Posts tagged "drug"

Heteroauxin: instructions for use of the drug
Heteroauxin: instructions for use of the drug
A good harvest is not possible if the plant has root problems. So that flowers, trees take root better, and cuttings take root faster, gardeners use heteroauxin, the instructions for use of which are very ...
Black aphid on cucumbers: how to detect and how to get rid of
Black aphid on cucumbers: how to detect and how to get rid of
Tell me what to do: a black aphid appeared on cucumbers. She has been living there, apparently, for a long time, since some of the bushes have already begun to disappear. Cucumbers grow in a greenhouse, where there are also tomatoes, ...
Feed additive Gammatonik for animals
Feed additive Gammatonik for animals
The health of chickens of different breeds depends on proper nutrition. But since food is not able to provide the required amount of nutrients, a drug called Gammatonik should be used. This is the composition, ...
Fertilizer Bud - instructions for use, composition and effectiveness for different crops
Fertilizer Bud - instructions for use, composition and effectiveness for different crops
Growth stimulator Bud, instructions for use, which is designed for various types of garden, vegetable and ornamental crops, is gradually gaining popularity. It is safe for plants and has the most suitable ...
Colorado potato beetle taboo drug: season without striped pests and wireworms
Colorado potato beetle taboo drug: season without striped pests and wireworms
Farmers spend most of their time and energy on protecting their lands from pests. Using Tabu from the Colorado potato beetle and many other harmful insects, you can save the harvest ...
Insecticide Alatar: instructions for use or a guide to the pest
Insecticide "Alatar": instructions for use or a guide to the pest
It is often very difficult for farmers to cope with an invasion of pests. Therefore, to combat gluttonous insects, they use the insecticide "Alatar", the instructions for the use of which explain how to effectively conduct ...
Mega effective Etamon: instructions for using a miracle drug
Mega effective "Etamon": instructions for using the miracle drug
The full growth of the root system largely depends on the quality of the soil, as well as the seed material. It is impossible to create ideal conditions for vegetable crops, so gardeners use Etamon, instructions for ...
Boric acid ant poison: recipes for a deadly treat
Boric acid ant poison: recipes for a deadly treat
Please tell us what is boric acid poison for ants? A neighbor says that only this remedy helped to get insects out of the house. We have nothing edible in the summer ...
Fungicide Quadris - a quick death for fungal spores
Fungicide "Quadris" - a quick death for fungal spores
For the prevention and treatment of plants affected by fungal diseases, use the fungicide "Quadris". This contact drug does not lose its properties over a long period. Plus his ...
HOM drug - instructions for use, features and precautions
HOM drug - instructions for use, features and precautions
One of the simplest and most affordable fungicides is the HOM preparation, the instructions for use of which are presented below. Its value lies in the fact that its composition is suitable for ...
Fufanon: instructions for using the product at home and in the garden
Fufanon: instructions for using the product at home and in the garden
Today, the agricultural market offers the consumer many different insect pest control products. Among the most effective and at the same time relatively safe for humans insecticides can be distinguished very popular ...
Insecticide classification - everything from A to Z
Insecticide classification - everything from A to Z
Sadly, farmers often have to share their crops with both family members and insect pests. A detailed classification of insecticides will help the gardener find a suitable solution to combat ...
Corado from the Colorado potato beetle: pesticide feature, use
Corado from the Colorado potato beetle: pesticide feature, use
With the onset of the summer season, many have a question about how to deal with pests this year. Among the many drugs, Corado for the Colorado potato beetle is the most effective. This is enough ...
Fungicide Skor: instructions for use for different types of plants
Fungicide "Skor": instructions for use for different types of plants
Fungicide "Skor", the instructions for the use of which are very simple, is in great demand. It is a broad-spectrum agent that protects plants from fungal bacteria. They process vegetables, various decorative and ...
