Posts tagged "recipes"

How much to cook cauliflower to preserve its flavor and health benefits
How much to cook cauliflower to preserve its flavor and health benefits
Dishes from this variety of white cabbage are distinguished by their delicate taste and refined aroma. To get this result, it's important to know how much to cook the cauliflower. If you overexpose it, then everything ...
Delicious treats in a few minutes - baking in a pan
Delicious treats in a few minutes - baking in a pan
You don't always have an oven close at hand, or you are visiting and want to show off your signature dish. Baking in a frying pan will come to your rescue. She prepares quickly, ...
Three of the most delicious recipes for cooking chanterelles
Three of the most delicious recipes for cooking chanterelles
With the arrival of autumn, many, armed with baskets, go to the forest for mushrooms. White mushrooms, mushrooms, chanterelles are the most favorite. So let's talk about how to cook chanterelles. They ...
How to ferment cabbage at home for the winter in different ways
How to ferment cabbage at home for the winter in different ways
Each housewife in the pantry or cellar has a variety of preparations from fruits, berries and vegetables. There are jars and bottles on the shelves, and barrels on the floor ...
Recipes for preparing blanks from Japanese quince for the winter
Recipes for preparing blanks from Japanese quince for the winter
Recipes for cooking Japanese quince for the winter are used as an intermediate stage for working with this fruit. The exotic fruit that looks like apples is very hard and sour, so it is raw ...
Quince jam: the most delicious recipe with various additional ingredients
Quince jam: the most delicious recipe with various additional ingredients
Among the homemade preparations, there must be quince jam, the most delicious recipe for which with the addition of different fruits we will present to you today. For the preparation of dessert, ripe quince is used ...
Wheat bread recipes at home
Wheat bread recipes at home
Wheat bread makes up the majority of all baked goods. Wheat flour of different varieties is used for its production. It is believed that the most useful is wholemeal bread, but ...
Trying to bake rye-wheat bread at home
Trying to bake rye-wheat bread at home
Rye-wheat bread has been popular for a long time. Unlike the white bread that has already become familiar to many, it is much healthier. Regular consumption of such bread has a beneficial effect on the body. His ...
Delicious and healthy homemade preparations - candied currant
Delicious and healthy homemade preparations - candied currant
Recently I was visiting a friend, she treated me to very unusual and delicious candied fruits. At first I did not even understand what they were made of, but when I found out what it was ...
The best recipes for salting bream at home
The best recipes for salting bream at home
Surely, every fisherman knows how to salt bream. Any of them will say that this process is simple, it does not take much time and effort, it does not ...
The best simple recipes for salting carp caviar
The best simple recipes for salting carp caviar
If you are interested in how to pickle carp caviar at home, then below we will describe detailed recipes that will help you enjoy the beneficial qualities and amazing taste of this ...
How to cook wheat porridge in milk
How to cook wheat porridge in milk
How to cook wheat porridge? Should I soak it? The answers to these and other questions are of interest to many who decide to add this dish to their diet. Wheat porridge is being prepared ...
How to quickly and deliciously cook wheat porridge
How to quickly and deliciously cook wheat porridge
Wheat porridge is an inexpensive and very healthy product. To make it tasty, you need to know a few secrets of its preparation. We have prepared the best recipes to help you cook a very ...
Harvesting corn for the winter
Harvesting corn for the winter
Corn became widespread in European countries at the end of the 19th century. French and Italian dishes are prepared using corn cobs. Canned grains are used in salads ...
How to safely and tasty pickle boletus for the winter
How to safely and tasty pickle boletus for the winter
In terms of nutritional value, aspen mushrooms are only slightly inferior to the kings of mushrooms - white, milk mushrooms and mushrooms, and salted mushrooms on the winter table are a welcome delicacy. To get it, you need ...
Tasteful and just salt salmon at home
Tasteful and just salt salmon at home
One of the festive delicacies is salted red fish. But few people know how to pickle salmon, and some even consider this a problematic matter. Nonetheless, ...
Recipes for salting pike caviar at home
Recipes for salting pike caviar at home
There are several ways to salt pike caviar at home. This product was previously considered a delicacy because it was difficult to get it in large quantities. Caviar was served ...
