Posts tagged "leaving"

Be sure to plant and take care of sorrel in the open field
Be sure to plant and take care of sorrel in the open field
Sorrel is an unpretentious summer cottage plant, which contains many vitamins and minerals that a person needs. So that you can see what a bountiful harvest sorrel can give, planting and caring ...
Basic rules for planting and caring for daisies in the open field
Basic rules for planting and caring for daisies in the open field
Among all varieties of flowers for arranging flower beds and flower beds, modern gardeners often choose daisies. Miniature, delicate and incredibly beautiful daisies, planting and caring in the open field ...
Important about planting and caring for outdoor action
Important about planting and caring for outdoor action
Deytsia is a perennial woody evergreen plant. His homeland is East Asia. Many types of shrubs can be found there. An exotic plant appeared in Russian gardens not so long ago. IN ...
We grow monarda in our garden without problems
We grow monarda in our garden without problems
Lipocytes are represented quite widely, among them the monard stands out, planting and caring in the open field for which will not cause much trouble. The plant is very picky, looks great like ...
Rules for planting and caring for calla lilies in the open field
Rules for planting and caring for calla lilies in the open field
In our latitudes, two varieties of calla lilies perfectly coexist: tuberous and rhizome. If you follow the simple rules for growing calla lilies, planting and caring for it in the open field will lead to ...
Have you planted a hydrangea in the open ground in the spring?
Have you planted a hydrangea in the open ground in the spring?
Hortense cannot be called unpretentious. Planting hydrangeas in the open ground in spring and the subsequent care of ornamental shrubs will require attention and diligence from the gardener. But when the summer resident manages to tame ...
Planting zinnia seeds and caring for seedlings in the open field
Planting zinnia seeds and caring for seedlings in the open field
Majors, they are also zinnias, decorate the flowerbed with bright beautiful flowers throughout the summer season. Zinnia, planting and caring for which in the open field is not difficult, are grown ...
Growing peach efficiently
Growing peach efficiently
It is very problematic to grow a peach in central Russia. Gardeners believe that the tree is not adapted to cold climates, but the main reason for the small harvest is peach disease. Without treatments ...
You can harvest good peas if you know when to plant them outdoors.
You can harvest good peas if you know when to plant them outdoors.
Peas are an unpretentious plant from the legume genus, which after ripening gives tasty sweet fruits. To grow it on your site, you do not need to be a professional gardener - just know ...
How to create a tropical-style flower garden with cannes planting
How to create a tropical-style flower garden with cannes planting
It is always pleasant to look at the well-groomed garden plot, where beautiful flowers and shrubs are collected in the compositions of the flower beds. Each plant requires a certain amount of attention, for example, cannes - planting and care ...
Features of summer daffodil transplant
Features of summer daffodil transplant
Tell me when you can transplant daffodils after flowering? At my dacha, a whole forest has already formed from 5 bushes. I want to rejuvenate the daffodils a little, otherwise they have become completely ...
Elegant castor oil plant - the rules of planting and care in the flower beds
Elegant castor oil plant - the rules of planting and care in the flower beds
Few plants that naturally live in the tropics can adapt to the conditions of the middle lane. Such unpretentious ornamental crops include castor oil plant, planting and care in the open field for ...
Mandarin - what you need to know about caring for an exotic plant
Mandarin - what you need to know about caring for an exotic plant
For my birthday they gave me an indoor tangerine.Since I don't grow flowers at home at all, the question arose of what to do with it next. Still, it will be a pity if the plant disappears, ...
Correct and timely planting of cucumbers in open ground is a guarantee of a harvest
Correct and timely planting of cucumbers in open ground is a guarantee of a harvest
To get a good harvest, planting cucumbers in open ground is carried out in a sunny area, protected from northern winds. Around the perimeter of the selected allotment, fast-growing tall crops (legumes, ...
What do you know about planting and caring for tigridia outdoors?
What do you know about planting and caring for tigridia outdoors?
Tigridia is a plant of the Iris family, brought to our latitudes from South and Central America. Despite what a thermophilic flower the tigridia is, planting and caring in the open ...
All about planting and caring for lyatrix outdoors
All about planting and caring for lyatrix outdoors
Liatris with fluffy candle inflorescences and a wonderful aroma is a popular decorative perennial for summer cottages. If among the favorite plants of the grower there is liatris, planting and care in the open field - ...
Features of planting and caring for budlei in the open field
Features of planting and caring for budlei in the open field
A budlea shrub, planting and caring for which in the open field is not particularly difficult, can become the highlight of a dull autumn landscape in a country courtyard. This plant blooms late ...
We create a spring blooming flower bed by planting hyacinths in open ground
We create a spring blooming flower bed by planting hyacinths in open ground
Hyacinths, which are planned to be planted and nurtured outdoors, can become the most spectacular garden decoration. A variety of bright colors of inflorescences allows you to create picturesque compositions. Hyacinths appear immediately after ...