Alirin-B preparation: instructions for use of the fungicide
The drug "Alirin-B": instructions for the use of the fungicide
Among the large number of fungicides on the market, "Alirin-B", the instructions for the use of which are quite simple, is especially popular among summer residents. It is a bacterial pesticide with a broad spectrum of action. A drug ...
Safe biofungicide phytosporin-M for plant protection
Safe biofungicide phytosporin-M for plant protection
In the struggle for high yields, gardeners have to regularly use various drugs that allow plants to resist viral, fungal and bacterial infections. Among the most effective antifungal agents used in the domestic ...
New insecticide BI-58 - instructions for use for each individual case
Insecticide "BI-58" new - instructions for use for each individual case
The fight against harmful insects is exhausting not only gardeners, but also the plants themselves. To simplify the hard work of the farmer will help the new insecticide "BI-58", the instructions for use of which contain some features. ...
Plant growth regulator Vympel - a panacea for diseases and stress
Plant growth regulator "Vympel" - a panacea for diseases and stress
Each farmer strives to get a rich and high-quality crop, spending a minimum of money, effort and time on growing it. The plant growth regulator will become an assistant in this matter for the farmer ...
Instructions for the use of tablets Gamair for different plants
Instructions for the use of tablets Gamair for different plants
The basis of the beneficial effect of the drug is the spores of the bacterium Bacillus subtilis. She successfully fights against fungus and infections, protects plants from typical diseases. Instructions for the use of tablets Gamair gives ...
Stimul drug - one name for two different formulations
Stimul drug - one name for two different formulations
The drug Stimul for plants of two types is on sale. One remedy is a domestic organic mineral fertilizer from peat. The second remedy is a Spanish plant growth stimulant containing trace elements and ...
How Chunky Plant Growth Regulator Works
How Chunky Plant Growth Regulator Works
Among the many drugs, the plant growth regulator Chunky, the instructions for use, which are quite simple, are in incredible demand. With the help of such a tool, it is not difficult to achieve a high and high-quality harvest. The remedy ...
Fungicide Topaz: instructions for using the product for various cultures
Fungicide Topaz: instructions for using the product for various cultures
It is no secret that it is very difficult to fight fungal diseases and infections of cultivated plants without the use of special means. To save ourselves from the problems of quality deterioration and crop loss, specialists ...
Biostimulator Ovary universal: instructions for use of the drug
Biostimulator "Universal ovary": instructions for use of the drug
One of the most popular means for stimulating fruit formation is "Universal ovary", the instructions for use of which recommends using the drug to enhance fruit set. It provides the formation of ovaries, growth ...
What are plant growth regulators and how to use them
What are plant growth regulators and how to use them
Experienced gardeners argue that in order to obtain an early and guaranteed harvest, it is necessary to use special growth regulators for seedlings, which improve survival, accelerate fruiting and help crops to tolerate unfavorable ...
Growth stimulator Energen: indications for use and dosage of the drug
Growth stimulator Energen: indications for use and dosage of the drug
Among domestic gardeners, the growth stimulator Energen is very popular. Such a demand for the drug is explained by the effectiveness and versatility of the effect on any plants. Application in dosages recommended by manufacturers allows significantly ...
Green soap is a reliable armor for plants
Green soap is a reliable armor for plants
How sad to watch the wilting foliage of the once lush plants that fill the planet. However, there is a unique remedy - green soap that can protect them from irreparable harm. Experienced gardeners ...
The drug Amulet for plants: instructions for use
The drug "Amulet" for plants: instructions for use
The preparation "Amulet" for plants, the instructions for use of which are indicated on the packaging, proves its harmlessness and effectiveness. It is a unique product with many benefits. When used correctly, get the maximum ...
Instructions for use of Kornevin plant biostimulator
Instructions for use of Kornevin plant biostimulator
It is no secret that the competent use of various fertilizers and biostimulants allows gardeners to get record yields as soon as possible. Instructions for using Kornevin for different plants will help to achieve ...