Wet and dry salting of trout fillets and caviar
Wet and dry salting of trout fillets and caviar
Salting fish under industrial conditions occurs quickly: with the help of injectors, the meat is pumped with a salt solution, preparations for a bright color and moisture retention. Since the taste and usefulness of such ...
How to cook a rabbit original, tasty and fast
How to cook a rabbit original, tasty and fast
Appetizing tender meat is the main highlight of any friendly feast or hearty home meal. How to cook your rabbit in the best way to enjoy its unusual taste. Investigating this question, we come ...
Do you know how to deliciously salt red fish at home?
Do you know how to deliciously salt red fish at home?
There is a simple recipe for how to salt red fish yourself. Of course, it's easier to choose it in the supermarket, ready-made and cut into thin slices - you just have to put it on toast ...
How to salt pike deliciously at home
How to salt pike deliciously at home
Many salted fish lovers have no idea how to salt pike on their own. To make its taste tender, you need to know some of the tricks of its salting. Read the article: how ...
Recipes for cooking a rabbit in sour cream for a holiday from the chef
Recipes for cooking a rabbit in sour cream for a holiday from the chef
Delicate aromatic meat in an exquisite sauce will please not only family members, but also dear guests. Consider the most popular recipes for making a rabbit in sour cream in your home kitchen. Each ...
Lentils - recipes for all occasions
Lentils - recipes for all occasions
Tasty, healthy, satisfying, fast. It is with these words that one can characterize such a culture as lentils, the recipes of which are known to our grandmothers. In terms of protein content, lentils are almost equal to ...
How tasty and quick to pickle pink salmon
How tasty and quick to pickle pink salmon
Pink salmon is a fish from the salmon family, the meat of which has an excellent taste. The taste of pink salmon is better revealed in salting, therefore, the question: how to salt pink salmon worries many housewives. The thing is ...
How to properly salt pink salmon caviar at home
How to properly salt pink salmon caviar at home
Pink salmon caviar is a rather expensive delicacy that has several cooking methods. So that you choose a suitable recipe, we suggest reading our article and find out how to pickle pink salmon caviar ...
The original recipe for lentil soup in all its variety
The original recipe for lentil soup in all its variety
Lentils are recognized as the leader among dietary products, because they are vegetable protein and contain complex carbohydrates. For this reason, lentil soup recipe is often included in the diet ...
Cooking apple wine at home in a simple and affordable way
Cooking apple wine at home in a simple and affordable way
The apple harvest turned out to be prohibitively large and now you need to figure out what to do with a huge amount of fruit? It is best to make apple wine from them at home. Make this ...
For homemade preparations, the best melon recipes for the winter
For homemade preparations, the best melon recipes for the winter
Melon for the winter - recipes are not limited to the usual jam and compote.In the cold season, it is possible to buy this berry in supermarkets, but its taste will be ...
Secrets of making delicious cherry pies
Secrets of making delicious cherry pies
The tastiest are pies with fruit or berries, in particular with cherries. You can cook pies with cherries from any dough, and bake in the oven, slow cooker, microwave and ...
The most delicious pear pie recipe for tea drinking
The most delicious pear pie recipe for tea drinking
One oriental sage remarked that there is no greater happiness than eating, drinking and having fun with close friends. And to prepare a treat, we will pick up an original recipe for a pie with pears. Although ...
The perfect cherry charlotte recipe
The perfect cherry charlotte recipe
On a warm summer evening, it is pleasant to pamper yourself and your loved ones with a fragrant cake. If you do not want to spend a lot of time and effort not preparing it, then the ideal option would be ...
The best recipes for delicious dumplings with cherries
The best recipes for delicious dumplings with cherries
Cherry dumplings are a delicious and aromatic dish. Its pleasant sourness perfectly refreshes in the summer months. If the cooking technology is not followed, the dumplings can fall apart, and the filling of them ...
Brownie with frozen or fresh cherries
Brownie with frozen or fresh cherries
Cherry Brownie is a very popular dessert revered all over the world. Today it is already difficult to judge exactly when and where his recipe was invented. Some people think it's ...
