The health benefits of beetroot when consumed regularly

benefits of beets What is the use of beets and what is it about this unique root vegetable that even 2000 years BC mankind used it not only for nutrition? Delicious dishes were prepared from the root vegetable. The tissues were dyed with bright beet juice, and the tops and pulp of the root crop were successfully used and are still being used by folk healers.

Today, the unique properties of red beets have been scientifically proven and recognized not only by traditional healers, but also officially recognized by scientists and doctors.

Proven health benefits of beets

useful properties of beets

The unique possibilities of beets and their positive effects on the body are evidenced by the facts based on an undeniable evidence base.

The chemical composition of the root crop

chemical composition of beets100 g of fresh ripe beets contains only 44 kcal.

The beet contains short-chain carbohydrates - fructans.

Carbohydrates in raw beets are in the form of fructose and glucose (simple sugars), the content of which increases after boiling or baking the root vegetable.

In large quantities, the fruits contain minerals and vitamins:

  • vitamin C, necessary for the skin and supporting immunity;
  • folic acid, without which the functioning and growth of cells is impossible;
  • iron, which provides the synthesis of erythrocytes in the bone marrow;
  • potassium, which lowers blood pressure and improves heart muscle function;
  • manganese, which provides muscle tissue function.

The fiber contained in beets helps restore the intestinal microflora, reduces the risk of high blood pressure, the development of myocardial infarction, the appearance of malignant neoplasms and other serious diseases.

The high concentration of pigments and inorganic nitrates in the root crop is appreciated by doctors. It helps to effectively reduce blood pressure and the risk of developing pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

Fight high blood pressure

benefits of beets with high blood pressureThe main factor in the development of heart attack and stroke is hypertension and drops in blood pressure. As a result of scientific research, it has been established that beets not only reduce blood pressure indicators, but also prevent the development of the disease in people at risk. It includes people with diabetes, overweight and with a burdened heredity.

Consuming beet pulp or freshly squeezed juice will help reduce the tonometer reading by 6-7% after 3 hours.

The nitrates contained in root vegetables act on the walls of the arteries, which leads to vasodilation and a decrease in blood pressure. The antihypertensive effect occurs 4 hours after taking beets and lasts a maximum of 7 hours. To achieve a sustainable effect, the root vegetable or its juice must be consumed at least 2 times a day on an ongoing basis.

The benefits of beets for weight loss

beets for weight lossWeight loss is possible only with the regular consumption of fruits and vegetables with a minimum energy value. Red beets are high in fiber and water. After taking root vegetables in the next 2-3 hours, the appetite decreases markedly.

The antioxidants and vitamin C contained in beets help to normalize metabolism in adipose tissue and utilize adipocytes. As a result, the body receives the energy it needs so much.

For weight loss and in order to correct body weight, doctors recommend eating red beet dishes every day.

Fight inflammation

benefits of beets for inflammation

The red root vegetable contains a variety of pigments that influence the activity of tumor necrosis and the production of C-reactive protein, which contribute to the development of chronic inflammatory processes.

Beets have a positive effect on free radical mechanisms that destroy the structure of cells, cause genetic disruptions and mutations.

Possessing unique anti-inflammatory properties, beets do an excellent job of preventing the development of many dangerous diseases and allows the human body to remain healthy for many years.

Benefits of beets in cancer prevention

cancer preventionRed beet pulp contains various anti-inflammatory substances and many antioxidants that can prevent the development of malignant cells. In America, scientists, after conducting experiments on animals, were able to prove that the use of a strong beet extract can significantly reduce the growth and rate of division of cancer cells.

Today, the study of the effect of beet extract in the treatment of malignant tumors in the mammary and prostate glands continues.

Impact on athletic performance

benefits of beets for athletesIn the UK, studies have shown that by taking 0.5 liters of beet juice every day, athletes become more than 15% more enduring and their performance increases by at least 1%. The body begins to consume 20% more oxygen, which prevents the development of hypoxia during intensive training.

Beets must be consumed before starting physical activity, because the maximum concentration of beet nitrates occurs only after 3 hours.

Benefits of beets for the brain

red beet for the brainThe older a person gets, the lower his cognitive and mental functions. Sometimes deviations in the form of senile dementia, Pick's or Alzheimer's disease and others begin to develop. This happens as a result of a decrease in the supply of oxygen to the nervous system and a weakening of blood flow.

It has been scientifically proven that nitrates in beets are needed to improve oxygen supply to the brain and improve blood vessel permeability.

With regular consumption of beets, not only mental performance improves, but also memory.

Beets for liver function and health

benefits of beets for the liverThe liver cleans the blood from toxic substances and removes them immediately. Therefore, it is necessary to support her work, especially when there are problems with being overweight and type 2 diabetes is diagnosed. The red beet is in a hurry to help, it can provide the prevention of hepatosis (fatty degeneration of organ cells).

