Posts tagged "beetroot"

Determine the time to cook beets until cooked
Determine the time to cook beets until cooked
Tell the time to cook the beets until cooked. I don’t know what it depends on, but every time this procedure takes me half an hour, sometimes more than two. ...
Beetroot cold beetroot recipe: making a simple and tasty soup with refreshing summer notes
Beetroot cold beetroot recipe: making a simple and tasty soup with refreshing summer notes
On hot summer days, you want something refreshing and cold. Russians most often replace hot soups with okroshka, but there is a great way to diversify your diet, it will help with this ...
How to pickle beets for the winter without sterilization - three simple but tasty recipes
How to pickle beets for the winter without sterilization - three simple but tasty recipes
Tell me how to pickle beets for the winter without sterilization? We have a dacha with a small vegetable garden, where we grow some vegetables, so to speak, "borscht set". But the problem is ...
How to grow sugar beets: planting and care rules
How to grow sugar beets: planting and care rules
Many do not know how to grow sugar beets so that they contain all the necessary trace elements. In fact, everything is very simple. Get a high-quality and good harvest ...
Marinating beets or surprise guests with a juicy and crispy snack
Marinating beets or surprise guests with a juicy and crispy snack
Beetroot preparation for red borscht is not uncommon for a long time and one of the most popular preserves. Did you know that pickling beets is an easy way to make an original ...
What can be cooked from beet tops: simple dietary recipes
What can be cooked from beet tops: simple dietary recipes
Tell me what you can cook from beet tops? I heard that it is used for cabbage rolls instead of cabbage. I've never tried it myself, but it must be delicious, especially if the leaves ...
Growing and caring for fodder beets is a simple agricultural technique, but with some nuances
Growing and caring for fodder beets is a simple agricultural technique, but with some nuances
Millions of farmers know that growing and caring for fodder beets is the most profitable business in their work. Crop yield indicators, depending on the variety, can ...
What are the benefits of Swiss chard beet
What are the benefits of Swiss chard beet
Many people don't even know about the benefits of Swiss chard beet. For most people, the vegetable is associated with a burgundy root vegetable that has a sweetish taste. But few people know about ...
Which is healthier - raw or boiled beets?
Which is healthier - raw or boiled beets?
With age, there were problems with the intestines. The doctor said that you need to stick to a diet, and a friend advised me to eat beets more often. But I forgot to clarify in what form it ...
How to store beets in the cellar in winter, popular ways
How to store beets in the cellar in winter, popular ways
Tell me how to store beets in the cellar in winter? Last year, they harvested their first crop and just put the roots in boxes. But after the New Year holidays, most of the fruits ...
A few simple recipes on how to deliciously bake beets in the oven
A few simple recipes on how to deliciously bake beets in the oven
Before baking beets in the oven, it is important to familiarize yourself with the basic nuances of cooking. Using the oven allows you to preserve the beneficial properties of the root crop and gives it a special taste. After ...
Easy ways to make beetroot fridge - a refreshing gourmet soup
Easy ways to make beetroot fridge - a refreshing gourmet soup
There are more than 250 countries and territories on planet Earth, each of which has its own national cuisine. You won't be able to taste all the dishes, but some you can even ...
When to harvest carrots for the winter for long-term storage
When to harvest carrots for the winter for long-term storage
Vegetables from your own garden are always much cleaner, more environmentally friendly than store vegetables.It is necessary to decide when to harvest carrots in advance so as not to overexpose vegetables and preserve their useful properties. ...
What you need to know about the timing of harvesting beets and carrots?
What you need to know about the timing of harvesting beets and carrots?
Last year, we grew a good harvest of beets and carrots, but already in January all the root crops deteriorated. The neighbor says that we dug them up early. Tell me when to collect ...
Redness of beet tops: what is the reason and how to deal with it
Redness of beet tops: what is the reason and how to deal with it
On my last visit to the summer cottage, I noticed that the leaves of my beets had become a strange color - in some beds they became dull, and on others they became ...