The most interesting recipes for a delicious cake with cherries
The most interesting recipes for a delicious cake with cherries
Almost every housewife has numerous recipes for a cake with cherries. After all, adults and children love him. This is a delicacy that you want to try again and again. Its feature is ...
Simple cherry strudel recipes
Simple cherry strudel recipes
Cherry strudel is one of the simplest and most delicious desserts. Dessert will be a decoration for a family meal or a noisy party. Its preparation does not require special skills and ...
Let's prepare a cake for the holiday Drunk cherry
Let's prepare a cake "Drunk cherry" for the holiday
The Drunken Cherry cake is an excellent dessert for a festive table. The essence of the recipe boils down to making a chocolate biscuit with a delicate and at the same time juicy cherry-cream filling. Our step by step ...
Homemade peanut sherbet recipe
Homemade peanut sherbet recipe
Sherbet with peanuts, the recipe for which will be described step by step below, is familiar to many from childhood. Soft, sugary-sweet viscous fudge with lots of peanuts is sure to please and ...
Amazing avocado fruit recipes for every day
Amazing avocado fruit recipes for every day
The deep green fruit contains vital vitamins A, E, D and a number of trace elements. Therefore, avocado dishes, the recipes of which we will consider, are gaining more and more popularity. Outwardly the fruit ...
Cooking orange muffins in different ways
Cooking orange muffins in different ways
Orange muffins can be baked any time of the year. It only requires available products that are sold in any store or supermarket. You can add zest to the dough or ...
How to pickle herring to get a good result?
How to pickle herring to get a good result?
Salted herring is a traditional dish. Initially, people were worried about how to salt the herring so that it was stored for a long time and did not deteriorate, and for some time they generally considered it ...
How to salt lard quickly and tasty
How to salt lard quickly and tasty
How to salt lard so that guests are delighted with it is a question that is relevant at all times. An appetizer that melts in your mouth leaves few people indifferent, so many ...
Making delicious avocado pasta sandwiches
Making delicious avocado pasta sandwiches
Avocado paste for sandwiches is good not only for every day, but also for the festive table. It is also suitable for those who adhere to the principles of good nutrition ─ ...
The best and simple recipes for salting mackerel at home
The best and simple recipes for salting mackerel at home
Mackerel is rightfully considered a fish for health and beauty. How to salt mackerel so that it remains as healthy and tasty as possible. Sea fish is good as a snack and as a ...
Preparing avocado dishes
Preparing avocado dishes
Avocado is considered a snack fruit. It is not eaten like oranges or bananas because avocados contain about 30% polyunsaturated fat. The Aztecs began to cultivate this fruit back in ...
Making white wine from Citron Magarach
Making white wine from Citron Magarach
After harvesting wine grapes, it must be processed. It is very simple to make wine from white grapes of Citronny Magarach. First, the berries are separated from the stalks, and then pressed by hand. ...
Cooking homemade currant wine
Cooking homemade currant wine
Many gardeners collect large quantities of berries during the summer season. Making homemade currant wine is a good way to process surplus crops. In terms of taste, homemade wine surpasses ...
Recipes for making healthy dandelion salads for the body
Recipes for making healthy dandelion salads for the body
Dandelion is a medicinal plant that is used in alternative medicine for the treatment and prevention of various pathologies. Dandelion salad is considered very tasty and medicinal. Dandelion contains vitamins, trace elements, ...
Dandelion tincture recipe and rules for its use
Dandelion tincture recipe and rules for its use
Dandelion has long been used in folk medicine as an effective medicine. Dandelion tincture relieves inflammation, promotes skin regeneration and strengthens muscle tissue. With this healing ...
How to properly prepare delicious raspberry wine?
How to properly prepare delicious raspberry wine?
Raspberry wine is an excellent tasty drink that can cheer you up, improve your appetite, and saturate with vitamins. It has an excellent ruby ​​color and a pleasant aroma. This drink will be a great addition ...
Original, tasty, aromatic blackberry wine
Original, tasty, aromatic blackberry wine
Homemade blackberry wine is easy to prepare, although the fermentation process takes a long time. People with experience in winemaking and beginners will cope with the task and delight themselves and loved ones ...
