

It is prepared from water and baking soda. 4 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate are placed on 10 liters of tap water, and then mixed well. Spraying is performed in the evening, when the sun goes down. The procedure is repeated every 3 days. A maximum of 3 treatments are often enough. A simple solution to the problem, and in the near future, you can forget about aphids.

Weevil larvae

weevil pestsThis fancy bug can be seen on the bushes of strawberries, strawberries or raspberries... But irreparable harm is caused by its larvae. As soon as the ovary appears on the plants, they completely destroy it. As a result, almost the entire harvest of berries is lost. Using regular baking soda can help solve this problem as well.

In 10 liters of water, dilute 2 tbsp. tablespoons of soda powder and thoroughly moisten the greens of the plants. The effect is enhanced if you treat the soil around the crop with a solution.

Spraying is best repeated several times with a frequency of 5 days.

Extend the life of a bouquet of garden flowers

extend the life of the bouquetOften, summer residents decorate their homes with bouquets of flowers. How you want to enjoy their beauty and aroma for a longer time. Unfortunately, cut flowers have a short life.

Many people have noticed that using baking soda helps solve the problem. If you add this natural substance to pure water, the bouquet will stay fresh for several days longer than usual. The optimal proportion: for one and a half liters of water 1 teaspoon of soda. In such a solution, the flowers receive not only moisture, but also nutrition.

Soda and planting material

seed treatment with soda solutionWith the arrival of spring, gardeners are diligently preparing for sowing cultivated plants. For this, they revise stocks of planting material. Some seeds need additional processing.

disinfectant baking sodaBaking soda is a wonderful seed disinfectant. Its antiseptic properties help to destroy microscopic bacteria and viruses that sometimes infect the planting material.

You can prepare such a "medicine" by adhering to a proven recipe: for 1 liter of liquid, you need to put 5 grams of soda. The solution should be kept for at least 5 hours, after which the disinfection procedure should be carried out.

To complete the process, you must use cotton cloth or cotton pads. First, the base is abundantly moistened with a soda solution. Then the seeds are spread on it.

Excellent soil neutralizer - baking soda

neutralize soil acidity with baking sodaMost garden plants grow wonderfully in neutral or slightly acidic soil. Therefore, when faced with an acidic type of soil, summer residents actively use various types of deoxidizers. Not the last place in this case is occupied by ordinary baking soda. If the substance is regularly applied to the soil, the pH level will gradually decrease. Thanks to this approach, gardeners receive a bountiful harvest every year. Soda powder (one pinch is enough) is added to each hole during planting of young seedlings.

This simple procedure protects garden crops from the development of root rot.

Acidity test

check the acidity of the soilOf course, before you start neutralizing the soil, you need to know what type of soil it belongs to. Baking soda comes to the rescue. To do this, take a handful of earth (from a depth of at least 20 cm), and then sprinkle it with sodium bicarbonate. If the soil is of the strongly acidic type, a reaction will immediately occur. The baking soda will sizzle or foam like regular vinegar.This test provides guidance for further action.

Hateful weeds in the backyard

remove weeds with baking sodaTo create an original landscape at their summer cottage, many use paving slabs. Pretty paths often become the hallmark of a country house. Unfortunately, hateful weeds make their way through the gaps every year. Getting rid of them can be difficult. With the help of the original solution, you can forget about this problem forever. It is prepared in a regular 10 liter bucket. 0.5 kg of soda powder is poured onto the bottom and filled with water. When the mixture becomes uniform, it is poured over unnecessary greens. In 3 - 4 days, the weeds will die.

Mark the boundaries for the fire

limiting the spread of fireSomeone might be thinking: what could baking soda have in common with a fire? In fact, it helps protect the backyard area from fire. When summer residents burn various garbage or dry branches in autumn or spring, they try not to move away from the fire. Baking soda is a great security guard. To prevent the fire from spreading throughout the territory, a small "fence" of soda powder is scattered around the edges of the fire. Such protection allows you to work quietly at the summer cottage, enjoying the fruits of your hands.

Removing unpleasant odors

neutralize unpleasant odorsOften, due to changes in the wind at the summer cottage, unpleasant odors appear from outdoor toilet or a compost pit. This causes inconvenience to the owners, as well as to the nearest neighbors. To maintain peaceful relations and enjoy only pleasant smells on the territory of a country house, the use of baking soda will help. To do this, regularly sprinkle soda powder on the top bowl of the closet or compost pit.

Healthy swimming in the pool

we purify the water in the poolRecently, swimmers have installed inflatable or frame pools... To keep the water clean for a longer time and not bloom, it is disinfected with soda powder. For this, a calculation is made - 1 teaspoon of the substance is put on 1 m³ of liquid. This natural supplement will provide not only healthy swimming, but also a few minutes of pleasure in clear water.

Clean dishes are the face of a caring hostess

wash the dishes with baking sodaOften, going to the country, farmers focus more on gardening work. Therefore, they try to quickly take food and clean up after themselves. It can take a long time to wash the dishes, especially if you use detergents. Another thing is baking soda. Putting a little of the powder on a washcloth can easily remove food and grease debris. A truly effective remedy! And most importantly natural.

Relieve itching from insect bites

neutralize skin irritation with baking sodaWhen farmers want to relax and enjoy nature, they arrange evening friendly meetings. This often happens in the yard or in the gazebo. Pleasant communication is often interrupted by annoying mosquitoes or midges. Therefore, it is almost impossible to avoid bites.

To get rid of the unpleasant itching, use regular baking soda. The powder is diluted with clean water to obtain a thick slurry. The remedy is applied to the inflamed area for several minutes. The procedure is repeated 2 or 3 times.

Clean hands after gardening

we clean the skinToday, many gardeners use a variety of gloves when working on sites. In some cases, they do not help, and dirt remains on the hands. Gruel from baking soda will help get rid of it. It is prepared in the traditional way: 1 teaspoon of the substance will require 0.5 teaspoon of liquid.

Such a solution can be used to clean not only the palms, but also the feet and toes.

Practical tips for use

consumption rateBaking soda is an alkali made up of simple chemical elements. They are practically harmless. With the skillful use of the substance, vegetables, fruit trees, berry plantings and the gardeners themselves receive benefits.

The basic rule for preparing a solution is not to use metal utensils.The best option is enameled and glass containers. It is also important to be clean. The dishes should be free of residues of various fertilizers, plaque and ordinary dirt.

baking soda packagingIt is forbidden to prepare the solution in hot water. The temperature should not exceed 55 degrees. In order not to lose the valuable properties of sodium bicarbonate, the product is used within 2 hours after preparation. In order for the soda mixture to linger on the greens of cultivated plants, add 3 tablespoons of liquid soap or dishwashing detergent to the solution.

As you can see, regular baking soda is a wonderful pest control aid. Helps prevent diseases in garden crops. Can act as a soil indicator. An excellent cleaner for dishes, hands and feet. Protects against unexpected fires and neutralizes pool water. And all this does not require special expenses.

Video about the properties of soda

  1. alik

    but soda is no longer the same GOST 2015 and not 76


