Posts tagged "recipes"

Plum pitted compote recipes for the winter
Plum pitted compote recipes for the winter
If you love fresh fruit, you will hardly give up a drink made from your favorite fruits. Plum compote with pits for the winter you can cook without much difficulty, ...
Chokeberry and red rowan compote for the winter
Chokeberry and red rowan compote for the winter
Experienced housewives brew unusual drinks with a tart taste from bright autumn berries. Today we will tell you how to make chokeberry compote for the winter and of course from ...
Cranberry compote
Cranberry compote
There are many variations on how to make this delicious and healthy treat. Cranberry compote has a pleasant sweet and sour taste, and you can drink it both warm and chilled ...
Paradise drink or recipes for ranetka compote for the winter
Paradise drink or recipes for ranetka compote for the winter
Preservation from ranetki, namely compotes, has an individual character. Such a preparation differs from an ordinary apple drink in the way of laying fruits, due to their appearance. The fact is that ...
Sea buckthorn compote for the winter
Sea buckthorn compote for the winter
Anyone can make sea buckthorn compote for the winter, even if he has never dealt with home preservation before. The delicious drink contains fresh or ...
Deliciously delicious candied pumpkin at home
Deliciously delicious candied pumpkin at home
Tired of shop candy? Try making candied pumpkin at home. Both kids and adults will like this dessert. Firstly, it will be made from purely natural products, which is much ...
Pumpkin jam - one spoonful of rapture
Pumpkin jam - one spoonful of rapture
You can prepare sweetness from any garden or vegetable garden harvest. One such culinary result is pumpkin jam. No effort, minimum cost, just combine berry pulp with ...
Step-by-step recipes for pumpkin caviar for the winter
Step-by-step recipes for pumpkin caviar for the winter
An amazingly tender appetizer goes well with meat dishes, poultry, pasta and vegetables. How is pumpkin caviar prepared for the winter? The recipe for every blank described in this article is easy ...
As easy as shelling pears: Chinese compote for the winter
As easy as shelling pears: Chinese compote for the winter
A full set of vitamins can be obtained by canning Chinese compote for the winter. By processing small apples, the drink acquires a unique aroma and sour taste. Jam is also made from the "Kitayka" variety ...
Delicate pumpkin puree - the best preparations for the winter
Delicate pumpkin puree - the best preparations for the winter
Making pumpkin puree is practically effortless and will seem simple even to the most inexperienced housewife. After all, what could be easier than baking a pumpkin and breaking it well ...
A breath of cheerfulness in a blackberry compote for the winter
A breath of cheerfulness in a blackberry compote for the winter
Blackberry compote for the winter is dark red, rich and tasty. If this fruit grows in the garden, you do not need to be lazy and prepare a healthy sweet drink. Blackberries go well with ...
Harvesting delicious lecho with beans for winter
Harvesting delicious lecho with beans for winter
Autumn gives us an abundance of vegetables that we want to treat ourselves to in the cold season. Lecho with beans for the winter is not only just a delicious dish, but also ...
Blueberry compote: vitamins in a jar
Blueberry compote: vitamins in a jar
Amazing color, sweet aroma with tart notes and invaluable benefits - this is all about blueberry compote. Small berries are increasingly being used not only for medicinal ...
How to make fresh cherry liqueur
How to make fresh cherry liqueur
Meeting guests is not only a pleasant, but also a responsible event.Homemade cherry liqueur goes well with meat dishes, fresh salads and even sweet pastries. If you ...
Winter supplies: cherries in their own juice
Winter supplies: cherries in their own juice
Cherries in their own juice for the winter will decorate dessert dishes and are just perfect as a bite to tea. Seasonal fruits allow them to be enjoyed only in warm weather, and so ...
Gingerbread cookies - recipe and variations, expert advice
Gingerbread cookies - recipe and variations, expert advice
Gingerbread cookies, the recipe for which can be found in different variations, is a must-have attribute of the winter holidays. It is also called Christmas (New Year's) gingerbread, as the traditional recipe combines a large amount of ...