Dandelion Wine Making Secrets
Dandelion Wine Making Secrets
Few people know, but a fragrant dandelion wine can be made from a simple wild plant. Experienced winemakers are fond of its preparation. The drink is famous for its fragrant aroma and golden color. Many ...
Prepare Korean-style spicy squash for the winter
Prepare Korean-style spicy squash for the winter
Korean seasoning for carrots is really a necessary thing in the kitchen, because with it you can cook a wide variety of salads using almost all types of vegetables. Take at least the squash - ...
Let's together prepare tomatoes in tomato juice for the winter
Let's together prepare tomatoes in tomato juice for the winter
There is nothing tastier than opening a can of homemade canned tomatoes in winter and sentencing it to mashed potatoes. Both tasty and healthy at the same time! And if there are tomatoes in ...
Cooking tomato juice at home Delicate
Cooking at home tomato juice "Tender"
It would seem that there is nothing easier than harvesting tomato juice for the winter. Twisted the tomatoes, boiled it - and you're done! However, even such a simple conservation can be spoiled if the process is disrupted ...
Tanmuji or Korean-style pickled radish
Tanmuji or Korean-style pickled radish
Fans of oriental cuisine will appreciate such an unusual dish for us as tanmuji. An original pickled radish appetizer in Korea is called this mysterious word. Its highlight is ...
Original mint cookies
Original mint cookies
Everyone knows that cookies are usually yellow, in extreme cases - brown if you add cocoa to the dough (decorations made from colored cream are not considered). Today we propose to cook ...
Fragrant blanks - mint syrup
Fragrant blanks - mint syrup
In late spring, it is time to harvest the first mint harvest. To make supplies, cut spicy herbs can be dried. Some housewives even make jam from it, but you can make ...
Original orange jam with spices and almonds
Original orange jam with spices and almonds
Caring hostesses who want to surprise their loved ones with an unusual dish must have preserved orange jam for the winter at least once and know that such a dessert is very tasty and aromatic. But ...
Delicious rhubarb pies - a dessert for a healthy diet
Delicious rhubarb pies - a dessert for a healthy diet
Rhubarb pie is not only a delicious dessert for the whole family, but also a source of vitamins. According to its taste characteristics, the vegetable is similar to sweet and sour apples. If ...
Avocado salad recipes
Avocado salad recipes
Avocado is an exotic fruit (alligator pear) that has long been the main ingredient in many dishes. An honorable place among which is the avocado salad, the recipe for which is simple, but ...
Spicy addition to the dish - avocado sauce
Spicy addition to the dish - avocado sauce
Avocado sauce is popular not only in Mexican cuisine, but all over the world. It is served with fish, meat and vegetable dishes, spread on croutons or bread. ...
Medicinal properties and principles of using vodka tincture on walnut partitions
Medicinal properties and principles of using vodka tincture on walnut partitions
For many centuries, the walnut is considered to be a healing fruit. A unique in its composition, a tincture on walnut partitions with vodka is part of complex therapy ...
Varieties of rhubarb jam
Varieties of rhubarb jam
The taste of jams made from traditional products (cherries, strawberries, apples, plums) is known to almost everyone - they are prepared at home, sold in stores. But we tried rhubarb jam (rumbambara) ...
Recipe for classic baklava with walnuts and honey
Recipe for classic baklava with walnuts and honey
Sometimes you really want something unusual for dessert, and the well-known oriental sweets come to mind. The recipe for baklava with walnuts and honey beckons and cooks with ...
Recipe for making prunes with walnuts in sour cream
Recipe for making prunes with walnuts in sour cream
In the pre-New Year's bustle, it is very easy to get involved in preparing salads and completely forget about dessert, and this is no less important part of the festive table. One of the options for winter sweetness ...
Salads with walnuts
Salads with walnuts
Walnut salad is a delicious and healthy snack that can be prepared in many ways. This dish can become a festive table decoration. It doesn't take long time ...
Pickled melon for the winter or what can be made from unripe fruits
Pickled melon for the winter or what can be made from unripe fruits
Everyone knows that the most delicious melon is the one that is well ripe and has a juicy sweet pulp. However, it often happens that the fruits purchased on the market are not entirely of high quality, with ...
