Instructions for use of Kornevin plant biostimulator

instructions for the use of root It is no secret that the competent use of various fertilizers and biostimulants allows gardeners to get record yields as soon as possible. Instructions for using Kornevin for different plants will help achieve the desired results

Purpose and principle of action of the drug

root preparation

Kornevin is a powerful biostimulant that increases the plant's ability to form roots. The principle of action of the drug is based on stimulating the growth and proper development of callus - cells that have lost their specialization, but are capable of reproducing a new plant.

The drug "Kornevin" is made on the basis of indolylbutyric acid (hereinafter IMA), which promotes the appearance of callus cells on the surface and cut of the plant. These cells are the main "building material" from which the roots of the plant subsequently appear. As a result of synthesis, the acid in the soil is converted into a complex phytoharmon from the auxin group, which stimulates the growth of the root system. In addition to BCI, the preparation contains micro- and macroelements that enhance immunity and nourish the plant during the period of active root formation.

The scope of application of the biostimulant is very extensive:

  1. Soaking the seeds in Kornevin promotes rapid germination and significantly increases the germination capacity of the seed.
  2. The correct dosage of the drug allows you to increase the number of tubers formed and the size of vegetable crops.
  3. Spraying trees with a biostimulant prevents premature falling of fruits from trees.
  4. The root root application for indoor plants is an essential procedure for stimulating green mass growth and flowering.
  5. In a high concentration, the biostimulant is very successfully used by domestic gardeners as an effective means for weed control.

"Kornevin" is produced in the form of a finely dispersed powder with a crystal structure. The color of the substance is light cream. When preparing an aqueous solution, the crystals dissolve completely without the appearance of a visible precipitate.

On sale the drug is presented in packaging of 4-5, 8-10, 125 and 250 grams. The concentration of BCI in the preparation is 5%.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

rapid root formationThis drug is an analogue of the very popular biostimulant Heteroauxin. The main difference between the preparations is the prolonged effect of Kornevin, which contributes to the enhanced nutrition of the plant during the period of root formation.

The root growth stimulator "Kornevin" contributes to:

  • better rooting of cuttings and seedlings,
  • stimulating the growth of the root system of seedlings;
  • increased immunity;
  • better plant survival.

The drug reduces the negative effects of lack of moisture, waterlogging, changes in ambient temperature on the plant.

The disadvantages of the drug include:

  1. Effectiveness only in the dosage indicated by the manufacturer. Excess of the concentration of the drug in an aqueous solution contributes to the arrest of plant growth and the death of rhizomes.
  2. The drug must be used immediately after opening the package. The impact of oxygen on the powder dramatically reduces the effectiveness of the drug.

The biostimulant "Kornevin" is not a fertilizer. The use of this drug cannot replace mineral and organic feeding necessary for plants during the growing season.

Instructions for use of Kornevin

The obvious advantage of the drug is its versatility. The biostimulator can be used both in dry form and in the form of an aqueous solution:

  1. The use of the preparation in dry form involves "dusting" the root system of plants or cuttings before placing them in storage boxes.dry root application
  2. Use of an aqueous solution for soaking cuttings in Kornevin, spraying trees and shrubs, watering seedlings for better root formation.use of aqueous solution

The working solution of the biostimulator is prepared in the following concentration: 1 gram of the drug is needed for 1 liter of water. Next, we will consider how Kornevin is used for various crops.

Kornevin for roses

rooting a rose cutThe use of a biostimulator significantly reduces the time of root formation and rooting during propagation by cuttings and transplantation of adult plants.

Type of work Mode of application Dosage
Preplant processing of cuttings Moisten the lower part of the cutting with water, then dust the area with a thin layer of the preparation A 1 mm layer of powder should be kept on the handle for 1 to 4 hours.
Pre-planting treatment of the root system of adult plants Apply a thin layer of powder to the entire root system of the plant. Powder layer no more than 1 mm.
Planting pit preparation Dust the walls of the pit with a preparation Spread the product evenly over the pit walls in a thin layer
Soaking cuttings in root solution Place the cuttings in a biostimulant solution for 12 hours, then plant them in a greenhouse for rooting. Solution: 5 grams of root should be diluted in 5 liters of water at room temperature.

As practice has shown, the following composition proved to be the best for dusting the root system and processing cuttings of berry and shrub crops: 1 tbsp. spoon of dry bistimulator, mixed with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of activated carbon. For the prevention of fungal diseases, a fungicide can be added to the composition in a ratio of 1:10 of the total volume of the mixture.

Kornevin for tomato seedlings

root preparation for tomatoesThe use of the biostimulant has shown excellent results in the process of rooting seedlings of tomatoes, vegetables, flowers and decorative deciduous herbs. For fast root formation and good plant survival, it is recommended to water the seedlings once with a phytoharmonic solution. It should be watered at the root at the rate of 50 ml of solution per plant. How to dilute root root for watering? The algorithm for creating a solution for irrigation is standard: dilute 1 g of dry matter in 1 liter of warm water.

What does watering seedlings with a biostimulator give? Root watering allows:

  • significantly reduce the rooting time;
  • strengthen the immunity and survival of the plant.

Watering seedlings with root root means guaranteed to get a good harvest in record time!

Seed treatment

seed treatment preparationKornevin's treatment of planting material significantly reduces the time of emergence. To soak the seeds, prepare a solution: 1 teaspoon of the dry preparation should be diluted in 1 liter of water. The time of pre-planting soaking of seeds in the root is at least 6 hours.

Kornevin for grapes

root for grapesThe use of a biostimulator root can accelerate root formation on cuttings grapes... It is possible to use dry mix and mortar. In the first case, it is necessary to powder the "heel" of the prepared cutting, and then put it on germination or kilchevanie. The solution is used to soak the planting material before planting. Solution for soaking seedlings: Dissolve 5 g of Kornevin in 5 liters of warm water.

Kornevin and orchids

orchidOrchids are one of the most beautiful and capricious flowers, the cultivation of which has become a kind of competition among flower growers. For any disturbances in plant growth associated with changes in microclimate and illumination, orchids start to hurt.

The process of plant resuscitation with the help of Kornevin is as follows:

  1. Remove damaged roots and dry the cut points.
  2. Soak the plants in the biostimulant solution.
  3. Place the orchid root system in clean water with the addition of an activated charcoal tablet.

The rooting process can take 2 to 3 months. After that, you can plant the orchid in the prepared soil.

Security measures

dosage must be observedKornevin belongs to biologically active drugs of the 3rd hazard class. If it enters the body of humans and animals, the drug can cause poisoning of varying severity. In contact with the skin, allergic reactions may occur. That is why all work with a biostimulant must be carried out in personal protective equipment.

The remains of the drug, packaging and container after its use, must be disposed of.

The benefits and harms of using Kornevin - video