What to do if beet seedlings are elongated
What to do if beet seedlings are elongated
This year I decided to try to grow beets through seedlings. Spring comes late here, and we want to get fresh vegetables as soon as possible. But the experiment turned out to be not very ...
Ways to store beets at home
Ways to store beets at home
Beets, like other root vegetables, are well stored in a dark, cool room, such as a cellar. The traditional way of storing beets is to put them in boxes of sand and remove ...
Winter sowing of beets
Winter sowing of beets
Beets are an unpretentious plant, except for sowing in spring, they can also be planted in autumn, but not all varieties are suitable for this. For winter sowing, varieties with good ...
Sowing, fertilizing and harvesting beets
Sowing, fertilizing and harvesting beets
Beets are a more thermophilic plant than carrots, so they are sown in early May. If you sow beets before winter, then they will not form large root crops. They are not afraid of frost ...
Secrets of growing large beets
Secrets of growing large beets
Beetroot is an unpretentious vegetable that does not require a lot of feeding. In addition, beets are quite cold-resistant plants. It is because of these qualities that it is grown all over the world, from hot ...
Canning for the winter or eating beetroot caviar
Canning for the winter or eating beetroot caviar
Spicy sweet and sour beetroot caviar for the winter will delight every family member with its own taste. The appetizer looks great on a slice of bread, goes with any side dish and even acts as an ingredient ...
A selection of recipes for beetroot salads for the winter
A selection of recipes for beetroot salads for the winter
Lovers of sweet and sour taste will definitely take note of the recipes for beetroot salad for the winter. A rich burgundy mixture will appeal to all family members. Such provisions can be consumed ...
Popular pickled beetroot recipes
Popular pickled beetroot recipes
Since ancient times, everyone has known the beneficial properties of beets. In what forms it is not used! But whether it is raw, boiled, baked or pickled - beets are all the same ...
Delicate cabbage rolls from beet leaves
Delicate cabbage rolls from beet leaves
Delicious and juicy, big or small, in a fragrant thick sauce ... It's all about cabbage rolls - a dish that is prepared with pleasure both for the holidays and just for ...
Pickled cabbage Pink petal with beets
Pickled cabbage "Pink petal" with beets
Among the lovers of pickles and pickles, there are few who have never tasted "pink cabbage". But not everyone knows how to achieve such an amazing color, much less ...
Pickled pink garlic with beets
Pickled pink garlic with beets
In the winter season, salads, pastas and snacks containing garlic often appear on everyday and festive tables. The appearance of a pungent smell and pungent bitterness often stops the desire to taste ...
Cooking delicious borsch dressing for the winter with and without beets
Cooking delicious borsch dressing for the winter with and without beets
Among the first courses, borscht is the head of everything, because no soup can compare with it in its rich taste. However, the procedure for preparing the "royal dish" takes a lot of time ...
How to feed beets if they grow poorly?
How to feed beets if they grow poorly?
Every year I plant beets, they always grew well, and the fruits were delicious. However, this year the growth is somewhat slow. Maybe the soil is depleted? Tell me how to feed ...
Useful properties and contraindications for the use of red beets
Useful properties and contraindications for the use of red beets
In the list of garden crops, beets are far from the last.This vegetable is unpretentious, perfectly stored and used in a variety of dishes. If the cultures growing on our beds ...
New life of an old drink - beet kvass
New life of an old drink - beet kvass
The process of lactic acid fermentation, which is the basis of fermentation, has been used by people since ancient times for making refreshing drinks and preparing vegetables. The first kvass was obtained in Babylon, but ...
The benefits and harms of beetroot juice
The benefits and harms of beetroot juice
The healers of Ancient China were the first to pay attention to the medicinal properties of beets and from the roots of this plant. The healing effects of beetroot juice are mentioned in the writings of Hippocrates and ...