Grape juice for the winter - cooking quickly and easily
Grape juice for the winter - cooking quickly and easily
Many gardeners who grow grapes, in especially fruitful years, face the fact - what to do with the harvest? You can keep the berries fresh, but you can't make many such blanks. ...
Natural apple juice for the winter from a juicer by sterilization
Natural apple juice for the winter from a juicer by sterilization
Making apple juice at home is very easy and quick, especially if the household has an electric juicer. It will help to minimize all efforts on the most responsible ...
Recipes with a photo of a cherry pie for home cooking
Recipes with a photo of a cherry pie for home cooking
The warm season is always associated with juicy fruits and berries that can be picked and eaten right from the garden. When the first saturation passes, you can use the fruits to cook different ...
Simple and incredibly delicious curd and cherry pie
Simple and incredibly delicious curd and cherry pie
A fragrant, beautiful and incredibly juicy pie with cottage cheese and cherries will surely delight you and your loved ones. Delicate shortcrust pastry in combination with juicy curd and cherry filling will not leave ...
How to make orange pie
How to make orange pie
The kitchen is a room filled with incredibly delicious aromas every day, especially when it comes to a dish like orange pie. Citrus fruits are one of the brightest flavors, ...
Original pumpkin compote for the winter
Original pumpkin compote for the winter
Pumpkin in the vastness of the homeland is grown mainly for the preparation of second courses and desserts. However, its sweet and juicy pulp can also be used to make a wonderful drink. He ...
Fragrant peach compote with seeds for the winter
Fragrant peach compote with seeds for the winter
Peach compote is one of the most fragrant winter canning drinks. This is exactly the case when the fruit in the process of infusion gives up all its aroma. It is worth mentioning separately ...
Aromatic winter compote made from cerapadus, irgi and gooseberry
Aromatic winter compote made from cerapadus, irgi and gooseberry
The advantage of assorted compote is that all berries and fruits can be used for its preparation. Such recipes do not have a specific list of ingredients, it all depends on the desire ...
Summer recipes for pies with apricots
Summer recipes for pies with apricots
Apricot Pie is a delicious, fast DIY treat. A soft, tender dough is obtained if you follow the recipes below. With these baking steps, you can make a cake ...
Cooking fast and simple Adjarian khachapuri
Cooking fast and simple Adjarian khachapuri
There are quite a few recipes for making Adjarian khachapuri, as well as advice on the products that are needed for the filling. Traditionally, for 2 servings of juicy khachapuri, the following are used ...
How to make a classic pizza at home
How to make a classic pizza at home
If there are leftovers of various sausages and cheese in the refrigerator after a festive feast, you can quickly make a delicious pizza from them. The recipe is pretty simple and can handle it ...
Find your soaked apple recipe and forget about health problems
Find your soaked apple recipe and forget about health problems
Real professionals know how to preserve the beneficial properties of a product without sacrificing its appearance. Choosing a suitable recipe for soaked apples, the hostess will receive a beautiful, and most importantly, fortified treat. ...
Recipe for making curd custard
Recipe for making curd custard
One of the most popular recipes on the eve of the holiday of Easter is curd pasta. Some hostesses bake it in the oven, like ordinary cakes, but it turns out no less tasty ...
Homemade Easter cake recipe
Homemade Easter cake recipe
Cooking homemade kulich according to the classic recipe is a lengthy process, because wet yeast dough requires special preparation. But paska cooked with love has a special taste that reminds many of the distant ...
Apple jam recipe in different versions
Apple jam recipe in different versions
What to do with a good harvest of apples grown in your garden without the use of chemicals? Find your favorite apple jam recipe in your notebook and make a dessert for ...
To help every hostess - apple jam recipes
To help every hostess - apple jam recipes
One of the healthiest and most affordable desserts is apple jam. Plus, apple cider sweetness is easy to prepare without additional expensive ingredients. You should only stock up on sugar ...
Preservation of cherries in their own juice
Preservation of cherries in their own juice
A rich cherry harvest just asks for a jar. In addition to canning jams, compote, jam, cherries in their own juice for the winter will be an excellent variety in this list. For such ...
