Advantages and methods of growing Eleutherococcus prickly

Medicinal shrub Eleutherococcus spiny In order to discover all the subtleties of traditional medicine, you need to know about the properties of plants. For example, Eleutherococcus spiny is very often used for medicinal purposes. It is a shrub with a height of two to two and a half meters. Also, the plant has a very developed root system, which is used in medicine. To distinguish Eleutherococcus spiny from other plants, you need to know that the shrub has black round fruits, inside which there are five flattened seeds.

The collection of the medicinal plant falls on the second mid-September. Geographically, the shrub grows in the Far East, in the northeastern part of China, as well as in Korea and Japan. In Russia, the shrub can be found in the Primorsky Territory, South Sakhalin and the Amur region. The Eleutherococcus plant, the photo of which is in this article, has pronounced berries.

Medicinal properties of the plant

Tincture of Eleutherococcus roots

Due to its chemical properties, the use of Eleutherococcus spiny is widespread in folk and scientific medicine. The plant has a beneficial effect on the entire body, in particular on:

  • Central nervous system - by stimulating it, it stimulates stable work.
  • The musculoskeletal system, which, under the influence of the tincture from the plant, begins to work more actively.
  • Brain activity.
  • Vision, enhancing its perception.
  • The immune system.
  • Cell regeneration and growth retardation of cancerous tumors.

Eleutherococcus root is suitable for making tincturesIn addition, Eleutherococcus has medicinal properties that increase the general metabolic processes of the body, contributes to its resistance to the harmful effects of the environment, pathogens, as well as factors that cause inflammatory processes. Thanks to treatment with Eleutherococcus, a person is able to cope with stress faster.

Eleutherococcus root medicineThe main dosage form in which the medicinal Eleutherococcus can be found is a liquid extract. It must be taken in dosage. It is best to use the medicine in courses, one course lasts a month, and then you need to take a break. It has virtually no side effects as it is non-toxic, but overdose can cause insomnia, melancholy, anxiety and irritability.

Taking the drug regularly, you can get rid of skin diseases, impotence, neuroses, diabetes and atherosclerosis... It can also be used for external use by adding it to creams.

Growing a bush with seedlings

Eleutherococcus saplingDespite the fact that eleutherococcus prickly grows only in a certain climate, it is quite possible to grow it at home as a garden plant in several ways: vegetative, cuttings, using layering and dividing the shrub. They also use seeds, but this method is not the best, since it is troublesome and costly.

For the cultivation of Eleutherococcus, it is best to use branches and root growth, which can be easily found around the shrub. The branches can be easily separated from the main plant, and due to the ability to intensively develop the root system, they will very quickly be taken into the ground.

We grow eleutherococcus in the courtyardThe best time to breed a shrub is in autumn or early spring. In the spring, the planting procedure should be carried out before the buds begin to swell.But, before planting, you need to prepare a place where Eleutherococcus spiny will grow. Since it is a very shade-loving plant, it is better to choose a place for planting under a tree that casts a good shadow. The place under the nut is perfect for this.

Reproduction of the bush is carried out by cuttings, branches or seedsFirst you need to remove weeds throughout the area. Also, dig the entire area allocated for landing to a depth of about 25 centimeters. Now you should fertilize the soil well, while making 6 kilograms manure per one meter of land area.

For seedlings, dig small holes 50 cm deep and 60 cm wide. It is better to plant bushes at a distance of two meters from each other. This is done so that an extensive root system can develop. Now you need to lower the seedling into the ground and cover it with fertilized earth on top. It is collected from above. Then water the ground near the seedling with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and compact with a shovel.

Young bushes of eleutherococcus prickly

During the first year after planting, the seedlings of Eleutherococcus prickly must be observed and looked after. It is especially difficult for a young plant to tolerate frost, therefore, it should be covered in winter. It is better to plant several bushes at once, since there is no guarantee that you will come across plants with flowers of different sexes. For the successful development of the shrub, its abundant flowering and fruiting, there must be plants with flowers of a different sex, which will enable them to further pollinate.

Breeding Eleutherococcus prickly from seeds

Eleutherococcus seedsAs for the cultivation of Eleutherococcus from seeds, they must first be kept in wet sand for five months at a temperature of twenty degrees, and then for another three months at 0-4 ° C. For the last months, the seeds can be refrigerated. It is best to time the preliminary procedures for the onset of spring. And then the seeds must be transplanted into the soil to a depth of three centimeters. Since they emerge slowly, only half of them will emerge in the first year.

Before starting the procedure for planting Eleutherococcus seeds, it is necessary to stratify them. Its meaning lies in the fact that the seeds are placed in a humid and cold environment for a while. But this applies only to those that have poor germination, and this procedure provokes their growth.

Eleutherococcus blooms in summerBeautiful flowers on the shrub appear only four years after planting. Delicate yellow flowers bloom in the first half of summer, which will be a great addition to other ornamental shrubs of the site. Already in September, black fruits are formed in their place, which also look very impressive. But the plant does not require special care. The only thing the bush needs is the periodic removal of dried or damaged branches, watering and fertilizing with organic fertilizers.

Eleutherococcus berries are used in cookingEleutherococcus spines is an effective medicinal herb that can help develop physical and mental abilities, as well as cure many diseases. In addition, at minimal cost, this plant can be grown for your own use in your garden area.

Tips for growing Eleutherococcus - video