How to use Solikox for rabbits
How to use Solikox for rabbits
Solix for rabbits will help to prevent mass disease and extinction of the entire livestock. The drug is very easy to use and helps to overcome coccidosis in a few days. With this disease in ...
Instructions for use in veterinary medicine Nitox 200
Instructions for use in veterinary medicine Nitox 200
The drug Nitox 200 is sold in the form of ampoules for injections, has a sharp unpleasant odor and is a slightly viscous liquid with a brown tint. Each bottle has a sticker on ...
How to use Strobi fungicide in the garden and in the beds
How to use the fungicide Strobi in the garden and in the beds
Fungicide Strobi is used to prevent the onset and treatment of fungal diseases in flower and vegetable crops, as well as stone fruit trees and vineyards. The drug has an effect on many ...
Instructions for the use of Fitoverma in growing vegetables and flowers
Instructions for the use of Fitoverma in growing vegetables and flowers
Fitoverm is a popular treatment for indoor and garden plants. Instructions for use Fitoverma recommends using the drug to combat various pests. It is a really effective insecticide that ...
How to use the sprout growth stimulant
How to use the sprout growth stimulator
Growth stimulator "Prorostok" is a drug that triggers the growth and protective immunity of plants, which is produced exclusively from natural ingredients. The stimulant is used at the pre-planting stage when processing seeds, bulbs and ...
What is Epin Extra for?
What is Epin Extra for?
Epin Extra is a biostimulant that has earned quite a few positive reviews. And all this is due to its effectiveness and harmlessness. The agent is used for different types of plants. With the right ...
Instructions for the use of Ground against weeds: description, characteristics and correct dosage of the drug
Instructions for the use of Ground against weeds: description, characteristics and correct dosage of the drug
Herbicides are highly toxic chemical agents for combating weeds, in order not to harm cultivated plants and not harm their health, strict adherence to the rules and ...
How to destroy a tree without cutting it down
How to destroy a tree without cutting it down
It is almost impossible to do without trees in a summer cottage, as they give shade and coolness, bear fruit. If, for any reason, it became necessary to get rid of the plant and release ...
The use of the drug Lozeval in the treatment of animals
The use of the drug Lozeval in the treatment of animals
Lozeval is a universal remedy for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases in animals, birds, and also bees. The use of the drug Lozeval involves internal and external use. The medicine is actively used ...
Ridomil Gold: instructions for use, description of the product
Ridomil Gold: instructions for use, description of the product
Among the many fungicides on the market, Ridomil Gold, whose instructions for use are very simple, is the most popular drug. This is a unique remedy used to combat many fungal ...
Magic ampoule for seeds and seedlings - drug Cytovit
Magic ampoule for seeds and seedlings - drug Cytovit
Diseases and pests do not allow plants to develop fully. To protect them from such influence will help the drug "Cytovit". With it, cultures grow several times faster. Wherein ...
Controlling garden pests with biologicals
Controlling garden pests with biologicals
A gardener's collection must contain at least one environmentally friendly product. There are many different opinions about drugs that are of biological origin. Some consider them to be completely ineffective. But ...
To protect the garden in the spring, we prepare preparations in the fall
To protect the garden in the spring, we prepare preparations in the fall
The appearance of the first buds indicates that spring is near, which means that all pests and diseases are waking up in the garden. Therefore, you need to prepare a universal preparation for your plantations. Specialists ...
Instructions for use of the insecticide Engio
Instructions for the use of insecticide Engio
Engio is an insecticide, which, due to its contact and systemic properties, is well used in agriculture, orchards and vegetable gardens to destroy various pests that infect a variety of crops. Moreover, spraying ...
Instructions for the use of insecticide Operkot Akro
Instructions for the use of insecticide Operkot Akro
The fight against insect pests is what the drug, which is called Operkot Akro, can do. Operkot Akro is an insecticide, the instruction of which states that the drug, thanks to a special mechanism, ...