Amazing sweet cherry jam for the winter with the addition of other fruits from the garden
Amazing sweet cherry jam for the winter with the addition of other fruits from the garden
Sweet cherry jam for the winter is an excellent solution to preserve healthy berries for a long time. This potion can be cooked from whole cherries and pitted berries. Process ...
The amazing taste of homemade cherry liqueur
The amazing taste of homemade cherry liqueur
There is not a single person who has not tasted the cherry liqueur. However, few people made it on their own, relying on the recipe for sweet cherry liqueur at home. Observing everything ...
We cook exceptionally delicious cherry jam
We cook exceptionally delicious cherry jam
On cozy winter evenings, hot tea will be complemented by cherry jam.A sweet potion can be eaten not only from a canned jar, but also immediately after preparation. Besides the incarnation ...
A piece of summer in a jar of sweet cherry jam with a bone
A piece of summer in a jar of sweet cherry jam with a bone
Sweet cherry jam with stone has a special taste and aroma. If you are the lucky owner of a cherry tree at your summer cottage, be sure to take the opportunity and prolong the pleasure of enjoying ...
Delicate and aromatic pitted sweet cherry jam
Delicate and aromatic pitted sweet cherry jam
Who doesn't love juicy, sweet cherries ?! Unfortunately, their season passes quickly, and I want to prolong the pleasure as long as possible. There is nothing easier - you can roll on ...
Cherry compote for the winter - a delightful vitamin elixir
Cherry compote for the winter - a delightful vitamin elixir
A surge of strength and energy will give cherry compote for the winter. When the yield of the cherry trees in your garden is too high, the berries overripe on them and often disappear. Save ...
How to make delicious plum wine: steps, description, photos
How to make delicious plum wine: steps, description, photos
Plum wine with a rich aroma and unusual taste is liked by most connoisseurs of this drink. It is most popular in semi-sweet and semi-dry versions. This alcoholic drink is perfect for ...
Choosing a Georgian plum tkemali recipe for your favorite dish
Choosing a Georgian plum tkemali recipe for your favorite dish
Nowadays, it is not necessary to go to the Caucasus to taste the delicious delicacies of the temperamental people. Having considered in detail the recipe for plum tkemali, let's try to cook it with our own hands. After all, the dish ...
Mushrooming for the winter - tasty and satisfying
Mushrooming for the winter - tasty and satisfying
In autumn, mushroom pickers come to a hot season, when you can take your soul away, walking through the forest in search of "treasures", that is, mushrooms. Having brought home full baskets of fragrant, elastic mushrooms, here ...
Cooking delicious apricot jam with seeds
Cooking delicious apricot jam with seeds
There are many ways to make this sweet treat. If you think that apricot jam with seeds is made from whole fruits, then you are mistaken. First you have to process fruits, ...
Fig jam recipe with different ingredients
Fig jam recipe with different ingredients
Basically, everyone uses dried figs, less often fresh fruits. And not everyone knows that you can make a delicious dessert from a fig tree. Knowing the recipe for fig jam ...
Delicious delicate peach jam
Delicious delicate peach jam
Any housewife can cook a delicate treat with a pleasant taste. Properly prepared peach jam will become a real culinary masterpiece. Your friends and family will surely appreciate it, as well as ...
Cooking apricot jam
Cooking apricot jam
Today we will offer you simple recipes that even a young or inexperienced housewife can easily cope with. As a result, you can make aromatic apricot jam with different flavors. ...
Homemade apricot jam in slices
Homemade apricot jam in slices
If you like sweet desserts made from ripe fruits, then take note of our recipes. Making apricot jam with slices is not such an easy task as this ...
Summer flavor or seedless apricot jam
Summer flavor or seedless apricot jam
Fragrant, unusually tasty pitted apricot jam in color is similar to amber. A fragrant delicacy goes well with pancakes and pancakes and is found in almost every cellar near ...
Summer scent or yellow plum compote
Summer scent or yellow plum compote
One of the vivid reminders of the past summer, stored on the shelves in the pantry, is the yellow plum compote. Indeed, only one of its appearance is a jar of warm drink, ...


