7 easiest pumpkin jam recipes

preparation for the winter pumpkin jam Among the variety of sweet dishes, many distinguish aromatic and tasty pumpkin jam. This vegetable is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals, which contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system. Pumpkin is hypoallergenic and low in calories. This makes it possible to introduce an orange vegetable into the menu of babies and those who monitor their health, and also want to lose extra pounds.

Many dishes are prepared from pumpkin. But today we want to focus on the jam from this vegetable. This tasty, aromatic and healthy dish will please not only little sweet tooths, but also adults.

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Pumpkin and orange jam

pumpkin and orange jam

The cooking time for this dish is 40 minutes. The output of the finished product is 1 liter. To make pumpkin and orange jam, you need the following products:

  • medium size pumpkin;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 600-700 gr.;
  • anise, cinnamon.

The more sugar you add, the thicker the jam will be.

Cut the pumpkin into 4 parts and peel it from the peel and seeds.cut and clean the pumpkin

Cut the fruit into cubes. Take a saucepan with thick walls, place the pumpkin pieces in there and cover them with water.

Put the container on the gas stove, wait for the mass to boil. Reduce heat, cover saucepan.

Using a fine grater, grate the orange zest. Peel the fruit, remove the seeds and white rind (this will add unnecessary bitterness to the jam).peel the orange

Cut into large wedges. Add citrus to pumpkin, stir. The mixture should simmer slightly until the pumpkin and orange are boiled (this will take about half an hour).cook an orange with pumpkin

Remove the pan from the heat, let cool slightly. Grind the mixture in a blender. Add sugar, cinnamon stick, and anise if desired. Cook the jam over high heat, then it will sooner boil down.add sugar and continue cooking

Cooking time is 15 minutes.

To check the readiness, you need to put some of the mixture on a plate. The finished jam should not run.

The pumpkin and orange jam recipe involves a step of sterilizing the cans. After cooling, the mixture should harden. The consistency will resemble marmalade. The jam itself turns out to be a beautiful bright orange color.

Pumpkin does not have a pronounced aroma, therefore, jam based on it can be supplemented with various fruits - apples, tangerines, oranges, lemon, as well as spices, dried fruits, citrus zest.

Pumpkin jam with lemon and orange with the addition of ginger

Jam from pumpkin, lemon and orangeIn order to make a delicious pumpkin jam with orange and lemon, you need to prepare the following products:

  1. Pumpkin - 1.5 kg.
  2. Sugar - 800-900 gr.
  3. Orange - 2 pcs.
  4. Lemon - 2 pcs.
  5. Water - 1 liter.
  6. Fresh ginger - 100 gr.
  7. Cinnamon is on the tip of a knife.
  8. Ground ginger - 1 tsp

Peel the pumpkin and cut it into pieces.peel and chop the pumpkin

Rub the peel of the lemon and orange with a fine grater (all you need is 1 teaspoon of zest). Cut oranges, lemons into wedges.cut oranges and lemons into slices

Peel and grate the ginger.peel and rub the ginger

Take a saucepan, place all the ingredients in it except sugar. Bring mixture to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer until ginger and pumpkin are tender. Sugar can be added at this stage.add sugar and cook until tender

Cook over low heat for 1 hour, stirring constantly. Finally, add cinnamon and dry ginger (optional).

Ready pumpkin jam is poured into sterilized jars. In total, from the specified amount of ingredients, 4 jars with a volume of half a liter should be obtained.Cooking time - 1 hour 20 minutes.

Store pumpkin jam in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. To increase the shelf life of a sweet dish, boil it for half an hour in a water bath.

Pumpkin jam with lemon

pumpkin jam with lemonFor making thick pumpkin jam and lemon you need to purchase such products:

  1. Pumpkin - 1 kg.
  2. Sugar - 700 gr.
  3. Lemon - 1.5 pcs.
  4. Water - 250 ml of water.

For jam it is better to choose pumpkin with bright orange pulp. The Sweetie variety is ideal for these purposes. These fruits are very sweet and juicy.

So, take a saucepan, place a peeled and diced pumpkin in a container, add sugar, pour in water. Boil pumpkin jam with lemon after boiling for 20 minutes.cook pumpkin without sugar

The pumpkin slices should be soft, but not overcooked. Next, take a blender, grind the mass to a puree consistency.chop the boiled pumpkin

Squeeze the juice from the lemons and add to the pumpkin saucepan. Continue cooking for another half hour. Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

Pumpkin jam with dried apricots

This pumpkin and dried apricot jam recipe does not involve the use of water. This dish will require these ingredients.

  1. Sugar - 1 kg.
  2. Ripe pumpkin - at least 1 kg.
  3. Lemon - 1 pc.
  4. Dried apricots - 300 gr.

wash and clean the pumpkinRinse the pumpkin, peel it and remove seeds.

Try not to economize. Peel off a thick layer of rind, grabbing the pulp.

