How to make delicious and healthy lemon jam at home

lemon jam Lemon jam is a treat made with peeled lemon, sometimes not peeled. If you eat a spoonful of jam at least once every few days, the body will better absorb calcium and iron, and the digestive system will normalize.

The beneficial qualities of lemon jam are due to its composition. It contains a lot of vitamin C, which is a natural antiseptic and antioxidant. Also, in order to prevent ARVI and after antibiotic therapy, it is recommended to eat jam. The delicacy is indicated for people with low stomach acidity (it effectively increases it).

Jam from lemons removes toxins and toxins from the human body. Also, this product is used in dietetics, as it speeds up the metabolic process and does not contain fats. The energy value of jam (in 100 grams) is 200 kilocalories.

Although the delicacy is very healthy, it should be eaten within reasonable limits. It is not advisable for people who suffer from frequent allergic rashes to consume dessert in large quantities.

Lemon jam contains citric acid, which has a negative effect on tooth enamel, so if a person has sensitive teeth, he should not include this food in his diet. It is necessary to give up jam for diseases: pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, gastritis and angina.

Recipe for jam from lemons with zest

lemon jam with zest

Jam from lemons with zest is an extraordinary recipe that is popular and is prepared by many hostesses. The cooking process will take about three hours. The result is 3 liters of rich jam.

For cooking you will need:

  • 2 liters of clean water;
  • 2 kilograms of granulated sugar;
  • 1.5 kilograms of ripe lemons.

remove the zest and chop finelyThe first step is to wash and dry the lemons with a towel. Then remove the lemon zest and cut into strips or rub on a large grater.

squeeze the lemon juice and mix the ingredientsFurther lemons cut in half and squeeze the juice into a bowl in which the treat will be cooked. Water, sugar are poured into the juice and chopped zest is placed.

The white lemon peel and seeds should be folded into a bag, tied up and put in a saucepan in which the dessert will be prepared (but this is optional). Next, you need to turn on medium heat and bring the brew to a boil. The duration of cooking is 1-3 hours.

The dishes must not be covered with a lid. During cooking, the contents of the container will be reduced by 2 times.

The readiness of the jam is checked as follows: a few drops of a treat should be dripped onto a plate; when the dishes are turned in different directions, the dessert should keep its structure. This recipe for lemon jam is very simple, despite the ease of preparation, it makes a very tasty lemon jam mass.

Lemon Peel Jam

Jam from lemon with peel is prepared for an hour and a half. Ingredients that will be needed in the cooking process: 4 large lemons, 1 liter of water, half a kilogram of granulated sugar. First you need to wash the lemons and wipe dry. This can be done with a paper towel.

lemons for jamRub the zest of 3 lemons into a bowl. Remove the peel from the remaining lemon, chop it and add to the zest.grate the zest and cut the rind

In a saucepan, add 250 milliliters of water to the zest and skins and light the gas (medium heat). The contents of the cooking container should boil after 10 minutes.

make lemon jamThe next stage of preparation is the parsing of lemons into segments; to get a tasty and aromatic lemon jam at home, you only need the pulp of the fruit. Place the pulp with one glass of granulated sugar in a food processor and beat well. beat the boiled lemon shavingsAfter this procedure, drain the water from the zest and shavings and beat the contents of the combine again for 10 minutes.

Beating again is necessary so that the jam does not taste bitter.

The next step is to add the lemon-sugar mixture from the food processor to the zest and shavings. The remaining sugar and water are also added to the pot. The ingredients are mixed with a wooden spoon, the saucepan is put on fire. Cooking duration is 45-60 minutes. The finished treat should be thick, bright and boiled.healthy sun lemon jam

Dessert can be poured into beautiful containers or jars and eaten with toast. Jam mass will ideally decorate breakfast, because bread smeared with such sweetness will not leave anyone indifferent.

Lemon Orange Jam

Lemon and orange jam is a sweetness that you can't tear yourself away from. It is also called amber because of its beautiful rich shade. For one person, you will need to make jam:

  • 3 medium-sized oranges;
  • 3 large lemons;
  • 1-1.5 kilograms of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon vanillin
  • 1 cinnamon stick (you can just use chopped seasoning).

First step. The zest should be removed from the oranges, but not thrown away, since it will still be needed.remove the zest from oranges

Step two. Oranges should be cut into 6-8 pieces and pitted. Fragrant fruits are covered with granulated sugar and left for 1.5-2 hours. This is in order for the oranges to exude as much juice as possible.chopped orange sprinkle with sugar

The third cooking step begins after 2 hours. Squeeze juice from lemons and remove seeds. Freshly squeezed juice is poured over chopped oranges.add lemon juice to oranges

Next, you need to cut the lemons into strips and transfer to a saucepan, pour water over them and bring to a boil. After boiling, after 3-5 minutes, you need to drain all the water and pour fresh water (1 liter).

Drain and pour new water so that the sweetness does not taste bitter.

The boil will take 1 to 1.5 hours until the lemons are tender.boil lemon peels

The next step is to strain the lemon water over the oranges. Cinnamon and vanillin are added. Only now you need to start boiling the oranges for one and a half to two hours. The sweet mass should be halved.boil oranges

The last stage of cooking: you need to get a cinnamon stick (in case the stick was thrown at the place of seasoning) and chop oranges in a food processor. The zest of the oranges should be cut into strips and added to the jam.add orange zest to the jam

The last time we bring the finished goodies to a boil and turn off the gas. The finished product can be placed in glass jars and stored in the refrigerator. Making lemon jam with love, a recipe with a photo will help you not to make mistakes in the stages of preparation and to do everything right.

What can you eat lemon jam with?

Jams made from lemons and other fruits or dried fruits can be added to various dishes, complementing them and adding sophistication to their taste. Lemon jam sweetness goes well with homemade pancakes and pancakes. Jam can be the stuffing for the cakes.

Jam lemon with ginger not only useful in the cold season, but also piquant. It can serve as a dressing for fruit salad and make it richer. Options with which you can eat a delicacy: with waffles, diet breads, croutons, buns without filling, bagels, rye bread croutons.

Jam from juicy lemons will be an excellent filling of bakery yeast products. Buns and pies with homemade goodies turn out to be hearty, fluffy and with a great aroma.

For those who are losing weight, natural products with a minimum of fat should be part of the diet.Jam from freshly squeezed fruits will ideally fit into the diet and will bring continuous benefits.