Cooking delicious beans in tomato for the winter
Cooking delicious beans in tomato for the winter
Homemade preparations from vegetables are always a success in the cold season. Having cooked beans in a tomato for the winter, you will get a wonderful snack. In the future, it can be included in ...
Raspberry compote for the winter: tasty and healthy
Raspberry compote for the winter: tasty and healthy
Children are especially fond of fragrant raspberries, and adults also enjoy raspberry jam with pleasure. One of the ways to harvest summer berries is also to roll raspberry compote onto ...
Melon Dishes - Dessert & Snacks
Melon Dishes - Dessert & Snacks
Melon dishes are a wonderful dessert. In addition to dessert masterpieces, this fruit can be put into salads, getting an incomparable appetizer. For the winter there is an opportunity to stock up on melon compote or ...
Candied ripe melon - delicious summer greetings
Candied ripe melon - delicious summer greetings
There is no need to talk about the positive qualities of candied fruits: they are often added to their diet even by those who adhere to proper nutrition and control their weight. Candied melon, equal ...
Blackcurrant compote - winter portion of vitamins
Blackcurrant compote - winter portion of vitamins
Blackcurrant compote will delight all family members with its sweet and sour taste and rich dark purple color. Currant bushes grow in almost every garden and vegetable garden, so make preparations ...
Secrets of making delicious gooseberry jelly with oranges
Secrets of making delicious gooseberry jelly with oranges
Gooseberry is an amazing berry that makes a lot of useful preparations for the winter: jam, jam, compote, adjika and sauces as excellent additions to meat dishes. But a favorite ...
Ginger lemonade - a drink for health
Ginger lemonade - a drink for health
For many, lemonade is a drink that comes from childhood. Over time, his recipe has been improved, and now ginger lemonade is often prepared. The beneficial properties of such a drink are an order of magnitude higher, ...
Replenishing missing vitamins with red currant compote
Replenishing missing vitamins with red currant compote
Red currant compote can serve as an excellent drink in the fight against vitamin deficiency in winter. This is because red currants are a treasure trove of nutrients. Besides vitamins ...
Cooking delicious gooseberry and orange desserts without cooking
Cooking delicious gooseberry and orange desserts without cooking
An amazingly tasty delicacy made from fresh berries and fruits is prepared in just half an hour. The sweet dessert can be served with tea, pancakes and hot waffles. Also, his ...
Rhubarb compote: even herbaceous plants can be suitable
Rhubarb compote: even herbaceous plants can be suitable
On a sultry bright day, rhubarb compote will save you from the annoying heat. The sour soft drink is not only pleasant, but also healthy. You can harvest the plant twice during the summer. First ...
Fragrant juicy lingonberry compote
Fragrant juicy lingonberry compote
Lingonberry berries contain a large amount of substances beneficial to the body and have a pleasant, slightly sour taste. They can be eaten fresh, or used in the preparation of dessert dishes ...
Rosehip vitamin compote
Rosehip vitamin compote
At first glance, rosehip compote is nothing special. And the truth is, what can be so in a translucent drink that has practically no smell? ...
Cook cherry jam with and without seeds
Cook cherry jam with and without seeds
Cherry jam is bright, aromatic and tasty.Do not miss the moment from mid-June until August to stock up on cherry berries for the winter. Such a delicacy can be ...
Recipes for a healing hawthorn compote for the winter
Recipes for a healing hawthorn compote for the winter
Hawthorn belongs to rosaceous perennials, has a tough stem and fruits of bright orange, burgundy color. The time for the healing fruits to ripen is autumn. Useful berries, flowers, leaves of hawthorn, they are made from ...
Zucchini compote will surprise you with its taste
Zucchini compote will surprise you with its taste
Thirst-quenching and healthy zucchini compote will be suitable for you at any time of the year. Zucchini is a versatile vegetable that does not have a pronounced taste, but it is very useful. Thanks to, ...
