We study the beneficial properties of porcini mushrooms

useful properties of porcini mushrooms The beneficial properties of porcini mushrooms have been known for a long time and are successfully used in cooking and traditional medicine. These are unique gifts of nature, which are the most desirable find for most mushroom pickers. They are characterized by good taste, which makes them indispensable in many kitchen recipes. In addition, the porcini mushroom is endowed with many positive properties that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

The main characteristics of the porcini mushroom

characteristics of porcini mushroom

Not everyone knows how the porcini mushroom is useful. In fact, this is a unique product. Boletus contains 90% water. Their use helps to restore nutritional balance. This is due to the high levels of amino acids that are well absorbed in the body. This list also includes more than 2 dozen chemical elements involved in the synthesis of protein compounds. According to nutritionists, the level of protein products in 100 g of porcini mushroom corresponds to 100 g of beef. Despite the lower rate of assimilation of vegetable protein in comparison with animals, in relation to boletus, there is practically no difference.

There is a species strikingly similar to the porcini mushroom and is called bilious. They both belong to the Boletov family. Accidental consumption of gall mushrooms will not cause indigestion or poisoning, but their use in cooking is highly undesirable due to their bitter taste.

White mushroom composition:

  1. Vitamin B. Its level in boletus is so high that it can exceed the daily requirement. In the absence of foods containing B vitamins in the diet, the use of porcini mushroom will easily compensate for their deficiency, preventing vitamin deficiency.
  2. Vitamins of group C. They help to cleanse the body of unnecessary substances, including the remains of consumed mushrooms.vitamins of group c
  3. PP - vitamins. They are universal elements that affect the functionality of the whole organism. When these vitamins are deficient, all systems are affected. To restore indicators, first of all, doctors prescribe eating, as much as possible, porcini mushrooms.
  4. The presence of copper, iodine and zinc has a positive effect on the functioning of all types of glands.

A broth made from porcini mushrooms contains a huge amount of useful elements.

The effect of mushrooms on the body is determined by the way they are cooked. Many people like to fry porcini mushrooms, which leads to the loss of beneficial properties. Boiling is the preferred option. Also, you can cook from them casseroles or simmer in a pot.

Useful properties of porcini mushrooms

positive effect on the gastrointestinal tractQuite often, people equate boletus with boletus. This is due to the similarity of nutrients and tastes. The difference is the speed and quality of assimilation of mushrooms by the body - in whites it is an order of magnitude higher.

From the excessive use of boletus, no heaviness in the stomach is formed, unlike other species.

Porcini mushrooms have a positive effect on the human body due to the qualities:

  1. Help in a quick recovery after surgery, illness and exhaustion. Eating mushrooms improves muscle tone and endurance levels, which is an indispensable factor for people involved in sports.
  2. The functionality of the stomach and intestines increases, which allows the body to quickly absorb food and get rid of unnecessary substances.
  3. The use of boletus improves metabolism, which has a positive effect on the loss of extra pounds.
  4. The presence of a large number of vitamins has a positive effect on brain activity. Porcini mushrooms help with intellectual work, relieving headaches and increasing concentration;
  5. The presence of amino acids and antioxidants perfectly cleanses tissues and organs, ridding the body of excess toxic substances. Due to the plant origin of mushrooms, they also contain many elements that contribute to an increase in the functionality of metabolism.

The calorie level of porcini mushrooms, which is already not high, can be further reduced as a result of heat treatment.

The beneficial properties of mushrooms are available only with their high quality. Despite the widespread opinion about the resistance of boletus to the effects of radiation, toxins and poisons, the area of ​​their collection should be limited to regions with a clean ecology. When buying mushrooms, you need to carefully examine the appearance of the product for damage, stains and strange streaks.

Negative effects and contraindications

should not be used for chronic stomach diseasesWhen using porcini mushrooms, you should be aware of the possible harm to the body, as well as contraindications to use.

In order to protect yourself from buying dangerous mushrooms, you need to look at the places of the cuts - in the boletus, it does not darken.

Contraindications to the use of porcini mushrooms:

  1. The presence of chronic diseases of the stomach, kidneys and intestines. In such situations, you can not eat not only mushrooms, but also mushroom broths, sauces.
  2. Chitin and fiber are bad substances for disturbed intestinal microflora. With the frequent use of boletus, the absorption of food decreases, and discomfort appears.
  3. Porcini mushrooms are not recommended for women during pregnancy, as well as for nursing mothers.
  4. Do not use for allergic reactions.
  5. Children under 5 years old are not allowed to eat boletus and other types of mushrooms, due to the difficulty of assimilating the product. Only broths are allowed.
  6. Older people are advised to eat mushrooms only after thorough processing.

Dishes prepared with boletus have a wide variety of taste and nutritional qualities. You can cook them with vegetables, red meat, poultry, steam, bake. They are also great for a variety of sauces.

Medical use

tincture of porcini mushrooms on vodkaThe medicinal properties of porcini mushrooms are widely known both among representatives of medicine and among ordinary mushroom pickers. Boletus cope well with inflammation and manifestations of sclerosis, have an antiseptic effect, relieve tumors and pain attacks with angina pectoris.

Tincture of porcini mushrooms and its use for hypertension

To alleviate the condition, you can prepare a special infusion. It perfectly restores blood pressure and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

For this you will need:

  • liter can;
  • liter of vodka (without additives);
  • handful dried boletus.

Pour chopped mushroom caps into a container. Then fill the jar with vodka and shake well. Keep the infusion in a dark place for 2 weeks. After that, the mixture must be filtered by squeezing the mushrooms. Drink 1 teaspoon liquid (previously combined with 50 ml of water) twice a day, 30 minutes before meals.

An infusion of boletus mushrooms helps to thin the blood.

This infusion is a good remedy for angina pectoris and benign tumors. It has a positive effect on the treatment of cysts and fibroids.

Picking porcini mushrooms

picking porcini mushroomsTo find high-quality boletus in the forest, you need to know when to pick porcini mushrooms. This should be done from July to October. When frosts appear in the cold periods of autumn, you can find boletus made of "crystal". The surface of these mushrooms is covered with small pieces of ice, creating an incredible effect. A short stay of the mushroom in this position does not affect its suitability for consumption.However, excessive water replenishment and excessive freezing can cause rotting of the product.

You should also remember about the growth rate of porcini mushrooms, because the taste of young representatives is an order of magnitude higher than that of old ones. In summer, boletus grows in 10 days. In the autumn, the duration of growth increases to 2 weeks.

Video about the benefits of porcini mushrooms