Next, cut the vegetable into large cubes, place them in a saucepan and cover with sugar so that the pumpkin lets out the juice.cut the pumpkin into cubes and cover with sugar

Squeeze lemon juice. You should get about 5 tbsp. l. Strain it with cheesecloth and add to the pumpkin and sugar. Stir, place on low heat stove.squeeze and add lemon juice

Rinse dried apricots under water and pour over with boiling water. Cut the dried fruit into slices. Add to pumpkin and cook for 25 minutes, stirring constantly.

After 4 hours, put the container back on the low heat stove. Sweat the mixture for 20 minutes. Then leave the pumpkin and dried apricots jam for 6 hours and put it back on the stove, but already for 5 minutes after boiling.

Pour into jars.

Most pumpkin jam recipes are made without using water. If after mixing pumpkin with sugar the mass is too thick, then it is allowed to add half a glass of water. If this is not done, then during the cooking process the mixture will constantly burn, and the pumpkin will not soften.

Pumpkin jam with apples

To make apple pumpkin jam, prepare the following foods.

  1. Sugar - 1 kg.
  2. Apples are better than sweet varieties - 1 kg.
  3. Pumpkin pulp - 1 kg.
  4. Orange zest - a quarter spoon.

Peel the fruit and seeds. Cut the pumpkin into large pieces. Put the vegetable in a thick-walled saucepan, add a little water, cover, leave to simmer over low heat until the pumpkin softens.cut the pumpkin into large pieces

Then grate or grind in a blender.grind the pumpkin with a blender

Rinse and clean apples from the peel and seeds.peel and chop apples

Cut the fruit into small cubes, simmer in a skillet or saucepan until tender.stew chopped apples

Twist the apples in a blender.grind apples with a blender

Combine the applesauce and pumpkin puree, sprinkle with the indicated amount of sugar, add the mixture to a saucepan and set the heat to low. Remember to constantly stir.mix apple and pumpkin puree

Cook for half an hour. Add to the container 10 minutes before the end of processing orange peel.add the orange zest at the end

Pumpkin jam with lemon, nuts, apples

pumpkin jam with nutsHow to make pumpkin jam? To do this, take the following products:

  • the pulp of a ripe bright orange pumpkin - 1 kg;
  • apples (the sweeter the better) - 800 g;
  • medium lemon - 1 pc .;
  • vanilla - on the tip of a knife;
  • peeled walnuts - half a glass.

Peel and core the apples.peeling apples

Cut the fruit into small cubes. Do the same with the pumpkin. Only the pieces should be coarse when cutting.clean and grind the pumpkin

Take a saucepan with a thick bottom and walls, place the pumpkin pieces there. Sprinkle the mixture with sugar and leave for half an hour to juice the mixture.fill the pumpkin with sugar

Place the container on the stove - minimum heat. The recipe for pumpkin jam with lemon and nuts involves constant stirring.

When the sugar crystals dissolve, you can turn up the fire. Wait for the mixture to boil. Boil for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Then add apples and chopped walnuts.

Sweat for another quarter of an hour. Then remove the pan from the stove and let the mixture cool. Then repeat the cooking procedure 3 times. Leave the pot on the stove for 15 minutes each time.

For the 4th time before cooking, add lemon juice and vanilla on the tip of a knife to a saucepan.

If you do not sterilize the jars and do not boil the lids, then the jam will not last long. The preservation will deteriorate, mold and ferment.

Pumpkin jam with citrus and cinnamon

The recipe for pumpkin, citrus and cinnamon jam involves the use of such products.

  1. Pumpkin pulp - 1 kg.
  2. Orange or tangerine - 2 pcs.
  3. Lemon (1 lime is possible) - 2 pcs.
  4. Sugar - 500-700 g.
  5. Cinnamon.

Place the peeled pumpkin slices in a blender and chop them. Place the mixture in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. Let stand for 45 minutes.chop the pumpkin

Pour boiling water over citrus fruits. Using a fine grater, scrape the zest off the fruit. After that, squeeze the juice out of the citrus and filter it well with cheesecloth.

Add juice and zest to the pumpkin, stir and place on the stove over low heat. Add the cinnamon, stir again and let the mixture simmer in a saucepan for 45-50 minutes.cook pumpkin with zest and citrus juice

After cooking, you can grind the jam in a blender.

An easy and simple way to make pumpkin jam

You can quickly and tasty make pumpkin jam using this recipe. Take:

  • pumpkin - 1 kg;
  • cloves and ground cinnamon - ½ spoon each;
  • sugar - 700 g;
  • ground ginger - at the end of the knife;
  • lime juice or lemon juice - 1 tbsp l.

Take a pumpkin, peel it of seeds, leave the peel. Cut the vegetable into large pieces.preparing the pumpkin

Take a baking sheet, line it with foil or parchment paper. Bake in the oven for a quarter of an hour at 150 degrees. After the pumpkin is soft, the baking sheet can be removed from the oven.bake pumpkin in the oven

Peel the fruit and grind in a blender. Put the mixture in a saucepan and mix with sugar. Place the container on low heat.cook chopped pumpkin with sugar

After 25 minutes of cooking, add lemon or lime juice, spices. Then simmer on low heat for another 45 minutes. Pour into jars (pre-sterilized).

Enjoy your meal!