Useful properties and recipes with beet tops
Useful properties and recipes with beet tops
Common beets, found in almost every vegetable garden, can be called versatile and one of the healthiest vegetables. And it's not only about the benefits that burgundy sweet roots have, ...
Harvesting beet tops for the winter
Harvesting beet tops for the winter
Beets have changed little since ancient times, when they began to eat them. Only the ground part was eaten, the healers used root crops. Later, the sweet root became a vegetable, without ...
Basic principles of crop rotation and what to plant after beets
Basic principles of crop rotation and what to plant after beets
Novice summer residents do not always know what to plant after beets or other vegetable crops to get a good harvest every year. After what time can you grow other vegetables and ...
Beet pests and control
Beet pests and control
Caring for garden crops includes pest control measures. In cramped conditions, even crop rotation does not save. So, pests of cruciferous plants simultaneously harm haze. Developed on fruit bushes ...
What is the difference between caring for beets in July and August?
What is the difference between caring for beets in July and August?
Midsummer. All sowing and planting have already been completed, the time has come to create conditions for the plants to harvest. If on farms on huge areas it is impossible to do without processing ...
How to store carrots and beets for the winter
How to store carrots and beets for the winter
Root crops grown on household plots are traditionally used not only in summer, but are also laid for storage. This is facilitated by the unpretentiousness of crops and their productivity. The easiest way to save ...
Why beet juice is useful and harmful
Why beet juice is useful and harmful
Growing vegetables in the country, a person counts not only on a pleasant rest from the bustle of the city. He receives products that contain minimal amounts of toxins. It is not for nothing that there are ecological ...
Why beets don't grow in the garden - an overview of the main reasons
Why beets don't grow in the garden - an overview of the main reasons
Beetroot, which is quite easy to grow by regulars of garden beds, sometimes presents unpleasant surprises to summer residents. Even experienced gardeners can hear complaints about the death of only developing plants, yellowing ...
Growing beets in the country in the open field
Growing beets in the country in the open field
It's amazing how much a summer resident needs to know in order to make his work happy, the products are clean of chemicals, and the harvest is sufficient to meet the annual need. One of the ubiquitous ...
What do we know about the types and varieties of beets?
What do we know about the types and varieties of beets?
Beets (not beets!) Are a herbaceous biennial plant belonging to the Amaranth family (formerly, beets belonged to the Marevykh family). There are also annual and perennial representatives of this family. Of 13 ...
The health benefits of beetroot when consumed regularly
The health benefits of beetroot when consumed regularly
What is the use of beets and what is it about this unique root vegetable that even 2000 years BC mankind used it not only for nutrition? From ...
When to harvest beets and how to store
When to harvest beets and how to store
The taste and commercial qualities of beets depend not only on the variety, but also on when and how it was harvested from the garden, in what conditions it was stored ...
Beet diseases and the fight against them: photos and descriptions
Beet diseases and the fight against them: photos and descriptions
Beetroot is justifiably considered an unpretentious garden crop, which even a beginner can grow. But sometimes strong, healthy tops are covered with reddish and brown spots, the leaves curl and dry up, ...
Planting and caring for beets in the open field
Planting and caring for beets in the open field
To grow a delicious root crop with good yields, you will need to know some of the intricacies of planting and caring for beets in the open field. The culture is two years old, but if grown incorrectly, education will begin ...
Beetroot diseases: visual photos, detailed descriptions and situational treatment
Beetroot diseases: visual photos, detailed descriptions and situational treatment
Juicy and rich in trace elements, beets are a favorite habitat for many pathogens. You need to know beet diseases: their photos, descriptions and treatment are what ...
Carrots and beets in the same garden
Carrots and beets in the same garden
The key to a good harvest is timely sowing, successful selection of the variety and compliance with agrotechnical conditions. The first factor is very important for beets and carrots, since the correct sowing time ...