We hide unsightly places of the landscape under the curtains of periwinkle
We hide unsightly places of the landscape under the curtains of periwinkle
Periwinkle (lat. Vinca) is a cute and original culture, often found in Russian gardens and not only. Periwinkle, planting and care in the open field, which differ ...
Lush blooming of dahlias in the open field depends on planting tubers and plant care
Lush blooming of dahlias in the open field depends on planting tubers and plant care
Guatemala and Mexico are considered to be the homeland of these beautiful flowers. Dahlias appeared in the Old World in the 18th century, where they began to successfully plant and care in the open ...
Problems with growing boxwood
Problems with growing boxwood
Boxwoods grow for 4-5 years within the city. Now there is a good young growth, and strange spots appeared on the old leaves - brown ones, then they dry out and the twig dies off. What ...
The subtleties of planting and care in the open field for forsythia
The subtleties of planting and care in the open field for forsythia
Blooming forsythia, strewn with hundreds of bright yellow flowers, is impossible to miss! If the summer resident wants to be decorated with forsythia every spring, planting and care in the open field are key ...
Planting weigela and caring for it in the open field
Planting weigela and caring for it in the open field
Weigela is one of the plants of the honeysuckle family, distinguished by pink, white, yellow or cream inflorescences. Correct planting and caring for a weigela outdoors begins with the selection of a place ...
Growing leeks in summer cottages, planting and care
Growing leeks in summer cottages, planting and care
When to plant leeks outdoors depends on the specific region and the expected harvest time. To get a good harvest, it is enough to follow a few simple tips and this vegetable ...
Spring and autumn planting of irises in open ground
Spring and autumn planting of irises in open ground
It is irises that look incredibly beautiful in a garden or in a flower bed from perennial flowers, planting and caring for them in the open field does not require too much effort. Plant flowers ...
We plant peonies on flower beds with perennials
We plant peonies on flower beds with perennials
The history of growing peonies has more than two millennia, during which a great many varieties and varieties have been created. But no matter how much the peonies are transformed, planting and leaving in ...
Subtleties of planting and care in the open field for delicate lavender
Subtleties of planting and care in the open field for delicate lavender
In the numerous family of Yasnotkovy there are a lot of plants that have amazing decorativeness, and an extraordinary aroma, and other useful properties.If the summer resident wants his site to be decorated with lavender, planting ...
Features of bougainvillea care or why leaves fall off a flower
Features of bougainvillea care or why leaves fall off a flower
My beautiful bougainvillea lives in the house in winter, and in the summer I take her out into the garden under the trees. Recently I noticed that the bush loses a couple of leaves every day. Tell me ...
The most important thing about planting and outdoor care for delicate freesia
The most important thing about planting and outdoor care for delicate freesia
Thanks to the fragrant flowers of various colors, freesia has become one of the most valuable corms for cutting. It is not surprising that freesia, planting and care in the open field, is akin to ...
What kind of care does a radish need?
What kind of care does a radish need?
Radish will not cause much trouble for gardeners, because it is not a very capricious culture and, with the right approach, will soon delight you with juicy, tasty and healthy roots. Sown seeds ...
What to do with a discounted violet bought at a store?
What to do with a discounted violet bought at a store?
On the issue of transplanting a purchased plant, there is no consensus among flower growers: some believe that the flower should be transplanted immediately, others prefer to leave it in a store pot and soil until ...
What kind of care do roses in the garden need in summer?
What kind of care do roses in the garden need in summer?
Last year she laid a small rose garden in front of the house. All the bushes have successfully taken root, in the spring I fed them, and now they are already blooming gorgeous. Tell me what kind of care they need ...
Why does gloxinia have leaves wrapped?
Why does gloxinia have leaves wrapped?
During the vacation I took Gloxinia home from work. In the office, the flower was healthy, with normal, even leaves, and at home after two weeks, the leaves were almost all curled up. Tell me ...
What to do when Vriezia has faded?
What to do when Vriezia has faded?
For my birthday they gave me a blooming vriezia. Now the inflorescence is almost dry and only spoils the appearance. Tell me what to do next with the faded Vriezia flower? Is it possible ...
We choose the scaly juniper Blue Carpet for the design of our site
We choose the scaly juniper Blue Carpet for the design of our site
Juniper Blue Carpet is an evergreen coniferous shrub. It is characterized by a flat, highly branched crown. The variety got its name for its silvery-blue needles. Under favorable growing conditions, it can tie berries ...
Caring for perennial flowers after winter
Caring for perennial flowers after winter
Perennial flowers are the best decoration for a summer residence. The riot of colors and smells that spread around the cottage during their flowering will be a reward for the gardener for all the efforts spent. ...