Instructions for the use of insecticide Cannoneer Duo
Instructions for the use of insecticide Cannoneer Duo
There is not a single gardener who does not deal with pests. To eliminate the parasites that have appeared on the plants, it is recommended to use the insecticide Canonir Duo, the instructions of which prescribe the necessary dosage and method of application. ...
Instructions for the use of insecticide Fastak
Instructions for the use of insecticide Fastak
Pests cause irreparable damage to the crop. Fighting them is difficult, but possible. Fastak - an insecticide, the instructions for which are presented below, has proven itself well among the many insecticides designed to combat ...
We treat the garden with insecticides - a list of popular drugs
We treat the garden with insecticides - a list of popular drugs
We have a small garden at our dacha, but this year it did not please us with the harvest. The leaves were twisting on the apple trees, the plums were wormy, but about the peaches ...
Reliable protection of plants from parasitic insects tablet Inta-vira
Reliable protection of plants from parasitic insects tablet Inta-vira
Inta-vir is the name of a common drug against garden parasites and insect pests in the home. One package contains 8 tablets that must be dissolved in water. No need to convince ...
The Regent preparation is the salvation of plants and houses from insect pests
The "Regent" preparation is the salvation of plants and houses from insect pests
"Regent" is a German-made drug against various types of insects. It has a contact-intestinal action. Blocks the conduction of nerve impulses of cell membranes. Used at home and at dachas. The remedy ...
Eforia Insecticide Easy Use
Eforia Insecticide Easy Use
As a rule, agrochemical preparations are produced in the form of concentrates, presented in liquid or powder form. Before use, they must be diluted according to the recipe, and only then put into action. ...
Application of insecticide Nurell D
Application of insecticide Nurell D
When farming, both small and large, a number of problems necessarily arise: droughts, frosts, weeds, deterioration of the soil condition, as well as living pests, against which ...
Instructions for the use of Clipper insecticide
Instructions for the use of Clipper insecticide
Clipper is a Russian-made insecticide-acaricide. The tool is produced by FMRus CJSC and is an analogue of the American Talstar.The drug is designed to combat pests of vegetable crops in greenhouses. ...
Benefits and consumption rates of Coragen insecticide
Benefits and consumption rates of Coragen insecticide
Harmful insects are dangerous for the crop, because they bring him great damage. Moreover, regardless of whether it is a private vegetable garden or agricultural land. Coragen will help to get rid of uninvited guests ...
Instructions for use and consumption rates of Presto insecticide
Instructions for use and consumption rates of Presto insecticide
Presto is an insecticide, the instructions for use of which are presented below, is used to eliminate various pests (more than 100 varieties, including ticks, leaf rollers, thrips, bedbugs, aphids, phylloxera) that have affected ...
Instructions for use of the Borey insecticide preparation
Instructions for use of the Borey insecticide preparation
Instructions for the use of insecticide Borey defines this drug as a suspension concentrate designed to combat a wide range of pests. The high efficiency of the product is due to its simple composition, which includes two potent ...
Safety rules and regulations for the use of Calypso insecticide
Safety rules and regulations for the use of Calypso insecticide
Insecticide Calypso, instructions for the use of which will be presented, is an effective and stable insecticidal preparation for eliminating garden and garden pests. Moreover, the latter are eliminated even with minimal ...
Instructions for use of the preparation insecticide 30 plus
Instructions for use of the preparation insecticide 30 plus
To protect the garden from harmful insects, gardeners cannot do without the use of chemicals. For these purposes, the drug 30 plus an insecticide has proven itself well. Instructions for use ...
Aktara: instructions for use for different plants
Aktara: instructions for use for different plants
Aktara is a broad-spectrum insecticide used for the rapid destruction of pests and their larvae that parasitize agricultural and fruit crops, ornamental and indoor plants. Aktara, instruction ...
Description of the drug Actellik and instructions for its use
Description of the drug Actellik and instructions for its use
Actellic is a chemical preparation for plant pest control. It is used in agricultural and ornamental crops. It is an insectoacaricide effective against insects and mites. He not only kills ...


