Rosehip vitamin compote

rosehip vitamin drink At first glance, rosehip compote is nothing special. And the truth is, what can be so in a translucent drink that has practically no smell? However, even in ancient times, wild rose was widely used for the preparation of various medicinal decoctions. And not in vain, because in its composition this berry of vitamin C alone has more than lemon. What can we say about other useful substances such as iron, potassium, phosphorus, keratin and others.

Their tart berry compote is recommended to be taken during colds accompanied by an increase in body temperature. It eases the general condition, lowers the temperature and restores the immune system. By the way, such a drink is useful for those who suffer from diabetes mellitus (in this case, sugar is not added to the compote). Rosehip compote stabilizes sugar levels, removes toxins and helps lower cholesterol.

Crushed rose hips are used as an antiparasitic agent, and compote prepared on them has a mild laxative effect.

It is worth noting that rosehip compote can provide both benefits and harm to the body. All the same vitamin C makes it a "forbidden fruit" for people suffering from high acidity, ulcers or gastritis. In addition, rose hips are diuretics, therefore, with prolonged use, it washes out calcium.

With caution, you need to take the drink for hypertensive patients and people with kidney disease or jaundice.

Rosehip compote recipes use both fresh and dried berries. The fruits are pre-cleaned of the stalk and flowers, sometimes the seeds are also removed.

Fresh berry compote

fresh berry compote

To roll up 2 liter cans of drink:

  1. Sort a kilogram of fresh berries, peel off the tails and remnants of inflorescences. Rinse first with cold water and then rinse with boiling water.sort and wash the rose hips
  2. Arrange the rose hips in sterilized jars, filling them a little less than half.half fill the jars with berries
  3. Make the syrup separately. To determine the amount of ingredients, pour water into a jar of berries and drain it into a saucepan. For each liter of water, put 600 g of sugar, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes to completely dissolve the sugar.boil the syrup for 5 minutes
  4. Pour the boiling syrup over the jars with rose hips and sterilize for 15 minutes, then seal and cover with a warm blanket.pour boiling syrup into jars

Pounded berries compote with honey

grated rosehip compote with honeyIn combination with honey, rosehip compote for the winter is a real piggy bank of vitamins. It will help to create reliable protection for the body against colds and flu, as well as remove toxins and toxins.

Fresh rose hips in the amount of 1 kg, remove seeds and wash. Pour into a saucepan and cover with water to cover the berries. Boil them until fully cooked (to completely soften).boil rose hips

Select the berries and grind through a sieve.rub the berries through a sieve

Add water to the pot where the rose hips were cooked so that you get 2.5 liters. Add 2 tbsp. honey and grated berry mass. Bring everything to a boil and pour into sterilized jars. Roll up and wrap up.

Dried berry compote with orange juice

dried rosehip compote with orange juiceThis rosehip compote turns out to be very rich and slightly sour. Before use, it can be diluted with water (boiled) in a 1: 1 ratio.

To prepare a drink:

  1. Pour 1.5 liters of water into a saucepan, let it boil, and then cool slightly.boil water with sugar
  2. When the water becomes warm, add 0.5 kg of dry rose hips and leave for 10 hours.pour the rosehip with warm water
  3. After the specified time, select the fruits and strain the water itself.
  4. Cut the swollen berries in half and carefully select the seeds. Rinse again so that no lint remains.cut the berries and remove the seeds
  5. Remove the zest from one orange.grate the zest
  6. Squeeze orange juice into a separate bowl.squeeze the juice
  7. Put the strained water in which the rosehip was infused on the fire, add 700 g of sugar, 2 cinnamon sticks and orange zest. Bring to a boil to melt the sugar.
  8. Pour peeled rose hips and pour in Orange juice, let it boil again and turn it off.
  9. When the syrup has cooled, take out the fruits with a slotted spoon and arrange them in the jars, and boil the syrup again for 5 minutes.
  10. Pour hot hips in jars with hot syrup, sterilize for 10 minutes and roll up.pour compote into jars and roll up

Fresh apple and rosehip compote by pouring

rosehip and apple compoteTo enhance the taste, a variety of fruits and berries are added to the drink. You can make a delicious rosehip compote for children using dried berries and fresh apples. It is better to take fruits of small sizes (paradise apples can be used), since they are placed whole.

Wash one kilogram of apples and prick with a toothpick.chop small apples with a toothpick

Peel the dried rose hips (200 g) from the tails and rinse.peel and wash dried rose hips

Pour water into a saucepan and, after it boils, blanch the rosehips and apples for 10 minutes.

You can take any kind of apples and cut them.

Divide the cooked ingredients into sterilized 1.5 l jars and cover with lids.

Now you should cook the sweet syrup:

  • Bring 800 ml of water to a boil;
  • pour 350 g of sugar;
  • let it boil again.

pour the syrup over the fruit and roll upPour rosehip jars with hot syrup and apples, roll up and wrap up.

Dried fruit drink

dried fruit drinkA tasty and healthy apple and rosehip compote is obtained if you use dried berries and fruits.

To make the taste sweeter, but not sugary, a little raisins are added instead of increasing the amount of sugar.

So, first you should properly prepare dried fruits, otherwise the compote will turn out cloudy. To do this, pour hot water over and let stand for 10 minutes:

  • 100 g raisins;
  • 0.5 tbsp. dried rose hips;
  • 1 tbsp. apple slices.

pour dried fruits with water and cookPour the washed berries and fruits into a saucepan and pour 3 liters of water. Bring the compote to a boil and cook until the dried fruits are tender. Then pour 2 tbsp. sugar and simmer for 15 minutes to melt.add sugar and cook until tender

Pour the finished rosehip compote into jars and roll up.

Rosehip compote in a slow cooker

rosehip compote in a slow cookerA healthy drink can also be prepared in a multicooker - it will take very little time. The amount of ingredients depends on the size of the bowl. For example, if it is small:

  1. Pour 1 liter of water into a bowl and add 500 g of sugar. Select the "Cooking" mode.
  2. While the water is heating, peel and rinse with 1 tbsp. fresh berries. Select seeds if desired.
  3. When the syrup is almost boiling, put the rosehip in it and set the timer for 30 minutes.pour the rosehip into the syrup and cook

After the signal to turn off the rosehip compote in the multicooker is ready.

You don't have to go to the pharmacy to replenish your vitamin reserves and support your immune system. After all, homemade preparations made with love with your own hands from healthy rosehip berries are no worse than pharmacy vitamins and certainly much more natural. Several jars of compote will not take up much space in the pantry, but they will always come in handy in cold winter. Be healthy!



