Recipe for making prunes with walnuts in sour cream

prunes with walnuts in sour cream In the pre-New Year's bustle, it is very easy to get involved in preparing salads and completely forget about dessert, and this is no less important part of the festive table. One of the options for winter sweetness is prunes with walnuts in sour cream. For some, this dish has long been familiar and beloved, and many have no idea about such a delicious dish.

There are many recipes for dessert, sometimes even with the addition of condensed milk, and someone else is sophisticated and adds honey or caramel syrup. But many people fell in love with the classic preparation of this delicacy, because many in Soviet times did not do a single New Year without it. And the folk recipe for this dish included sour cream. Although a creative approach to preparing a treat will never be superfluous, the main points of the recipe still need to be followed, and then you can change the ingredients or proportions as you like.

Recipe for prunes with walnuts in sour cream


  • 500 grams prunes (it is better to take with dry and with a bone, since the percentage of its naturalness is higher);
  • 250 grams of walnuts;
  • 300 grams of sour cream (you can take more or less, depending on preference);
  • 3 tablespoons cane sugar
  • mint leaves for decoration.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak prunes in hot water for half an hour.pour hot water over prunes
  2. Pull out the bones carefully. It is advisable to leave a not very large hole so that the prunes remain intact in further cooking.remove pits from prunes
  3. Now, in order for prunes stuffed with walnuts to not only taste good, but also look good, you need to very carefully place large pieces of walnut in the middle of this fruit. It is important to preserve at least some semblance of the shape of the fruit for aesthetics.stuff prunes with nuts
  4. Then comes the preparation of a delicate cream. For prunes with walnuts in sour cream, you will need cane sugar, as it will give a viscous caramel flavor, the dish will have a slightly new shade, but you can do with the usual white. Mix sour cream with cane sugar using a mixer or a blender on low speed. You should get an airy and tasty cream. Refrigerate for a quarter of an hour to thicken and give texture to slightly melted ice cream, which can also be used in this recipe. But it is in sour cream, prunes with walnuts that remind many of the taste of childhood and New Year's bustle.beat sour cream with sugar
  5. Now it remains to pick up a large and beautiful plate for the delicacy. Then spread some of the prunes around the dish. Take out the cooled sour cream with sugar and pour over the first layer of dessert. This cream acts as a delicate layer between the prune layers. In this way, you need to lay the entire dish.put prunes and pour over with cream
  6. Add leaves mint for decoration and delicate aroma for freshness of the treat. You can also grate dark chocolate or sprinkle with cinnamon, it all depends on taste.decorate dessert with mint

A little secret when preparing a dish: do not be afraid to experiment and add new ingredients at hand. The dessert is so versatile that it goes well with almost anything (sweet, of course). From the fact that there is honey or a little more sugar in the delicacy, its taste will only benefit.

Dessert of prunes with walnuts in sour cream is ready!dessert is ready

He will act as the highlight of all the treats on the festive family table and will certainly evoke the warmest memories from childhood about the atmosphere of the New Year! And even in summer, the delicacy will not lose its relevance at all and will be just as tasty as homemade ice cream, which will become a favorite dessert for the whole family!


