We use potato juice, the benefits and harms of which are well studied

potato juice Potatoes is an irreplaceable vegetable product, but only after heat treatment. Fresh potato juice, the benefits and harms of which depend on the quality of the starting material, is a medicinal drink. Its reception is due to some restrictions on health, dosage and duration of the course.

Proper preparation and composition of potato juice


The raw material for the medicinal drink is potatoes. It is important to find tubers that have grown with a minimum of fertilizing and processing during the growing season. Potatoes, like a sponge, absorb from the ground, assimilate the entire periodic table from the air. Therefore, it is important to use an environmentally friendly product.

The source can be your own summer cottage. For medicinal purposes are selected potatoes medium sized from healthy bushes. It should not have a green coating on the skin. Potatoes are used starting August 2. This is the day of the first meal of young potatoes. In February, even in a cold cellar, potatoes lose their healing properties.

So that potato juice does not bring harm instead of good, only products from the household are bought from summer residents in the market. In large areas, the cultivation technology is based on intensive feeding.

Why an untested product is dangerous can be understood from the chemical composition of the juice. It includes 30 elements, many of which are extremely rare in other cultivated plants. A complete vitamin set for group B, the presence of vitamins C, E and PP allows you to strengthen the enzyme range of the body.nutritional value of potatoes

Present in the composition:

  • amino acids;
  • potato protein tuberin;
  • phenolic substances;
  • pectins.

No other product can offer such a rich composition. The elements are included in the set of easy to assimilate organic compounds. However, it is the complex chemical composition of potato juice that can be beneficial and harmful if the product is misused.

During heat treatment, part of the nutrients decomposes, part goes into solution or is modified. Therefore, the faster the fresh juice is drunk, the more nutrients will enter the body. Another prerequisite is the limited use of the drink. Substances that are useful to the body in small quantities can become poisonous if used uncontrolled.

You can not prepare juice from frozen potatoes, from tubers with a greenish skin. The cellular composition of such a product contains a lot of solanine, a poisonous substance. Sprouted tubers are also unsuitable.

Using juice for a long time is unacceptable. The juice has a harmful effect on the pancreas, possibly an imbalance in the processes in the body

The effect of potato juice on the human body

potato juice as medicineEating raw potatoes is tasteless and of little use. The juice from the raw product is used in folk and official medicine. The benefits of potato juice are backed by official research.

composition of potato juiceThe physiological effect of a healing drink on the body is based on a large amount of starch. In case of gastrointestinal problems, it envelops the walls of the organs and blocks the mucous membrane from the pepsin of the gastric juice. In this case, you should know that the drink lowers the acidity in the digestive system.

With gastritis against a background of low acidity, you cannot take potato juice.The drink has an alkaline form, neutralizes acid, which is already insufficient.

Potato juice helps with various ailments:

  • associated with various inflammatory diseases:
  • to cleanse the liver. kidney, gastrointestinal tract;
  • neutralizes toxic substances and removes them from the body;
  • contributes to the saturation of the body with minerals and vitamins.

For treatment with potato juice, the body is prepared in advance. For 3 days, protein foods of non-plant origin should be excluded from the menu. The longer the vegetarian diet is, the more effective the result will be. Spicy food is incompatible with juice intake. Before starting treatment, you should cleanse the gastrointestinal tract twice with an enema. The body is prepared in the same way, and the schedule for taking a healing drink depends on the reason that made you resort to taking the drink.

Before using potato juice for medicinal purposes, you should consult your doctor. There are contraindications for use, especially for diabetic patients, problems with the function of the pancreas.

Taking potato juice for various ailments

potato juice against ulcersFor various diseases, how to drink potato juice, the healer decides. He prescribes the course and the amount of the drink, which is measured not in glasses, in tablespoons.

If the patient suffers from a duodenal ulcer, he is prescribed 2 courses of 10 days. Half an hour before eating, you need to drink 10 tablespoons of juice. During the day, the juice is used 2-3 times. During this time, the composition will create a protective film on the walls that promotes wound healing. 2 courses are held with a break of 10 days. You should not take more juice during the year.

Potato juice for pancreatitis is consumed in the form of a cocktail. The composition is prepared by taking 12 tablespoons of carrot and potato juice. Drink a mixture of juices only in the morning on an empty stomach. Treatment lasts 2 courses of ten days, the rest is ten days. Secondary treatment can be repeated no earlier than 3 months after consultation with the doctor.

Patients with hypertension are shown taking a healing drink in the morning on an empty stomach, after waking up, for 10 days. The result will be visible within a few days. The body is saturated with potassium and magnesium, the heart muscle is strengthened. But you can repeat the intake of juice only after 20 days, so as not to overload other organs. The dosage is standard - 10-12 spoons at a time.

Potato juice for gastritis reduces heartburn. A decrease in acidity reduces the aggressive properties of gastric juice. The starch that envelops the walls of the esophagus and stomach is sewn up by the inflamed walls.

The juice reduces toxicosis in pregnant women. In the first trimester, it helps to cope with nausea, in the second - with heartburn, and is always a remedy for constipation. Take juice in the morning and in the evening, for 7 days with a break. If the result is achieved the first time, there is no need to abuse.

The juice helps to heal and soften hemorrhoids. Wipes moistened with juice are applied to the problem area for up to 3 weeks. Cracks are tightened, pain manifestations decrease.

squeezing potato juiceFor a long time traditional healers treat trophic ulcers and burns on the body with freshly prepared potato juice. The potatoes are passed through a juicer or rubbed, squeezed out the juice, the liquid is applied to the open wound with a swab, and the potato gruel is applied on top. The pain subsides, the wounds heal quickly.

To cleanse and strengthen the body with the help of juice therapy is the solution of a person who takes care of his health. It is enough to drink 12 tablespoons of juice once a year for 10 days in the morning on an empty stomach, and the effect will be noticeable on the face.

A bit of history

potato historyPotatoes, as a product, entered the culture 14 thousand years ago. The vegetable came to Europe in 1565, and to Russia in 1698. Potatoes were introduced in Russia by force, up to riots. At first, people were poisoned with inedible balabolki, eating them. The peasants learned to use tubers only at the end of the 18th century.

Potato juice treatment video