Strawberry jam - dessert with a taste of summer
Strawberry jam - dessert with a taste of summer
Among the variety of sweet preservation, it is worth highlighting strawberry jam - it is one of the most aromatic. This delicacy is first of all adored by the smallest family members. And ...
Eggplants with red, white or green beans for the winter: recipes and cooking secrets
Eggplants with red, white or green beans for the winter: recipes and cooking secrets
With all the variety of possible rolls, eggplants with beans for the winter remain perhaps the most famous and delicious canned salad. The secret to success is simple: these vegetables are really great ...
How to make green bean lobio
How to make green bean lobio
Green Bean Lobio is a versatile vegetable dish. It is usually served hot as a side dish for meat or poultry. But if you cool the lobio, it will turn out ...
Canning asparagus beans for the winter according to delicious recipes
Canning asparagus beans for the winter according to delicious recipes
Many grow asparagus beans in their beds, recipes for canning for the winter will help turn this useful plant into an excellent food. Such a blank can be used as a side dish ...
How to properly cook delicious marmalade from watermelon peels
How to properly cook delicious marmalade from watermelon peels
In late summer - early autumn, a berry such as a watermelon appears on sale. Delicious, aromatic, juicy, sugar, which is eaten with great appetite. What else can you add? ...
Making candied fruits from watermelon peels
Making candied fruits from watermelon peels
Recipes for candied fruits from watermelon peels are uncomplicated and easy, which makes it possible for every housewife to cook an amazing-tasting sweetness without any special difficulties. On a winter evening, candied watermelon will be a wonderful ...
Delicate cabbage rolls from beet leaves
Delicate cabbage rolls from beet leaves
Delicious and juicy, big or small, in a fragrant thick sauce ... It's all about cabbage rolls - a dish that is prepared with pleasure both for the holidays and just for ...
Step-by-step description of the recipe for making kvass from grape leaves
Step-by-step description of the recipe for making kvass from grape leaves
What could be better than making your own soft drink from garden plants. One of these masterpieces can be kvass from grape leaves, the recipe for which is easy and ...
Eggplant sauté recipe for every day and as a preparation for the winter
Eggplant sauté recipe for every day and as a preparation for the winter
During the ripening season of vegetables, each housewife has an amazing opportunity to pamper her family not only with delicious, but also healthy dishes. The classic eggplant sauté recipe can be changed, ...
Dolma recipe in grape leaves from armenian and azerbaijani cuisine
Dolma recipe in grape leaves from armenian and azerbaijani cuisine
The recipe for dolma in grape leaves is common in Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Balkan Peninsula. It is a mixture of rice and minced meat, wrapped in grape leaves. The dish has ...
Greek Moussaka with Eggplant: Mediterranean Classics
Greek Moussaka with Eggplant: Mediterranean Classics
Moussaka is a traditional Greek classic dish that has gained immense popularity in the cuisines of many nations around the world. The Greek Eggplant Moussaka recipe has many modern interpretations, representing ...
The best recipes for squash for the winter and a festive table
The best recipes for squash for the winter and a festive table
Around the 17th century AD, the menu of our compatriots was replenished with unusual fruits.And today, various recipes for squash are used almost all over the world. To enjoy the taste of a delicate ingredient, ...
We choose the most original recipes for delicious zucchini for the winter and learn how to cook them
We choose the most original recipes for delicious zucchini for the winter and learn how to cook them
At all times, recipes for delicious zucchini for the winter were written down in a book in order to skillfully cook in the home kitchen. Usually the fruits are pickled, fermented, combined with other vegetables. Of them ...
The best tomato recipes in its own juice for the winter
The best tomato recipes in its own juice for the winter
Canned vegetables are considered an excellent addition to meat dishes, mashed potatoes and porridge. Consider the popular recipes for tomatoes in their own juice for the winter, which are prepared at home. Dish ...
Learning how to harvest parsley and keep it fresh for the winter
Learning how to harvest parsley and keep it fresh for the winter
Fresh parsley from the garden is an unforgettable aroma of hot meat and vegetable dishes, a spicy addition to salads and marinades. When the warm days come to an end, the plants ...


