How much milk does a goat give per day?

Milking goats Beginning livestock breeders who decide to have domestic goats are always worried about many questions. Among them, one of the first places is occupied by the problem: “How much milk does a goat give per day? And are there ways to keep high milk yield as long as possible? "

Under the influence of the changing hormonal background, milk production begins in adult goats that have given offspring. It contains everything you need to feed the young generation of animals, and goat's milk benefits not only kids, but also people. Since it is much more valuable and easier to digest than cow, the interest in dairy breeds of domestic goats is growing from year to year.

How much milk does a goat give per day?

Goat with a kid

Lactation in goats begins immediately after the birth of babies and lasts from 5 to 9 months. The length of this period, as well as how much milk the goat gives per day, depends on many factors. First of all, this is the belonging of an animal to a particular breed. Dairy goats, for example Zaanenskaya, Russian White or Toggenburg breeds supply their owners with milk for 8-11 months a year. And to the question: "How much milk does a goat give per day?" breeders raising purebred livestock confidently speak of 5–6 liters.

Unfortunately, the owners of the majority of goats, usually grazing near rural houses, cannot boast of such milk yield. But even their darlings, with proper progress, give 2-3 liters of milk a day, and they are milked for no more than six months.

In addition to the goat's belonging to a dairy breed, its milk yield is influenced by age, diet, methods of milking and the number of milkings.

When does a goat start giving milk?

Dairy goats begin to actively milk immediately after the birth of the kids. Young animals are kept separately, and milk for them is allocated from the general milk yield. This method is based on the fact that the milk yield of animals more than covers the needs of the kids, and the remaining milk can be immediately sent to the human table.

Goat with a kidThe rest of the goats live with babies. When does a goat start giving milk for human needs in this case? Milking is started only after the kids reach the age of 3-4 months, when their need for breast milk disappears. And this applies only to adult, well-fed, healthy queens.

Some breeds of beef and downy goats give so little milk that only young animals are enough, so they are not milked.

How many times a day to milk a goat?

Usually goats are milked twice a day, and then, when the volume begins to decrease, only the morning milking is carried out. Milk production peaks in the first 4–5 months of lactation. During this time, some practice milking three times a day, which only increases the amount of milk collected. If the answer to the burning question: "How much milk does a goat give per day?" not happy, the breeder should not give up.

Most importantly, we must not forget that in addition to age and breed factors, the amount of milk received is affected by the feeding of goats, caring for them and even the attitude of the owner. Even the simplest goats receiving all this in full can compete with those kept in breeding farms.

How to feed a goat to increase milk yield?

The first thing that determines the milk yield of domestic livestock, its condition and health, is feeding. How to feed a goat to increase milk yield? During lactation, it is most important that the diet is complete, balanced and nutritious.Therefore, dairy goats in a personal backyard can be offered:

  • any vegetables, tubers and root crops from the garden, which are pre-washed and cut for the convenience of animals;
  • young branches and dry brooms prepared in advance, when it comes to feeding animals in the cold season;
  • turnips and forage root crops that increase milk production;
  • cereals, among which there may be grains of barley, wheat, oats;
  • coarse hay with the inclusion of chamomile, clover and other legumes cut during the flowering period.

Goats should definitely receive a sufficient amount of clean drinking water, as well as mineral and vitamin supplements to cover all costs of the body.

Goat in the pastureIf animals suffer from a lack of moisture and a deficiency of important micro- and macroelements, not only will milk yield drop, but the health of the livestock will noticeably deteriorate. If the goats are fed compound feed, some breeders feed the goat more to increase milk yield, focusing on the nutritional value of the feed, rather than its balance. This can have the opposite effect. Goats gain weight and milk supply drops.

How to milk a goat correctly?

The high milk production of a goat is not only a genetic predisposition, but also the result of the hard work of the breeder. In order for the animals to show the maximum possible result, they distribute them at the beginning of lactation.

Milking a goat on a special machineHow to milk a goat? We understand the combination of milk production:

  • good nutrition that promotes milk production;
  • udder massage, which activates blood circulation in the tissues;
  • milking up to 3-4 times a day, preparing the goat for this procedure.

How to milk a goat correctly? Both the milk yield of the livestock and the quality of milk largely depend on knowing the correct answer to this question. First of all, at the milking stage, the goat should be taught that the milker will come at the same time.

But how many times a day to milk a goat? The animals themselves will tell you the optimal mode. For dairy breeds, three-time milking is acceptable, and for some it is enough even once to give all the accumulated milk.

Before milking, the udder is massaged to avoid disturbing the animal and then washed with warm water. When the udder is dry with a clean towel, you can start working.

There are several ways to milk goats. A video on how to milk a goat will provide invaluable help to novice goat breeders preparing for their first milkings.

Man milking goatsEach livestock breeder chooses a method that is convenient for himself, but at the same time, you need to remember about the general rules. The milker's movements should be confident, smooth and gentle. The goat should feel good about her. You need to donate all the milk, to a drop, otherwise there is a risk not only of a decrease in milk production, but also of the development of mastitis. When the work is finished, the milker should massage the udder again, wipe it off with a dry towel and treat the teats with Vaseline.

Milking goats - video