Home care for ginger shoots
Home care for ginger shoots
When growing ginger, especially indoors, it is important to create suitable conditions for the plant and properly care for young sprouts so as not to ruin them with excessive attention or lack of it. ...
We decorate our site with a rocky juniper of the Blue Arrow variety
We decorate our site with a rocky juniper of the Blue Arrow variety
The rocky juniper Blue Arrow is recognized as one of the most decorative species of conifers and shrubs. Thanks to the original shape of the crown, its bright blue color and good adaptability even to ...
Let's grow Blue Star scaly juniper on the site
Let's grow Blue Star scaly juniper on the site
Compositions of coniferous plants look very beautiful and elegant, and they also purify the air and fill it with fragrance. Among these horticultural crops, it has a special appearance ...
Proper planting, care and pruning of jasmine is the key to abundant flowering
Proper planting, care and pruning of jasmine is the key to abundant flowering
The cultural "requests" of a tropical plant are simple, but require consistency from the grower. The planting and care of the jasmine shrub (photo) has features, subject to which the plant will delight with abundant flowering, like ...
How to care for an aucuba
How to care for an aucuba
They gave me a young aucuba, no more than two years old. Recently, I began to notice that the bush somehow wilted and did not grow. It seems to me that I am not quite right ...
Why doesn't geranium bloom and what to do about it?
Why doesn't geranium bloom and what to do about it?
Geranium lives in almost every home.She received recognition from flower growers thanks to its lush and long flowering. The flowering period of geraniums is most of the year, and some varieties are capable of ...
Description of varieties of common juniper to help the summer resident
Description of varieties of common juniper to help the summer resident
The common juniper is the most widespread, typical, but by no means the most common species of the extensive genus. It is difficult to imagine a group of plants whose representatives could look like 10-meter trees, large ...
The secret of a flawless landscape is rocky juniper
The secret of a flawless landscape is rocky juniper
Modern landscape design is not complete without conifers, they make the surrounding landscape saturated, bright and unusual, filling it with color, aroma and texture as much as possible. Rocky juniper - ...
Important information about home care for indoor jasmine
Important information about home care for indoor jasmine
Indoor jasmine is grown in greenhouses and indoors in several varieties. The plant conquers gardeners - lovers with its extraordinary beauty. It differs from other flowers in the constant bright green color of the leaves ...
Anthurium Black Queen - everyday life of the Black Prince
Anthurium Black Queen - everyday life of the Black Prince
Perhaps one of the most beautiful and unusual varieties of anthurium is the Black Queen variety. It belongs to the green-leaved group and is a hybrid. Due to its unusual coloring, the flower is also called ...
Planting and caring for garden blackberries
Planting and caring for garden blackberries
The blackberry that migrated to the garden from the forest edge, while remaining a generous and flexible culture, has become even sweeter, larger and more aromatic. However, no matter how unpretentious the blackberry is, planting and ...
Important nuances you need to know about anthurium
Important nuances you need to know about anthurium
From the Aroid family, anthurium is the most capricious plant that requires special conditions of detention and is sensitive to the slightest mistakes in care. This is especially true of anthuriums after ...
Planting in the country in the open ground of brugmansia and the rules of care for its amazing flowering
Planting in the country in the open ground of brugmansia and the rules of care for its amazing flowering
Already at first glance, a plant with large foliage and drooping, bizarrely shaped fragrant bell flowers will fall in love and amaze the imagination. This is brugmansia, planting and care in the open field for ...
Planting in open ground badan and the rules of plant care
Planting in open ground badan and the rules of plant care
In a spring flower bed, one cannot fail to notice large rosettes of lush green foliage, with bright pink inflorescences on dense erect peduncles. This is badan, planting and care in the open field ...
Growing alocasia at home
Growing alocasia at home
The homeland of alocasia is the tropical jungle with its warm and humid climate, which leaves its mark on the character of the plant. Growing a flower at home is quite troublesome, ...
Large but fragile beauty alokazia polly
Large but fragile beauty alokazia polly
One of the most decorative types of alocasia is the Polly variety. This is one of Sander's alocasia hybrids, a moderately tall bush, with proper care it grows up to 70 cm in ...
What care does a willow hedge need?
What care does a willow hedge need?
The most important thing is to prepare the landing site for the green fence. Caring for willow hedges consists of proper feeding. In order for the willow hedge to grow faster, in the summer ...
Adenium at home - how to grow exotic
Adenium at home - how to grow exotic
The adenium that grew up at the Russians' home is better known as "Desert Rose", "Impala Lily, or" Star of Sabinia ". This plant has many romantic names. Adenium is common in Thailand, Arabia, Taiwan, ...
Tips for growing strelitzia at home
Tips for growing strelitzia at home
Many people try to diversify the interior of their home with exotic plants. In this regard, it is becoming more and more popular to grow strelitzia at home. This is a troublesome business ...
