Plant growth regulator "Vympel" - a panacea for diseases and stress

plant growth regulator pennant

Each farmer strives to get a rich and high-quality crop, spending a minimum of money, effort and time on growing it. The plant growth regulator "Vympel" will help the farmer in this matter. The chemical compounds of this substance make plants resistant to stressful situations - temperature changes, pesticide treatment and adverse weather conditions. Due to the action of the stimulant, cells accumulate sugar better, and also absorb fertilizers faster.

Vympel is an environmentally friendly phytohormone, since it does not contain dangerous toxins. Regular use of the drug will help the gardener completely abandon fungicides.

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The spectrum of action of this universal remedy is very wide. With a closer look at the composition of the drug, you can see how to use it most effectively to get the desired result.

Plant growth regulator "Vympel": the magic effect of the drug

how the pennant works

This natural synthetic preparation is used both for treating seeds or tubers, and for spraying green mass. In addition, in a diluted form, they are watered with garden or indoor plants. This procedure ensures a longer lasting effect of the active substances. They, in turn, serve as communication binders for cells, having a contact-systemic reaction. Before you learn how to use Vympel, you should familiarize yourself with its properties.

Its constituent components:

  • control and accelerate the development of cultures;
  • increase productivity by 30%;
  • has an antimicrobial effect;
  • increase the survival rate of seedlings;
  • positively affect the development of rhizomes;
  • increase the immunity of plants, protecting them from diseases and stressful events.
properties of the drug pennant

Agrarians also recommend foliar processing of seedlings 2 days before planting in the ground. Thanks to this, the seedlings take root faster and become more resistant to frost. Regulator treatment will protect them from lodging and stimulate root development.

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At the same time, the chemical compounds of the agent have a high protective function, since they create a dense shell on the seeds. It retains its integrity for 2 months. Such a surface serves as a kind of "magnet" for nutrients that are in the soil.

Description of the drug "Vympel" - analysis of the atomic composition

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The growth of plants largely depends on their adequate nutrition and growing conditions. In order to absorb nutrients, cells, tissues and organs must fully function. Having considered the description of the drug "Vympel" at the molecular level, one can see the spectrum of its action.

The following chemical compounds of the stimulant take an active part in the life of the culture:

  1. Carboxylic acids. They are responsible for the absorption of oxygen by cells, as well as for the synthesis of carbohydrates and amino acids.
  2. Abscisins. These acids regulate the germination of grains at the stage of their ripening.
  3. Auxins and Cytokinins. The complex action of these compounds stimulates cell division and affects the development of the root system. Moreover, they participate in the formation of flower ovaries and shoots, and also accelerate the ripening of fruits.
  4. Gibberellins. The compounds accelerate the process of seed germination, budding and affect the elongation of the stems.
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Thanks to humic acids, the preparation does not lose its activity in different types of soils.Therefore, it is suitable for both acidic and alkaline substrates.

Thanks to this effect, the roots of a young seedling develop 60% faster, and the green mass - 30%. At the same time, the Vympel plant growth regulator prevents nitrates and toxins from accumulating in plants. Once inside each cell, the chemical accelerates protein metabolism. As a result, the culture becomes more resistant to the "whims" of the external environment - pests, diseases and temperature fluctuations. The antioxidants included in the preparation increase the number and activity of soil microorganisms, thereby creating a favorable microflora for the culture. To take advantage of all these "services" of the universal remedy, it is important to know how to use it correctly.

Instructions for the growth stimulator "Vympel" - the importance of correct calculations

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As already noted, seeds, tubers and greens of the plant are treated with the drug. They are also successfully watered for planting for longer lasting benefits. However, there are certain dosages to it.

Having studied the instructions of the Vympel growth stimulator, we can distinguish 4 categories of its use:

  1. Planting material. The consumption rate for potato tubers (30 kg) is 10-15 ml per 0.5 l of water. Seedlings of fruit and berry crops and grapes soaked for 6-8 hours in a solution (2%), diluted according to the same recipe.
  2. Seeds. For 10 ml of liquid add 2-3 g of the drug. Leave the seeds in suspension for 2.5-3 hours.
  3. Foliar processing. For every 2 ares of planting potatoes, vegetable and melon crops make 10 liters of water, diluted with 10-15 ml of stimulant. For fruit and berry plants and grapes, a dosage of 20 ml per 10 l is used, and for flowers - 25-30 ml.
  4. Seedling. 48 hours before planting on the site, the foliage of the seedlings is treated with a nutrient composition. To prepare it, take 10 g of the product and dilute it in 500 ml of liquid.

After 7 days, the seedlings are sprayed with the suspension again. The consumption of the product is 4 g / m². Such processing will accelerate the course of metabolic processes in cells and increase the degree of assimilation of useful elements from the soil by them.

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It is very important to use the Vympel plant growth regulator when transplanting indoor flowers... As a result, crops are less painful to tolerate stress caused by interference with their root system. By regularly spraying the flowerpot with a stimulant, the gardener will receive abundant flowering and rich green mass. In addition, this drug will protect the culture from dangerous diseases and malicious pests.

How Vympel works - video