It has been scientifically proven that consumption of beets reduces the damaging effects on liver cells of various toxic substances. In addition, with viral hepatitis, the risk of developing cirrhosis is sharply reduced.

Benefits of beets during pregnancy

eating beets during pregnancyTo prevent the development of developmental abnormalities and ensure the fetus has a good development of the neural tube, folic acid is needed. Beetroot is its main source.

The high content of nitrates and vitamin C in the vegetable helps to improve the uteroplacental blood flow, which prevents the development of fetal hypoxia and reduces the risk of premature birth (miscarriage).

Pregnant women are advised to regularly consume beets to avoid possible complications when carrying a baby.

Read the article: what is the use of radishes for the body?

Poor properties of beets and contraindications for use

contraindications to the use of beetsEven a vegetable that contains almost the entire periodic table in its composition can harm human health in certain situations.

Medical warnings:

  1. Beets should not be consumed in large quantities if there are metabolic problems or kidney stones are diagnosed.
  2. After eating raw beets, sugar levels can rise sharply.Only after consulting a doctor can boiled vegetables be consumed by people with type 2 diabetes.
  3. It is categorically contraindicated to consume raw beets or juice from them for people with chronic renal failure, suffering from osteoporosis, low blood pressure, nephrotic syndrome. During an exacerbation of duodenal and stomach ulcers, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, a fresh vegetable will only harm.
  4. Patients with Wilson's disease and suffering from hemochromatosis can use beets very rarely and in minimal doses.

Beet juice should not be consumed immediately after preparation. It must be drunk at least 3 hours later.

Freshly squeezed juice can sharply reduce the pressure indicator, cause vasospasm. At the same time, general weakness and nausea appear.

Why raw and boiled beets are useful for the body

the benefits of raw and boiled beetsIn what form is it better to use beets in order to get the maximum benefit for your body. Basically, doctors recommend eating the vegetable raw. However, this is not always correct and this issue should be dealt with in more detail.

After heat treatment, the amount of proteins and carbohydrates in beet roots increases (up to 10%). The calorie content increases by 20%, but at the same time it becomes less (up to 10%) minerals and vitamins.

Boiled beets contain less nitrates and organic fructans, which reduces its effect on blood pressure.

The energy value of the fruit after drying increases several times. At the same time, there is a strong loss of vitamin C and other vitamins.

There is no biological value in canned or pickled beets. After deep processing, the content of minerals and vitamins drops several times.

If you need to lower your blood pressure, then you need to eat only fresh beets or their juice.

Read also the article: beet juice benefits and harms!

The use of beets in traditional medicine

the use of red beets in traditional medicineUsing the medicinal properties of red beets, the pharmaceutical industry produces a digestive-improving drug called Acidin-pepsinum. Doctors prescribe it for gastritis and dyspepsia.

In folk medicine, the properties of beets are used more widely, making various decoctions and tinctures.benefits of boiled beets

Most popular recipes:

  1. Mix honey and beet juice in a 1: 1 ratio. The remedy is taken as a sedative and laxative, to lower blood pressure and vasospasm.
  2. A good laxative effect is given by a salad of boiled beets or 100 ml of juice from a raw vegetable. Take on an empty stomach.
  3. After squeezing the juice from the beets and keeping it for at least 2 hours in the refrigerator, the remedy is taken for atherosclerosis. At one time, you need no more than 80 ml. After drinking the juice, you must eat.
  4. With vitamin deficiency, an infusion of berries is prepared black currant and rose hips (1 tbsp. l.), 2 tbsp. l grated beets and 500 ml of boiling water. You can pour directly into a small saucepan and cover. After 3, strain into a jar. Add honey (2 tsp) to the warm infusion. Take at least 2 weeks twice a day, 50 ml before meals.
  5. A simple remedy made from raw beets, honey, and olive oil can help eliminate chronic constipation. Grate a large root vegetable, add a teaspoon natural honey and 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. Take a few spoons before meals.
  6. Put cotton swabs soaked in beet juice from boiled vegetables into the nostrils. This will help clear up the runny nose.
  7. Prepare a decoction from the tops of 3 root vegetables. Cook for a quarter of an hour. Strain and cool slightly. Add a tablespoon of natural honey to 1 liter of broth. Use a product to improve hand skin prone to cracking and dryness. After the bath, rinse your hands with clean water, dry well and lubricate with moisturizer.
  8. The pulp of boiled beets is used to treat heel cracks. Boil the beets, grate and add a little ghee to it.Apply the mixture to the heels and fix with a bandage for 15 minutes.

The benefits of beets for our health - video

  1. johnny

    I eat beets. I look forward to a positive effect.