Lawn maintenance is essential all year round
Lawn maintenance is essential all year round
In order for the lawn to be beautiful and delight you for a long time, you need to constantly look after it.Care includes: Top dressing with nitrogen fertilizers in early spring. Scarification and aeration. Periodic ...
Tips for caring for your lawn after winter
Tips for caring for your lawn after winter
After the winter season, last year's dry grass forms a dense layer that prevents young growth from developing, prevents the flow of macro- and microelements, water and air to the roots of plants. If a ...
Requirements for growing syngonium at home
Requirements for growing syngonium at home
Syngoniums are strong, climbing vines with recognizable, like all chokeberry, arrow-shaped leaves, desired by many growers. And how not to fall in love with syngonium, growing at home this ...
Caring for nephrolepis at home is not difficult
Caring for nephrolepis at home is not difficult
The fern world is extraordinarily vast, and many species are successfully grown as indoor crops. Among the most hardy and grateful is nephrolepis, whose care and cultivation at home is even up to ...
Post-flowering grape care for a good harvest
Post-flowering grape care for a good harvest
Planting our favorite grape varieties on our site, we dream of getting good harvests in a few years. And now the plant has grown, the first inflorescences have appeared - the harvest will be. ...
Care of cabbage seedlings after planting in the garden
Care of cabbage seedlings after planting in the garden
This year I sowed early cabbage for seedlings. For some reason, purchased seedlings do not take root well. Seedlings sprouted together, all strong and healthy. Waiting for the warmth to move them ...
Unusual platycerium fern at home
Unusual platycerium fern at home
Despite the fact that it is quite simple to keep Platiterium at home, not all growers are ready to grow ferns. To make the plant feel as comfortable as possible, you must adhere to ...
Caring for nematanthus at home: planting, watering and lighting
Caring for nematanthus at home: planting, watering and lighting
Caring for nematanthus at home is simple and not at all troublesome. The flower does not require special conditions or hourly watering. But, nevertheless, there are several features that ...
Secrets and subtleties of growing plectrantus at home
Secrets and subtleties of growing plectrantus at home
Growing plectrantus at home is not particularly difficult. He is able to develop successfully even with the most minimal care. The main value of plectrantus lies in its beautiful leaves, which in ...
Growing peperomia at home can be your hobby
Growing peperomia at home can be your hobby
There are a large number of different types of indoor flowers that delight their owners all year round. Growing peperomia at home can be a great hobby, or maybe even the whole thing ...
How to care for a tangerine tree?
How to care for a tangerine tree?
The youngest son is very fond of tangerines. After another purchase and eating, I planted a bone in a pot to grow the plant myself. A year later, a small tree grew out of it. Tell me how ...
How to properly care for your garden in the fall to get a good harvest?
How to properly care for your garden in the fall to get a good harvest?
Last year we bought a dacha with a small vegetable garden. True, the former owners practically did not grow anything on it. And we have grandiose plans for the garden, so I want to ...
We provide roses with good care after spring planting
We provide roses with good care after spring planting
In the spring I planted a small young rose garden. Before that, there was an old tea rose bush, so I have no experience in caring for the "youth". Tell me how to care for roses ...
Growing petunia on the balcony, do not forget about the rules of care
Growing petunia on the balcony, do not forget about the rules of care
Please tell me how to care for a petunia on the balcony! I have long dreamed of growing them to get a beautiful view from the window, but they quickly lose flowers, and sometimes ...
What kind of care does petunia need in winter in a room environment?
What kind of care does petunia need in winter in a room environment?
Autumn is approaching, and the petunias in the country still will not fade. The first freeze will kill them. I heard that somehow you can save the flowers until next spring. Is not it ...
Year-round lawn care at their summer cottage
Year-round lawn care at their summer cottage
Neat green lawns are a magnificent decoration of the site, a bright background for ornamental crops, a blooming garden and a cozy home. But to turn the grassy area into an owner's pride ...
Rules for caring for dracaena at home in the photo and in the video
Rules for caring for dracaena at home in the photo and in the video
Dracaena is considered a plant of the humid tropics. Called a shrub, it can grow in one thick trunk up to 20 meters high. Among the many species in cultural breeding in unusual conditions, they use ...
The lawn aerator is your reliable assistant
The lawn aerator is your reliable assistant
During operation, the lawn soil is compacted, trampled down. This leads to the destruction of natural capillaries on the surface of the lawn, through which air and moisture penetrate into the depths of the soil. ...
Undemanding heather, planting and plant care
Undemanding heather, planting and plant care
Common heather belongs to the monotypic genus of flowering plants. Heather, planting and caring for which when grown in a garden area is not difficult even for novice plant breeders, is unusually hardy ...


